Fashion Jewelry

Maltese cross in history and decoration

It is not customary to wear an Orthodox cross for show, in its name even the word pectoral cross appears. Therefore, if the cross is not just an adornment for you, but a symbol of faith, you will never wear it over your clothes. For decoration, it is better to wear a second cross - the Maltese one.

This cross also initially shaves its origin from Christianity. Each ray of the cross was divided in two, and as a result, the cross became eight-pointed. It was created on the basis of the coat of arms of the Italian city of Amalfi. It was from this city that the founders of the knightly order of the Hospitallers came out.

Maltese cross in history and decoration

The Maltese cross fell in love with many monarchs and aristocrats, so it was included in various coats of arms, became the prototype for orders. For some time, this cross even adorned the full coat of arms of the Russian Empire, this was during the time of Paul I. The Maltese cross has been preserved since Pavlovian times in the coats of arms of the suburbs of St. Petersburg - Pavlovsk and Gatchina.

Now this cross, as a symbol, is used by sanitary brigades, various communities and organizations, and there are still orders. In addition to its premium and symbolic value, the Maltese cross can be used as a decoration. The most stylish jewelry comes from Chanel, but other brands do not lag behind, offering their options.

Maltese Cross by Chanel
Chanel chose the most interesting vintage jewelry in the form of the Maltese cross. Similar items can be found on online auctions such as ebay. This piece of jewelry will be a great addition to a stylish look.

Time and jewelers worked tirelessly on the Maltese Cross, so it changed, acquired different details and elements. Some decorations may seem like a completely different kind of cross, but this is a Maltese cross. For example, the cross in the photo below is made by Tiffany in 18k gold.

Maltese Cross by Tiffany

In some cases, the Maltese Cross looks identical to the Iron Cross of Hitlerite Germany. Although these crosses are different. The Maltese version should have a V-shaped cutout in each beam, thus, 8 beams are obtained, but not everyone makes these cutouts, while the decoration is called Maltese.

The ideology and activities of Nazi Germany left a negative imprint on this cross, which was originally a symbol of faith, valor and heroism. Therefore, when choosing a piece of jewelry similar to Iron Cross, be prepared to give a lecture on history, so that you are not accused of all mortal sins.

Cross jewelry
Cross jewelry

In conclusion, it is important to remember St. George cross, which was created in the image of the Maltese cross by Emperor Alexander I. This order was awarded to the lower ranks of the army and navy for exploits and valor in wartime. Quite recently, modern Cossacks were happy to wear St. George's crosses, but recently a new decree on uniforms, insignia and awards was issued for them.

Now we can wear any crosses - jewelry in the form of brooches and pendants. At the same time, one should not forget about the history of the origin of these symbols, so as not to offend the feelings of believers. In general, it is important for all of us to know the history better ...

Maltese cross in history and decoration
Jewelry - Maltese cross

Jewelry - Maltese cross

Cross jewelry
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