Hair care

Hair care and home hair treatment with the most affordable methods

Nowadays, many modern girls devote a lot of time to hair care, follow the advice of numerous articles and magazines, and perform various procedures and recipes. And yet, if you just walk down the street to look closely at, say, the hairstyle of every woman, you will notice (and in a salon study and reveal) a lot of signs of unhealthy, deprived of vitality and energy, damaged hair, creating only the appearance of a healthy appearance and spectacular styling. This means the hair requires additional care, and perhaps hair treatment is required.

Today, the number of all kinds of hair care products is growing and multiplying, and the number of various hair problems multiplies in proportion with them. Let's try today to understand the reasons for this paradoxical phenomenon and think about what methods are needed in order to avoid these numerous problems.

Proper hair care and the main enemies of our hair.

So, the first enemy of women's hair, as sad as it may sound, is paint.
I think that the goals of the first inventors of this chemical preparation were only good - to help those women gain beauty and self-confidence, whose hair has undergone serious age-related changes: dullness, gray hair, etc. What we see now is just a craze hair dye girls of all ages, starting practically from childhood (13-14 years old) and up to old age. Considering the sad fact that any permanent paint contains components that destroy the natural structure of the hair, we very soon, after starting to use the paint, instead of natural, healthy hair, we acquire a kind of "washcloth" of dry, damaged fiber, which instead of the declared silk , can only be compared with straw. At the same time, when we re-dye, the hair again, for a while, regains its former shine and silkiness (due to various softening additives included in the paint), but as soon as it gets off a little, we recognize the old, unchanged, spoiled "washcloth".

permanent hair dye

Conclusion - permanent hair dye certainly damages it, disrupting its natural structure and elasticity, thinning and weakening. It is practically impossible to completely restore hair after this type of chemical exposure.

What if you really want to? Firstly, it is better not to dye your hair from an early age - the longer it lasts without chemical exposure, the better. If you want to change the color a little, it is best to use henna or other natural hair dyes. It is an excellent natural remedy that gives color and does not damage the hair structure. If you want to radically change the color, use coloring balms, foams, toning Hair Dye (without ammonia) and other products containing surfactants. If you nevertheless decide to dye, try to avoid lightening, because it is this drug that destroys the hair structure the fastest. Think, in the end, what is more important for you - to acquire an unnatural hair color (like that of that glossy model) or to preserve their health, youth and beauty for a long time? ..

Enemy of hair No. 2 - treatment with various chemical compounds (perm) and exposure to high temperatures (curling iron, iron, hot mode of the hair dryer) along with styling and styling products.This type of damage lends itself to long-term treatment (when using emollients - masks and various oils), since the hair follicles are not damaged, as under the action of a clarifier, and the structure itself gradually restores the lost elasticity.

Hair care beautiful hair

Conclusion: chemical solutions and hot products also cause significant damage to the hair structure, causing dryness, brittleness and hair splitting.

What if you really want to? Use the most gentle curling and styling products - hot rollers (stylers), regular curlers, braids soaked in water and braided overnight, not too hot a hair dryer, gel instead of hairspray. It is better to refuse perm and electric curling iron altogether, but if you just desperately need curls, and using curlers every day seems like a heavy duty, you can do, in extreme cases, a light perm at the ends of the hair - this will only lead to partial damage to the hair structure and will allow, in the future, to cut off spoiled ends. When using a curling iron, use, without fail, styling products with a thermal protective effect, from time to time do restoring oil masks.

Hair care and proper nutrition.

Enemy of hair (and skin) No. 3 - improper and inadequate nutrition, excessive enthusiasm for various diets, etc. Leads to a deficiency of vitamins and various vital substances, which interferes with the healthy functioning of organs, including skin, nails and hair.

Takeaway: Unhealthy diet disrupts metabolism, which can lead to a number of different hair problems.

What to do? Try to eat right and well, combining proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a reasonable balance, adding polyunsaturated fatty acid, minerals and vitamins. I hasten to please - for this it is not at all necessary to go on diets or look for insanely expensive exotic products. All of these elements are found in simple, common foods - meat, bread, cereals, fish, fruits and vegetables. You can use dietary supplements and multi - vitamin complexes (although a reasonable food balance will reduce their use to almost zero), and in this case, it is better to consult a specialist. Vitamins are recommended to be used at intervals of 1-2 months, after 30 years, special attention should be paid to vitamins A and E, or special vitamin complexes, such as, for example, Ladis Formula.

Hair treatment and lifestyle.

Enemy of hair number 4 - severe stress and various diseases. On their basis, such unpleasant things can happen as hair loss, dullness, lifelessness, deterioration in the appearance and health of hair. This is a serious problem, which is, in fact, no less severe than damage to the hair structure by dyeing and requires long-term treatment. Today, there are many products (in the form of shampoos, balms and ampoules) designed to combat the problem of hair loss, but many of them, unfortunately, are not effective, or give a short-term effect only for the period of use, and therefore without a visit to a specialist you can't do it here.

Conclusion: various diseases can cause significant harm to the health of your hair, its appearance and internal state, and lead to hair loss.

