Fashion Jewelry

How to choose the right accessories?

To make the image more interesting and stylistically complete, you need to choose the right accessories. Let's understand jewelry and accessories in the face and neck area, since this is a more complex selection, which includes many points and nuances.

So, 4 parameters affect the selection of accessories in the face and neck area:

  1. Vertical - horizontal
  2. Thirds
  3. Geometry
  4. The size of the facial features

How to choose neck and face jewelry

Let's consider the first parameter.

1. Vertical-horizontal

The vertical line runs from the upper center of the forehead line to the lower midpoint of the chin. The horizontal line runs from one middle of the ear to the other along the most convex points of the cheeks. And here you do not need to measure anything, but simply determine by eye.

There are three possibilities here.

1.1. When the vertical is actively dominating the horizontal. This means that the face is elongated, elongated, and we will correct it.

How to choose the right jewelry and accessories for the face and neck

1.2. When the vertical dominates the horizontal normatively. This is a balanced face shape. And it doesn't need to be adjusted. The main thing here is not to disturb the proportions of the face.

How to choose jewelry by face type

1.3. And the third case is when the vertical is equal to the horizontal. They strive for each other. The face becomes round and wide.

How to choose jewelry

Correcting appearance with jewelry

If the vertical actively dominates the horizontal, then our task is to visually increase the horizontal, i.e. make the face a little wider. We add horizontal accents. These are active rounded earrings, i.e. emphasis on the horizontal line. Large stones with a vitreous sheen, shine of metal, light or bright saturated colors will create two accent points on the sides of the face, which will also visually expand it. A short necklace, chokers, necklaces, creating an additional horizontal line in the neck area, will balance the face.

If the task is to increase the vertical, then we put vertical accents. It can be jewelry with elongated lines, elongated, drop-shaped, that is, an emphasis on the vertical line. The necklace will be long, it can be in several rows, with elongated links, and the pendants are elongated, tear-shaped, which will visually stretch the face.

2. Thirds

The first third starts from the hairline to the eyebrow line, the second from the eyebrow line to the end of the nose, and the third from the tip of the nose to the tip of the chin. If the thirds are equal, then the face is proportional and does not need to be adjusted.

Jewelry by type of face

However, it should be borne in mind that imbalance does not mean that something is wrong with our face. This means that when choosing accessories, you need to be guided by some rules.


Jewelry by type of face

In this photo, we can see that the top third is larger than the rest. In this case, we place medium-sized or slightly less than medium earrings in the lower part of the third. It all depends on other parameters of the face. This will neutralize dissonance in the face between the upper and lower thirds and the face will look harmonious.

The second photo is dominated by the lower third. And here, in essence, we need to position the verticals as much as possible. However, it happens that the lower third is active, but at the same time an elongated face. In this case, we choose miniature, laconic earrings.

Avoid: horizontal lines in the dominant massive area of ​​the face.

3. Geometry

Our face has a certain geometry, and it manifests itself in all different ways. Based on this, we select 4 types of faces.

3.1. Actively soft features
Explicitly rounded strokes with no geometry.

3.2. Soft features
Some geometry can be traced, but still more roundness in the face.

3.3. Light geometry
This type is considered normative in the same way as the previous one, and there is no need for adjustment.

3.4. Geometric features
When active geometry is in the face, there are many angles and straight lines. In the first and last cases, we will select accessories to balance the face.

Selection rule: rounded accessories will soften geometric features, clear geometric accessories will "collect" unnecessarily soft features. If we choose massive and round earrings for actively soft features, then we will further emphasize this roundness.

Likewise with a face with active geometry facial features. If we choose earrings with clear angles, then we will make the face even more geometric. And our task is to balance, soften the facial features, so we choose the rounded shapes of the earrings.

4th parameter is the size of facial features

1. Small
Small nose, not too large lips, small eyes and a fairly narrow face.

2. Average
The features are larger, but not accentuated, i.e. small size. The face looks harmonious and there is no need for adjustment, if everything is also balanced in other parameters.

3. Large
Facial features are large enough, accentuated. Big eyes, nose, large lips.

It should be noted that we visually correct only small and large features.
The rule of proportionality in the selection of accessories says: both small and medium-sized accessories are suitable for small features, and noticeable, large, slightly larger than average and medium-sized earrings are suitable for large ones. They will look harmonious. It should be noted that small earrings are also suitable for such girls.

In no case do not pick up huge massive Chandelier earrings! They will make the face even more massive and accentuate large facial features.

For girls with medium features, small, medium and large pieces of jewelry are suitable.

We select medium-sized earrings for small features, slightly larger than average and slightly smaller than average. You should not choose very small jewelry, because they can once again emphasize small features, and our task is to create harmony in the face.

And remember, it's not always worth putting on everything at once! Especially if the jewelry is large and massive. It is better to choose one thing, so the image will be much more elegant. Use the rule of maximum distance. Wear, for example, earrings and a ring or a necklace and a ring, etc.

Follow these rules and you will always look confident!

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