How to become the queen of school and life

Life in society begins at school. If you take the place of the last chicken in school, it is very likely that you will live in this state for the rest of your life. Therefore, it is very important from an early age to take a worthy place among people in order to then convert school experience into a high social status in adulthood. Today we will figure out how to achieve the most sustainable success.

What is more important is the appearance or the inner world?

People initially look at clothing, accessories, and your overall image. You can be an empty doll, but luxurious, for this they will envy you and want to be friends with you. Only this is a dubious or even unrealistic path. Where can a schoolgirl get expensive clothes from fashion brands? Now we are not talking about girls from the richest families, there are only a few of them. For most schoolgirls, they will have to go the other way, through the transformation of the inner world.

Even if you win 100,000,000 rubles in the lottery, immediately buy expensive outfits, you will remain the same inside. That is why the townsfolk, lottery winners, quickly drain all their money and return to their old life. You must first change your personal qualities and worldview, then everything external will be added and will be with you all your life.

How to become the queen of school and life

How to become confident and popular in school and life, where to start?

Circle of friends

You almost certainly have useless girlfriends with nothing to learn from. When you come from an average family, go to high school, you are surrounded by the same people, it is unrealistic to learn something useful from them. All your current girlfriends will become losers in the future, and so will you, if you attach importance to communicating with them. It is painful and difficult, but you have to give up all your surroundings, except for your parents.

Do not tell anyone anything about your plans, continue to communicate as needed, but understand for yourself and decide - they are all for me not an example and not authorities.

Do you want a better life? Gather a new social circle with whom you can take an example!
You need to communicate with the best you can reach. Start with social media.

Delete all the old pages - this is your past life, you must get rid of it forever! After that, create new pages, but make sure that none of your classmates and former girlfriends can find you, they have no place in your new life, they are a temporary phenomenon in your reality, and the time will come when your paths will completely diverge.

You need to find role models - successful girls and men. They should be better than you in everything. Choose those who are older, smarter, prettier, richer. Watch them and along the way study all the material on creating a personal brand on social networks. The internet is full of publicly available articles and videos on page design and personal brand development.

Your goal is to create an ideal image on social networks and reach for it in reality. Most people think that celebrities, businessmen and politicians are not available for communication. This is not so, if you are confident, calculating and wise, a month after opening a new page, you will be able to make virtual friendships with many successful people.

Create an ideal image, take an active position, communicate with everyone on topics that interest them. Thanks to this, you will be able to gradually make friends with politicians, businessmen and simply successful bloggers.

Start with successful men, they are interested in communicating with a smart schoolgirl, because this is such a rarity. New communication will give confidence, you will be able to make acquaintances with successful fashion bloggers. Just don't pay attention to Russian-speaking bloggers. Start chatting with bloggers from the USA and Europe.Thanks to the friendship with foreign celebrities, then it will be easy to get to know ours, this will happen almost automatically.

At the same time, collect subscribers in all ways, the more the better. Every thousand will give you confidence. When you reach 100K, you will be able to earn some money, and then everything will be given easier and faster.

How to become the queen of school and life

Education, knowledge and self-development

Perfect English. At school, English is taught for years, but this is the idiocy of the education system. Really English can and should be learned in a year. During your school years, you have plenty of time, you don't have to work and do a bunch of household chores. Dedicate all the time to study and self-development.

Knowledge of Photoshop will be useful to you, it will help to show your image and life from the best side. And also learn Russian in order to write as competently as possible. In general, study from morning to night.

But what about walking? Think for yourself who you can walk with now and, most importantly, how? You can skip class and hang out with your girlfriends all day. You can smoke with the boys behind garages and on benches, you can also eat ice cream, chips, pizza and drink all sorts of nasty things together. These are primitive animal pleasures that will ruin the best undertakings and reduce the rest of life to a miserable existence without prospects and meaning.

Even if new acquaintances invite you to the most expensive restaurant, don't go anywhere. Men from social networks will definitely call you for a meeting in reality, but you must keep your distance, no matter how much you want to go to this restaurant.

Never ask to transfer money to your phone, do not ask to transfer money to replenish an account in a virtual game - this is low and immediately devalues ​​you in the eyes of your friends. You must behave in such a way that you are persuaded to accept the gift.

Find experienced mentors and mentors. You don't need to have communication right away. Start by listening to the lectures of the most successful influencers on youtube, then you can get to know them in reality.

Have patience and know not to worry about money and respect among people. Take your time, just study all the time you have, and work on your development as responsibly as possible. Now this is the most important job for you, very soon the time will come when money and respect will come.

Hurry to acquire knowledge, perseverance and self-discipline, otherwise do not rush! If this does not happen, any success will be unstable and fleeting.

Health and a beautiful figure

Fitness and nutrition. From childhood, give up garbage food. You must develop an aversion to soda, chips, cheap pizza. You shouldn't even think about alcohol and smoking. Read special forums on the topic, there are clear methods on how to prescribe the correct attitudes on alcohol and smoking in your mind.

The only correct attitude to any alcohol and cigarettes is poison and drug. A can of beer can remove all the complexes and give confidence, but this is a temporary phenomenon. You have to gain confidence without stimulants, such confidence is much stronger and more reliable.

Inner energy and positive attitude

Proper nutrition, fitness, the right knowledge and skills are sure to give you a lot of energy. In this world, energy is given for tasks, when you lead a mediocre life, love to be sad and pretend depressive disorder, you will not receive energy.