What if you don't feel like it at all? Take care of your health and get sick less. Avoid serious, long-term illnesses that can become chronic. It is believed that a disease such as sinusitis can cause early gray hair. Strong stresses and nervous diseases can also lead to the same effect. And therefore, try to worry less, see life in the best colors, not worry about any reason and remember that everything changes and there is nothing immutable, just as there is no situation from which it would be impossible to find at least some way out. And even if the world is crumbling under your feet, remember that you are the main value in it.

Hair care, hair color and our age.

The enemy of hair number 5 is age and gray hair. Unfortunately, with age, the functions of our hair, like that of other organs, gradually and slowly fade away. Gray hair - hair discoloration - is an almost inevitable enemy of luxurious hair and healthy, beautiful hair. However, it can be noted that for some it occurs quite quickly, while others retain a thick and rich head of hair until very old age. What's the secret? There may be several reasons, and one of them is minimal abuse of chemicals (again paints and solutions). After all, have you noticed what luxurious hair is preserved until old age in Asians, Indian women, Japanese women? One of the conditions is national genes, the second is the absence of permanent hair dyeing, which leads to a long-term preservation of their structure and natural functions. There is such an ancient Russian proverb: take care of honor from a young age, like a dress again. I'd like to apply it to modern women, paraphrasing: take care of your hair from a young age, like a dress again.

Conclusion: gray hair is a consequence of a decrease in the coloring pigment, due to a dysfunction of the activity of our body, a lack of certain vitamins and minerals, and significantly impairs the appearance and health of hair. Gray hair is one of the most unpleasant factors that immediately makes us older.

Hair care and gray hair

What if you don't feel like it at all? So far, the most reliable remedy is high-quality, correctly selected hair dye. Plus, good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle can slow down the appearance of new gray hair.

When choosing a paint, you can resort to vegetable dyes - henna, basma, or use paints created mostly on the basis of natural ingredients. Tint tonics and balms can only partially help - they do not provide the penetration of dyes deep into the hair structure, and gray strands will invariably show through them, unless you specifically decided to give your gray hair a pearly white hue. Early gray hair can be hereditary, as well as occur in the course of any diseases - in this case, you need to consult a specialist, and more often eat foods rich in zinc and magnesium.

Hair care

Enemy of hair number 6 - excessive passion for cosmetics, their excess in the hair and oversaturation. Some girls, after reading articles and tips, are overly addicted to hair care. Permanent masks and oils, daily use of shampoos and balms, various fixing sprays and natural remedies used all together and unnecessarily. All this does not damage the hair structure itself, but interferes with the natural existence of the hair, its exchange with the surrounding oxygen environment and normal, healthy functioning. In addition, do not forget that many cosmetic products use harmful, toxic substances, such as, for example, formaldehyde, or they are incompatible with each other. As a result, the hair looks weighted, oily or greasy, and often and intensely falls out, which, often, the owner herself does not notice at all, hoping that she is performing the necessary, true, professional hair care ritual.

Conclusion: excessive enthusiasm for cosmetics harms hair, interferes with their metabolic processes and normal functioning.

What if you really want to? First of all, identify what problems your hair really needs to be eliminated, and then choose the means and act. If you have normal hair that does not yet have special problems, limit yourself to basic care - shampoo 1-2 times a week, balm or spray every other time. If necessary, you can carry out a series of oil masks (after washing your hair, it is not recommended to use the balm after the oil mask). They have a beneficial effect on hair, strengthen it and prevent hair loss.Cosmetologists and beauty stylists advise, first of all, burdock, coconut, olive, as well as special oils that are easily washed off, for example, Leonor Gray (palm oil). If desired, instead of shampoo, you can use baby soap or some natural remedy, and instead of balm, you can use a vinegar solution, which, by the way, softens the hair just as well, makes it smooth, shiny and silky. After using vinegar, the hair, as well as after the balm, is best rinsed with water - the effect will be preserved, and the pungent smell will disappear. It is best to choose cosmetics for your hair type and carefully study their composition.

And finally ...

I confess to you honestly - for undyed, undamaged, healthy hair, such a remedy as, for example, a balm is not needed at all. It was invented as a restorative for colored hair... Natural hair is silky by itself, due to the preservation of natural elasticity and a smooth structure that is not damaged by aggressive substances. Yes, they will never have (without styling) such splendor and volume as dyed hair, but if you just think about how this volume is achieved - due to the spoiled, overdried and emasculated structure of our hair! And after that, cosmetologists carefully advise us to solve serious problems with hair with the help of various, all kinds of cosmetics, which, in fact, we would not need at all if we had not initially dealt with the destruction of our own hair, given to us from birth by our mother. nature.

All this happens because many girls, leafing through glossy magazines, misunderstand them, and want to embody all the wildest dreams and decisions of stylists in their lives. By imitating supermodels, they end up harming their appearance, health and quality of life. In pursuit of ephemeral images, they waste both time and money.

Every day, the world spends a lot of financial resources for cosmetics and care for damaged hair. In theory, this is similar to a situation where a person would deliberately and purposefully harm himself, and then gladly spend a lot of money on beautiful and pleasant-looking jars with all kinds of medicines and remedies for recovery. So isn't it better not to create problems for yourself, so that later on not to intensively treat them? I think - the first, although the main task, I think, here will be to achieve a reasonable harmony between a spectacular appearance and the actual health of our body, including skin, nails and hair.

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