How to keep your family together during quarantine?

People all over the world are forced to get used to new conditions of existence. On the one hand, the quarantine gave everyone invaluable time that can be spent with the family, and on the other, it completely deprived everyone of their personal space. As a result, emotions go wild and even the seemingly strongest families face the threat of divorce.

The Internet is simply bursting with numerous requests: "how not to divorce after quarantine", "how to stop quarreling with my husband" and even "how not to kill each other during isolation." In fact, this situation is easy to get out of if you follow simple tips.

Family in quarantine

Find the reason for the disagreement

It is not for nothing that they say that realizing the cause of a problem means practically finding a solution. Try to analyze your relationship, discarding all the accumulated grievances. It seems to many that they do not know how to share space even with family members. The constant presence of her husband and children, the perpetual movement in the house, a large number of household chores and work - how can you not go crazy?

According to psychologist Vera Romanova, another reason may be a stop in the development of the spouses. Family life in quarantine has definitely changed. And moments of development can play an important role in this. If it seems that you are completely uninterested in your soul mate, it is quite possible that one of you is standing still. Native people will always find a topic for conversation if both are aware of themselves as full-fledged personalities, have a job or a hobby, strive for new achievements and are not afraid of experiments.

Family in quarantine

How to deal with difficulties?

When you understand what is the reason for constant quarrels with your husband, the solution to the problem will come to you on its own. Remember that the main method of saving any marriage is to have a calm and frank conversation with your significant other. You can find a way out together simply by discussing all the details. For example, explain to your husband that you are very tired and cannot cope without his help. In this case, avoid all sorts of accusations and even more insults. Focus on shared desires and plans.

During such a heart-to-heart conversation, you can offer several options for solving the problem:

  • share household chores, for example, you cook dinner and your husband washes the dishes;
  • ask your husband to take the kids for an hour while you take a bath. Do not forget that after this the husband also deserves a little rest, such as online games with friends;
  • make small gifts to each other that will become symbols of your reconciliation. It can even be hand-made little things, or a note with gentle words;
  • organize a romantic dinner in the kitchen when the children fall asleep. Order food delivery and dine by candlelight, remembering moments and making plans together.

If you have children, try to spend more time with them. Remember that it is even more difficult for a child to come to terms with new circumstances and understand the reason for home isolation. A common family activity, such as watching a movie, cooking dinner, or even fun cleaning the house with some playful elements, will help to establish contact with the children.

Quarantine is not a reason for divorce, but only an excuse to make your relationship even stronger.

Family on self-isolation
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