Only the right way of life and great goals give energy. You can't even imagine how much energy the Universe can give. You can live in a state where you are overwhelmed with strength and happiness every day. You wake up at 6 in the morning, outside the window is dark and cold, you have to do your business and go to school. At the same time, you are absolutely happy. This is true happiness, which almost does not depend on external circumstances and difficulties, with it you can overcome everything.

Clothing style and overall image

We study the images of the most beloved bloggers and read stylish tips in the best magazines... We buy new clothes and accessories whenever possible.We also rent, take pictures in the fitting room, then change the background so we get the most expensive and diverse images. When you get 100K subscribers or more, you will be able to receive many useful things as a gift. Further, with every hundred new opportunities and real earnings will open up.

In addition, if you have taken a position wise and unapproachable goddess, you will be given gifts. Accept gifts from men, but don't feel obligated. You didn’t ask for anything, which means you don’t owe anything in return, except for a smile and words of gratitude.

Stylish wardrobe for a girl

School influence

After a year, you will change in many ways, but your classmates will almost certainly perceive you as the same. It will take a lot of effort and time to completely change the opinion of people you know about yourself. At the same time, their opinion and attitude can badly influence you, they will pull back and down. It's much better to change schools. Choose the best school you can afford and come there immediately as a different person in order to make the perfect impression of yourself from the very beginning.

If you have completed the first points. You will already have 100-300K subscribers on Instagram, the necessary knowledge, a well-thought-out style that shows the best side. As a result, you will automatically become one of the best in the new school. It remains only to continue working on yourself and on the championship among the team.

Forget about the old school and girlfriends from the past, as about the dirt that we wash off from ourselves in the shower! Do not think of them as if they never existed.

New acquaintances will appear in the new school, but do not attach much importance to them. It is not known where the life of your classmates will lead. Maybe they will be useful, or they can harm and destroy your achievements. In school years, we easily follow our girlfriends to parties and parties where we can do stupid things.

The biggest nonsense in school years

The biggest nonsense in school years

1. Fall in love
2. Alcohol
3. Smoking
4. Empty pastime and laziness
5. Food addictions

You can go to parties, but this is where everything has to do all the stupid things at once. Fun activities are addictive and easy to get used to, but can cause irreparable harm.

Even something as small as sweet tooth can have a tragic role in life. Parents from childhood give us sweets and goodies, when we behave well, thereby train us like dogs. It's time to understand, in the 21st century to consider food as a source of pleasure - archaism and savagery. Food is essential for life and energy, and having a passion for food is a huge mistake.

Look at the fat aunts around, they all once learned to seize their problems with goodies, now they are in slavery to food and food companies. Most people spend their entire lives trying to lose weight. This struggle will consume forces that could be used in a different direction. Food addiction is the lot of animals.

Food addiction

Hobbies and charity

Start an exquisite hobby, for example, in the field of art, it is interesting, useful and will give many reasons for communicating with the best people. When a schoolgirl is interested in something serious and sublime, it's cool, they will definitely want to help you. There are useful thematic communities on social networks, find them and communicate only with leaders. At the same time, do not forget - you are not yet dating men in reality, you still have a lot to learn.

Public organizations and charity. This topic is now actively developing, you first need to study everything on the Internet, and then choose an organization where you can take an active part. This is very important, there you can find real communication with those who are older and more experienced than you, while such communication will be as safe as possible. You are still very vulnerable and should be as careful and thoughtful as possible.

The most important thing is that you must learn to understand people!

It's incredibly difficult, but crucial. Most adults, having lived a long life, have not learned to understand people. Choosing the wrong people on the path of life can negate all your best endeavors.

Almost all people want to appear better than they are.So everywhere, in social networks and in reality, in any team. Even spiritual people are subject to pride and vanity, what can then be expected from people who are far from spiritual ideas. Men in every way want to demonstrate their success, for this they go to all kinds of tricks. All of this can lead you to very serious disappointments.

How to become confident and popular in school and life

To never be disappointed, do not be fascinated by people. Even the most successful, famous and rich have achieved success at the expense of some qualities, otherwise they are the same people - full of weaknesses and shortcomings.

How to understand people when you are not yet 18 years old, and you cannot be truly experienced and wise in any way? No way. The best position is not to trust anyone, not to get attached and not to fall in love, but simply to go towards your goal and keep everyone at a distance. Choose a few of the most successful celebrities on a planetary scale and reach out to them, this will protect you from others.

If you reach for world-class stars, and at the same time study and work on yourself every day for 12 hours a day, you will not lose anything, but only gain. Then you will grow up in every sense and learn to understand people.

We live in a world where the commandment - Love your neighbor as yourself, is lost and perverted. Our society is built on selfishness and the power of money, so many people use each other for their own goals and pleasures.

You get used to it, trust, make plans, dream, and then, everything turns out to be completely different, and this person is not at all who he pretended to be. It even happens that people live together for years, and then they see their huge mistake. Such mistakes can take away all strength and destroy life.

A rare girl has a set of right qualities from birth that will help her to succeed in life. As a result, every year you gain complexes, fears, lose confidence, and as a result, a hard, meaningless life. Senseless in every sense - spiritually and materially. When such a life ends, relatives strive to bury you faster and throw out all the old things. And then you will be forgotten, and then it will come almost immediately.

It is very difficult to carry out all the actions from this publication, but no one promised that it would be easy ...

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