How to pump up a girl's abs at home?

A flat stomach, a thin waist, are of great importance in shaping the image and in building an ideal figure. You can have beautiful face and long legsbut if the belly is flabby and saggy, and the sides hide the waist under a layer of fat, everything will be ruined.

A flat belly and a thin waist are especially relevant now, on the eve of real spring, followed by summer. In a warm season, you no longer want to hide under a lot of clothes, and a fat tummy, if there is one, can no longer be hidden ...

How to fix the situation? It's very simple - build abs and lose fat. Every girl can do this, and all the excuses about lack of time and impaired metabolism are nothing more than an excuse for their own laziness. A flat stomach, a thin waist shape your body, and our whole life largely depends on the beauty of the body and self-satisfaction. If a girl is dissatisfied with her appearance, she loses confidence, and does many things wrong in life, the quality of life decreases.

In this article, I will not describe in detail the program of losing weight, I will tell you my experience, how I managed to pump up the abs, and if I succeeded, then every girl will be able to pump up the abs at home, regardless of the degree of employment.

At one time I relaxed, I watched only the well-groomed face, and of course the cleanliness of the body, but my lifestyle was completely unhealthy. Delicious food in cafes and restaurants, alcoholic drinks, and little movement did their job and in a few years, I completely lost my waist. In addition to the waist, fat appeared in other places, but in this case, the story is silent about this, because I want to talk only about how to pump up the press, there will be other publications about the rest.

How to build abs for a busy girl at home

With the increase in waist volume, I had to give up many things from the wardrobe, they simply ceased to fit in size. And then, I noticed that my strength became less, on the contrary, I became more and more lazy. Maybe this is natural, because the 30th anniversary is far behind?

Perhaps for someone it is natural, but not for me! I decided to change everything and do fitness, with an emphasis on those parts of the body where I want the most changes, namely the abdomen and waist. I decided to study at home and made it a rule to devote 35-45 minutes every day, sometimes more, sometimes less. The exercises are not difficult, but the most common ones - I decided to pump up the press with proven ones - lying on my back, raising my legs, then lying on my back, lifting the upper part and touching my knees with my chin. The first exercise 4 times 15, and the second 4 times 15 times. At first it turned out less, but in 4 months I came to these figures. Further, besides the press, I had to pump up my sides, and remove all the fat hiding my waist. There are many tricky exercises for this, but I went the simple way and began to do body bends to the right - to the left. Do it intensively. How many times I don’t know, many hundreds of times. I do them not by count, but by time, a total of 15 minutes. Then I began to twist the hoop and independently massage the selected parts of the body.

In addition to physical activity, I gave up sugar, before that I always drank tea or coffee with sugar, putting 3 spoons on a mug. Now I don't use sugar at all, and sometimes I eat jam and dark chocolate.

How to build abs for a busy girl at home

As a result, in 6 months she reduced her waist by 9 centimeters. If I can build abs, so can you. Choose suitable exercises for yourself, think over what to refuse in the diet. The first time you will have to endure, but you will quickly get used to it, and after 2-3 months everything will go easily and with joy, and after six months the results will be noticeable to everyone around you.

Think about my experience, 6 months will pass in any case, will pass quickly enough, the only difference is that they can go for gatherings in a cafe, laziness and delicious food, or in the process of creating their perfect body and a happier future.

In this video, a more serious approach, which is possibly even faster than my example, will help the girl pump up the abs, and meet the swimming season in all its glory.

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