
How to get rid of scars and scars for 2000 rubles

Modern remedies for scars and scars allow you to solve the problem at home. Many people have a negative experience of useless purchases, but if you follow certain rules, drugs do help. I was able to make sure from my own experience of the real effect of the Contractubex gel. If you have a negative experience, do not rush to close the page, I will tell you how I used the gel and how I supplemented the treatment, perhaps a repeated experience will bring you the desired results.

My case: 4 abdominal scars after a very common operation. One scar is almost 7cm long, the second 2cm and 2 small ones less than a centimeter long. Unfortunately, I didn't think of taking a photo right after the operation, when the bandage was removed. At first the view was terrible, but now there is almost nothing left.

An effective technique for getting rid of scars and scars

An effective technique for getting rid of scars and scars

Gel Contractubex itself is quite effective, only each case is individual. We all have different scars, they differ in size and time of appearance. The best results can be obtained with fresh scars. In addition, the skin and the body are different, as a result, even the best remedy cannot act equally for everyone.

It is believed that the sooner you start, the better. I lost time and started using the gel for a period of six months. Although this has some advantages, after 6 months from the date of the operation, you can go in for sports, which means that you can also remove scars absolutely fearlessly.

If you follow the instructions, the gel should be applied 2-3 times a day. Contractubex is almost transparent, has a pronounced odor that cannot be called unpleasant. The gel dries quickly enough, then you can cover our scars with clothes. The procedures must be done at home and even at work. Day after day, the scars will fade and diminish. The timing of complete disappearance depends on the size. Large skin lesions take a long time to heal, but we can speed up the process.

How to increase the effectiveness of a scar remedy

The instructions give some advice, it seemed to me a little, I wanted to speed up the process even more. As a result, I developed the following system:

  1. Sanding scars with a washcloth. Every day I start in the bathroom, where I grind the scars with a washcloth for 2-3 minutes. My choice is a pumpkin loofah, it is very rough, but natural. First, steam the scars a little with hot water, and then polish, let dry, and apply the gel.
  2. Sanding with a towel. In the evening, after a shower, I polish the scars with a coarse waffle towel. Then we apply the gel and go to bed.
  3. Regularity. Only daily purposeful work will bring results. When starting your fight against scars, tune in to 3 months of daily treatments and don't miss a single day! Use Contractubex gel, steaming and grinding, then after 3 months there will be almost no trace of scars. The largest scars will not completely disappear in this time frame, but they will become much thinner and paler. Everything is individual, personally, it took me about 2,000 rubles for the entire course of the fight against scars.

Author Leila Kutaeva
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