Conscious consumption and ugly fast fashion
Caring for nature, conscious consumption and minimalism in material purchases are gaining popularity. This approach to consumption is becoming a long-term trend, and there are many benefits for us consumers. If you put the correct concept of consumption into your mind and don't worry about what people will say, you can greatly improve the quality of your life.
The quality of life is not about more things. Real quality begins when you surround yourself with the best things that you really need and that give you joy, and do not bring worries. This topic is very extensive and we will return to it regularly. Today, let's think about how we can combine reasonable consumption and ugly fashion.
Yes, exactly the ugly, ugly one, which is inspired by the styles of such brands as ... Let's not repeat their names, everyone already knows who makes the ugly fashion.
When everything is there and a little boring, you don't mind spending a few thousand dollars a season to buy the ugly outfits that everyone talks about on social media. You wear these things several times, and then you throw them into the far corner of the dressing room. In the new season, the designer gives out a portion of the next ugliness. With this approach, fashion has become more fun, and designers get their slice of fame.
Ordinary people cannot understand how you can pay that kind of money for the most mundane things or frankly ugly coats and dresses. But our fashionistas have an exquisite inner world, we know what the designer was inspired by. We protest, another time we demonstrate the gloomy aesthetics of deconstructivism, and then we dress in work uniforms and coarse boots with a rooster's color for 60,000 rubles and talk about the sublime.
How does this model of life get along with sensible consumption? It is the most cultured and wealthy girls who most often talk about the protection of nature and vegetarianism. At the same time, ugly things are bought at several outputs. To be honest, this approach is not smart consumption at all, but just a game.
From the very beginning, fashion was and remains a game with images, associations, meanings, impressions and feelings. Even in old age, we want to play, and for many, fashion becomes a game forever. All of this is cute, but has nothing to do with smart consumption.
What can be called real smart consumption
There are fleeting fashion trends, trends for several years, and long-term fashion styles that last for a long time. If you want to follow truly wise consumption, buy things of the highest quality, and so that they are timeless.
I have shoes from my distant youth, they are almost 20 years old, but they look like new, and most importantly, they are not at all outdated. Today, it is easy to find quality bags, shoes, belts, dresses and other fashionable items in stores that will look fashionable and stylish in 20 years. The main thing is to choose quality things and be thrifty. This approach to fashion can be called smart consumption.
Of course, you will not wear shoes and a bag for 20 years, they will periodically lie on vacation. Sometimes a year, sometimes two, at this time you buy new things and wear them with pleasure, and then return to your favorite outfits and accessories from your distant youth. It's real, but boring for most. In addition, we want to buy things like our favorite celebrities and it doesn't matter that in a year or two they will turn into rags and end up in the trash, the main thing is to look fashionable here and now.
It is especially surprising to see how people buy cheap copies of poor quality, which after a short time completely lose their appearance and will roll in the closet, and then end up in the trash heap.At the same time, the girls talk about how they care about nature. What care for nature, if you can't even count your money and buy all sorts of rubbish!
Real conscious consumption is available to few. It is important to start changes from the inside, then over time it will be reflected in all aspects of life. Fashion brands have a very crafty policy towards us ordinary customers. Famous designers tell bikes about how they take care of animals, cut fur and carbon emissions. At the same time, they create things that you want to play with and throw away.
All brands are businesses, and the business model is such that they have to make us want to buy more and more. Fashion girls have to buy new outfits and accessories every season. People in the street should buy more delicious food and go to cafes, and then spend money on fitness and medicine. We all need to work harder and harder to consume more things, without which we could have lived happily for a long time, but we feel inferior.
Observing this approach to life, we can say that reasonable consumption for most people is just chatter and self-justification of their own powerlessness in front of the desire to consume more and more for the sake of a new portion of pleasure. Consume until death separates us from this material world. As a result, only a heap of garbage will remain after us, because relatives will immediately take out almost all of your things in the trash, in order to quickly live their life, in which there is no place for gloomy thoughts, but only a craving for pleasure and vanity.