Rhodochrosite stone - properties and decorations
Rhodochrosite is a stone, the beauty of which is determined already from the name. Translated from Greek, rhodochrosite means - colored like a rose. Rhodochrosite stones are distinguished not only by the beauty of their color, they also have natural patterns and designs. Indeed, the best examples of rhodochrosite are reminiscent of the queen of flowers - Rose.
Depending on the presence and concentration of impurities, the beauty of the mineral can vary markedly. For example, in the presence of iron, delicate pink colors are somewhat lost, and the stone acquires brown and reddish shades. Calcium impurities will make the rhodochrosites whitish.
However, pink or crimson rhodochrosite with intricate patterns is able to compete with
malachite and
charoite... Today, this mineral is used as an ore base in the production of alloy steels, as well as the extraction of manganese. And the beauty of individual minerals allows them to be used as adornments. Some examples of pink crystals are valued by jewelers more expensive than gold.
In modern times, rhodochrosite was first found in Argentina in the late 1930s. But they knew about it long before that, since the Indians used this stone for making both jewelry and ritual products. Therefore, the stone received another name - "rose of the Incas". Archaeologists have found unique jewelry with this stone - necklaces, earrings and bracelets from a thousand years ago.
Physical properties of rhodochrosite
The color of rhodochrosite is stable, with shades ranging from pink to deep crimson and even cherry. Rhodochrosite contains a large amount of manganese.
Hardness - 4.
Density 3.30 - 3.70.
The fracture is uneven, conchoidal.
Transparency degree: from opaque to transparent.
Pleochroism is absent.
There is no luminescence.Manganese spar MnCO3 - this is how rhodochrosite is called in industry; it can differ in its structure. The mineral can be in the form of scaly intergrowths, incrustations, spherulites and crystals.
Deposits of rhodochrosite
Rhodochrosite is not rare in nature, but the best crystals are rare, and deposits of high-quality stone are few. Crystals perfect for their beauty are found on stalactite massifs of manganese spar in the caves of South America. Sometimes crystals are densely colored and transparent.
Deposits of rhodochrosite exist in Argentina, Germany, Hungary, and the USA. In Argentina, in the ancient silver mines of the Incas, unique stalactites from rhodochrosite are found. In Russia, rhodochrosite is found in Transbaikalia, in the Urals. In Mongolia, the stone is distinguished by the purest pink color, there are crystals of a cherry hue.
Among the Ural and European rhodochrosites, a strawberry hue is considered characteristic, in the United States in the state of Colorado it is white-pink, in Argentina rhodochrosite has intricate striped patterns in the form of incrustations. Rhodochrosite stalactites and stalagmites are quickly pulled apart when found. And such unique creations of nature are formed over many millions of years.
Jewelry with rhodochrosite
Rhodochrosite is considered a beautiful stone. Various decorations are cut from it, used as a facing material. Gem-quality crystals cost over $ 20 per carat. Large crystalline formations are rare and represent a significant cost.
Due to its physical properties, rhodochrosite is difficult to cut. Cabochons are often cut from the mineral. Beautiful patterned crystals are used for beads, bracelets, ring inserts and pendants. Rhodochrosite can also be seen in brooches in combination with other crystals. Rhodochrosite products are most often preferred by women.
Rhodochrosite - magical and healing properties
Among the Incas, rhodochrosite was considered the petrified blood of the Indian leaders. In Europe, he was also treated with respect. Medieval sorcerers and magicians attributed magical power to the mineral. In the East, the stone was endowed with the ability to purify the soul, strengthen love, and also claimed that it can help in obtaining new knowledge.
In Mongolia, jewelry with rhodochrosite was worn in order to evoke love, calm violent emotions, and fill the soul with energy. For this purpose, evenly colored crystals are considered the best in magic, without white striped patterns.
In Ulaanbaatar there is a wedding palace in which the interior is faced with rhodochrosite. Striped rhodochrosites are used for rosary or beads, it is assumed that these stones contribute to the achievement of the highest degree of enlightenment and saturation with power.
Rhodochrosite is used successfully in lithotherapy. The stone is especially important in cleansing the blood from toxins and improving vision. In the case of cleansing, lithotherapists recommend using rhodochrosite balls to massage the problematic surface of the body. Rhodochrosite plates are used for applications in the treatment of skin diseases.
Based on all that has been said, it is not surprising that since antiquity rhodochrosite has been used as amulets and talismans. It was assumed that the crystal is capable of creating harmony in personal relationships. But not everything is so simple. As a protective amulet, it is not useful to everyone. Astrologers talk about their observations like this - Gemini and Libra can use all kinds of jewelry and objects made of rhodochrosite with the greatest degree of benefit.