Is it possible to wear things and jewelry of the deceased
Today we will talk about death, it comes for everyone in order to separate them from life, loved ones and things. After the death of a relative, many people are puzzled by the question of what to do with the belongings of the deceased? Can I wear things after a deceased person?
Death is an area of the mysterious, and even atheists want to believe in life after death. Therefore, let us listen to the opinion of the church. The church's answer to this question is that things can be worn. Wear the things of dead people and remember them.
Unfortunately, not everyone has confidence in the church, and the answer of the priests will not satisfy them. Such people, without hesitation, throw away the belongings of a deceased relative, or turn to psychics to conduct a rite of cleansing things and especially jewelry. You can easily throw away your grandfather's coat and astrakhan hat, but what about your grandmother's 958 brooch and an old cross in enamels?
It's a pity to take jewelry to the trash, you want to wear it, but is it possible to wear the things of a deceased person and not harm yourself?
Things and jewelry of the deceased - a rite of cleansing
Since the 1990s, many swindlers have sprung up on the territory of the former USSR, who position themselves as psychics, clairvoyants, sorcerers and witches. Only a few have real abilities, but the bulk of them are just swindlers who are not useful, but parasitize on the stupidity and gullibility of people.
They convince citizens of the need to perform rituals on things in order to cleanse clothes and jewelry from bad energy, wash off the karma of the previous owner and charge things with light energy. All these exhortations are made with one purpose - to lure money from citizens to perform rituals.
Thinking about cleansing items of bad energy is only worth it if you found a vintage mirror in an abandoned house or bought an old brooch in an antique store. Antique items of unknown origin changed many owners, they could be stolen, removed from corpses during the war, and even dug out of the grave.
Such things can carry negative energy, but this does not guarantee a bad effect on your life and health. All people are different, if you seriously believe in all sorts of superstitions and omens, these antiques can affect you, and if not, they may not. On this topic, I will tell a story from my experience ...
Can jewelry be worn from the dead from the grave?
During my youth, I was familiar with black diggers and some antique dealers. They gave me gifts, including a cross from an old burial place. Later, I learned that before the cross was on my neck, it had been in the coffin since the 18th century.
Most girls will be horrified by such a decoration and will not even take it in their hands, but I had no fear. True, then I decided to get rid of this thing, and gave it to my friend. Everything was fine with me, but in a strange way she began a series of troubles in her personal life, and then problems with the law. As a result, she disappeared and never reappeared. Maybe this is the influence of the cross from the grave, or maybe the consequences of her own stupidity and mistakes, only God knows about this.
Antique jewelry from an antique store or bought at a flea market can have a bad history. There you can often see crosses and ornaments taken from graves. to me
vintage cross from the grave did not harm, but your story may end differently.
Although here you should remember about the various collectors. You probably know such a cute fat man named Alexander Vasiliev. Alexander has a huge collection of dresses and other clothes of long-dead people.Look at this fashion historian, can you really say that he bears the stamp of death from dark influence through the things of dead beauties?
Let's remember the English queen, she wears crowns that are collected from precious stones with bloody stories, and her palace is filled with luxurious things and jewelry with
ancient history... England plundered peoples for hundreds of years and took jewelry from India and other countries. For the sake of the queen's jewels, rivers of blood have been spilled, and does this somehow harm Elizabeth II? Not at all, she survived many superstitious people who were afraid to touch the things of the dead.
Therefore, if you are wondering whether it is possible to wear the things of a deceased person, for example, the gold earrings of your beloved grandmother or the sheepskin coat of a friend who drowned this summer during entertainment at a camp site, you can safely wear them, there is nothing dark and bad in these things.
If you believe in God, you can remember dead people; if you don’t believe, in any case, remember in your own words as best you can. We will all die someday, and our belongings will become the subject of disputes between relatives who will share them. Or maybe our things will be immediately taken to the trash, in order to quickly clear the house of unnecessary reminders. If we do not want to be treated like this with our belongings, we will not throw out our relatives' belongings ourselves unceremoniously.
Some things of dead people can be worn, others can be given to friends or taken to church, where they will be distributed to the poor.
In conclusion, it is important to note that no matter how you dispose of the things of the deceased, whether you wear the things of a deceased relative, give them to church or sell them through AVITO, this will not in any way affect the fate of the deceased in the afterlife.
All this nonsense that is written on the sites of "psychics" and "sorcerers", where they give clear instructions regarding rituals and things, is surprising. And if these rituals are not performed, the soul of the deceased can allegedly linger here for a long time and not find peace at all. Further
the fate of a deceased person in the other world is determined by the state of his soul at the time of death, and not by how we dispose of his things.