
Facial peeling and deep cleansing

Peeling - rolling is a deep cleansing of the skin. Acts softly and delicately, as these products do not contain abrasives. Therefore, such peeling does not harm the skin or injure it.

This cosmetic product was invented by Asian cosmetologists, who have a rather unusual approach to new technologies and production of products. And the results can be seen on the "porcelain" faces of Korean women and Japanese women.

Many of the products used in Asia are being adapted by cosmetic manufacturers for European women as well. The skin of Korean women is denser than the skin of European girls, and their desires are different - the former strive for snow-white skin, and the latter want to acquire a bronze tan. But both those and others in the first place in skin care should put the cleansing procedure. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the rolling peeling.

What is a peeling roll

The peeling roll is suitable for all skin types, including problematic and sensitive skin. During the procedure, a massage action is used, which enhances blood circulation and cell renewal, which means that the appearance of the skin improves.

Many roll peels contain various ingredients that can help solve many skin problems.

At home, the procedure takes little time and is inexpensive. But most importantly, the effect will be on the face - radiant, renewed skin, on which inflammation and blackheads disappear, pores are cleansed and tightened, the color becomes fresh and even.

Peeling roll application

Each tool comes with an instruction, and you should always read it. But, nevertheless, we will tell you about the basic steps of using. First of all, remove the make-up and wash with your usual product, which you have always used, for example, facial wash.

Blot your face with a tissue and wait until it dries. Peeling is most often applied to dry skin. However, the instructions for some products mention application to damp skin, so read the manufacturer's recommendations before using.

Avoiding the area around the eyes and lips, apply the roll onto the skin, and immediately begin to gently massage your face along the massage lines, without stretching or rubbing. This can be done with a cotton pad or with your fingers. Within 1 - 2 minutes, the product will begin to roll into balls, into which dirt, sebum and makeup residues are absorbed. Then you should wash your face with warm water and apply your own nourishing face cream.

What is a face peeling roll and how to use it

You can also determine the exact time for the procedure from the instructions. The product should not be on the face for more than the specified time, as it may dry out, and this is undesirable. Therefore, everything must be done quickly and immediately. The very balls that appear on the face during the procedure are cellulose particles formed as a result of the activation of the acids contained in the product.

After exfoliation, you can apply a nourishing or moisturizing mask. Since the skin will be well cleansed, the pores will be freed, all further care procedures and nutrition will be much more effective.

Usually such peeling can be done -
for oily or problem skin 1 - 2 times a week;
for dry and sensitive 1 every 2 weeks.

What are the differences from a scrub?

The scrub cleanses, and we have known this for a long time. Then what is the difference between a scrub and a rolling peeling?

The scrub contains small abrasive particles, therefore, when this product is applied to the skin, there is some injury to the upper layer of the epidermis. In other words, by exfoliating dead particles, the scrub is more aggressive. After the scrub, the skin may be sore for a while. This is especially true for dry and sensitive skin.The roll gently removes only keratinized particles, a more delicate skin renewal occurs.

If you use the rolling peeling regularly (we emphasize, regularly, and not often), the skin gradually acquires a healthy and radiant appearance, blackheads disappear, and the pores tighten.

Different types of peeling rolls

The roll is suitable for all skin types. But the compositions of the funds are still different. Firstly, these peels should be divided into rolls from Asian manufacturers and European ones. Secondly, their difference is due to the characteristics of the skin - both its needs and problems.

In Asian products, fruit acids are often found among the active ingredients, which not only exfoliate the skin, but also brighten it. In addition, all Asian cosmetic products are produced with an increased concentration of active ingredients, since the skin structure of Asian girls is denser. European rolls contain ingredients that are softer.

The main task of peeling rolls is to exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epidermis and cleanse the pores. However, the compositions of the rolls are enriched with other additional components, which have a certain direction in the action of the product on the skin.

For example, peeling rolls:

1. With a calming effect, in which aloe vera extract plays a decisive role.

2. With a moisturizing effect with extracts of green tea, peach, lotus, with extracts of acerola and aloe vera.

3. Nourishing peeling rolls enriched with banana extract and proteins.

4. Antiseptic rolls containing extracts of black willow, fig, white water lily flowers.

5. Lightening with the content of extracts of lemon, apple and other fruit components.

6. Rejuvenating rolls with ginseng extract, ghgun root, gleditsia, soybeans, asiatic centella.

It should be noted that most Asian manufacturers produce peeling rolls, which have a complex effect on the skin, in other words, rolls not only exfoliate and cleanse, but also brighten, moisturize, relieve irritation, promote cell renewal and level the microrelief.

