Celebrities and Fashion

Princesses Layla, Margaret and others

We often think that fate has deprived us of happiness and, in general, is too harsh for us. Real princesses are another matter, here they have, not life, but a fairy tale, all their desires and dreams come true! In fact, everything is not so great in the life of princesses.

Even if all your desires are fulfilled, it quickly gets boring. When you can get any dress and jewelry, it no longer seems so desirable. You just put on a luxurious evening dress and feel nothing. Nature has created our body and psyche in such a way that we constantly balance on the verge between pleasure and stress. Only in this way can we develop and acquire happiness.

Are there any happy princesses

Pleasure based on material objects is very fleeting. At some point, the riches of this world generally cease to please, and then you want to receive happiness in its purest form. Drugs, alcohol and sex work best for this. Therefore, many princesses who are removed from power, and could not find a big deal to their liking, come to depressive states.

There are a lot of such princesses who have not found themselves in history, but today we will remember only 2 names. The first princess Margaret of the British royal family, the younger sister of the reigning Queen Elizabeth II. The second is the eastern princess Leila Pahlavi.

Are there any happy princesses

Margaret has even been nicknamed the rebellious princess for her partying and destructive entertainment. Margaret could not find herself, so most of all she fell in love with parties with men and alcohol, and she also smoked a lot. Therefore, her older sister still lives and rules, and Margaret left our world long ago.

Leila Pahlavi was born 40 years later and died a year earlier. She was a model Valentino, led a luxurious life, but suffered greatly from depression. Leila did not find a stronger remedy than drugs and various pills. As a result, she lived only 31 years. After the death of Princess Leila, Mylene Farmer dedicated a song to her.

And today, many princesses have the opportunity to be happy, but they cannot find themselves in life and do all kinds of madness, drink alcohol, take illegal drugs, and then they are depressed. In their pursuit of pleasure, some are sexually promiscuous, beat up their guards, and commit acts of madness that are not even worth mentioning. This is how many princesses of the 21st century live! There seem to be so many opportunities nowadays to be happy. But for some reason, a rare princess is truly happy.

Princess Leila
Princess Leila

If you remember the history and reread the biographies of the princesses of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, you can only regret them. They were married without love, they could easily die of childbirth fever, just like ordinary vagrants, because medicine was then at a primitive level. As a result, the life of the princesses was devoid of love, they quickly grew old and died early, sometimes very early.

For several years, biographies of princesses and queens have been a hobby of mine.
I wanted to meet a heroine in history who would become a muse for me. Nothing of the kind was found, on the contrary, almost every biography became a source of sadness. How they lived, these princesses and queens, nothing to do with those fairy princesses, but in reality everything is just awful. Today, any intelligent woman with above average income can live better than any of the princesses of the time.

Princess Leila

We do not have chests with jewels, we cannot afford a gloomy Medieval castle on a hill, and we cannot execute servants, but this is not at all necessary for real happiness. In general, after studying the biographies of hundreds of princesses, I realized that I am much happier than all of them. Now I don't want to be a princess, I am completely happy with my life.This is how knowledge of history and comparison made me not only wiser, but added happiness to my life, which at times literally overwhelms my soul ...

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