How to choose a peeling roll

How to choose a peeling roll?

Peeling rolls are produced by many manufacturers, and the most suitable one may only be the one that suits your skin. There are many cases when a product of the same type and manufacturer is suitable for many, but in your case it turns out to be not very effective.

Monitor your feelings, test, if you have contraindications, consult your beautician. If you are experiencing any discomfort, perhaps this type of peeling roll is not for you, but there are many others. Do not rush to completely abandon this procedure. Try, experiment, and you will definitely find your remedy.

The texture of peels can be gel or cream, but this does not affect the best results.

How to choose a peeling roll

Let's look at a few examples of the most popular tools.

1. Tony Moly Appletox Smooth Massage Peeling Cream (Korea) - apple cream from the Korean manufacturer Tony Moly. Effectively soothes and softens the skin, moisturizes to deep layers, controls the activity of the sebaceous glands, rejuvenates, brightens the skin.

2. Mizon Apple Smoothie Peeling Gel (Korea)... Contains apple extract and extracts of sugar cane, lemon, orange, blueberry leaves and berries. The remedy is recommended even in the presence of rosacea. In addition to cleansing and exfoliating, additional ingredients soothe, moisturize and soften the skin, increase blood circulation, and improve complexion.

3. Peeling Peach All in One Peeling Gel from Baviphat (Korea)... It has a gel texture and contains fruit acids and peach extract. Additional abilities of this roll are to regenerate epidermal cells, whiten and even out skin tone, soften it and remove toxins. This remedy is especially useful for oily skin with shine problems.

Peeling roll application

4. SUPER AQUA Oxygen Micro Essence Peeling from Missha (Korea).
The composition of the product contains ANA-acids and hyaluronic acid, and therefore additional abilities can be called skin rejuvenation. In addition, the roll nourishes, moisturizes and softens the skin, maintains water balance, and relieves the feeling of tightness.

5.Peeling roll from Librederm (Russia)
The product contains chamomile extract, therefore it is suitable for sensitive skin. Roll is an excellent stimulator of cell renewal, it evens out microrelief well, gives freshness and radiance to the skin, removes oily sheen, reduces pores and increases the elasticity of the epidermis.

6.Mesopilling roll-up line MEZOcomplex from Bielita (Belarus) is an anti-aging treatment in which the main role belongs to cleansing, exfoliation and rejuvenation. The product contains lactic acids, betaine, cellulose and Optim Hyal. Optim Hyal stimulates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, helps to restore its optimal level in skin cells.

7.Peeling roll Exfoliation Lite from Wamiles (Japan).
The skatka contains extracts of sea salt, plants and minerals. In addition to cleansing and exfoliating, it helps to eliminate skin dullness, fine wrinkles, and uneven skin. The large amount of marine components found in the product helps to stimulate the formation of new cells.

8. Express-face peeling Anti Age Program Lux with gold from Markell (Belarus).
Peeling roll quickly and deeply exfoliates dead skin cells, has a grinding effect.

The product contains colloidal gold, which rejuvenates the skin and promotes the penetration of active ingredients. The roll contains extracts of neroli and mandarin, lactic acid. Peeling roll has a vitaminizing effect, provides protection against the adverse effects of aggressive external factors. In addition to the above, the product normalizes the pH level, improves the appearance of the skin.

The effectiveness of cleansing with this product can be seen almost from the first use. The roller is suitable for all skin types and does not injure even sensitive skin.

How to choose a peeling roll

A peeling roll should certainly be used if you have oily skin, blackheads, enlarged pores, traces of acne, peeling, and a thickened top layer of the skin.


If the skin has wounds, scratches, abrasions, inflammations, especially pustular, in the active stage, herpes, eczema and other dermatological diseases, the application of the rolling peeling should be postponed. This procedure is also contraindicated in case of skin damage by ultraviolet light.

After cleansing the skin, it is necessary, at least for several days, to avoid exposure to sunlight and treat with a cream with a high level of SPF protection. The peeling roll is approved by cosmetologists as an effective and gentle means of skin cleansing.
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