Hair care

Safe ways to lighten hair - go blonde

Almost every second woman wants to be a blonde. Why? Probably because the light color has some kind of attractive power, gives the owner of light hair tenderness, nobility, and many, having dyed their hair a light color, look younger. Most likely, the latter makes almost every second person do hair lightening and become a blonde. And you should think about whether this color really suits you, since the tenderness of the skin, its well-groomedness can emphasize the nobility of light hair, and if everything is not so simple with the skin ...

Who is suitable for lightening hair, which one to choose a new hair color or shade? The best advice will of course be given by the master. But initially, you should know that hair color should be combined with skin color and eye color. For example, if you have very light eyes, then their combination with dark hair color will be much more effective. If you have any skin defects, then too light, and too dark hair colors will only aggravate the visibility of these defects. Hoping for foundation, powder - you may find yourself completely dependent on them, you always have to keep your face under control, otherwise dark circles under the eyes will be more noticeable, and the red veins on the cheeks will become even brighter.

And so, you decided to lighten your hair and become a blonde. First, you need to consult with the master, whether the structure of your hair will change, whether it will look dull and burnt after dyeing. By the way, when lightening, the hair becomes drier, more sensitive. You will have to take care of bleached hair more thoroughly - you will need moisturizing masks, oils and various restorative products.

It turns out that when dyed in a light color, you can get not what you would like - sometimes a reddish tint, sometimes greenish. Lightening hair it is better to start gradually, first choose a lighter color than your own or do highlights.

Lightening hair

Safe hair lightening at home using folk methods

There is another option for lightening hair - folk recipes. In this case, you do not risk instantly turning your healthy shiny hair into dull and lifeless or creating stress for yourself and your loved ones with a new hair color.

How to lighten hair - folk recipes.

Chamomile. For 500 ml of water 2 tablespoons of chamomile. Bring water to a boil, add chamomile and simmer for 3 minutes over low heat. Then close the container with a lid and let it brew for an hour, strain. Use as a rinse after shampooing. The hair will gradually acquire a sunny shine.

Lemon. Use as a rinse by adding lemon juice to water. But keep in mind that lemon dries your hair. Therefore, this recipe is more suitable for those with oily hair.

The same recipes can be used with linden blossom or horsetail. The last remedy not only brightens, but gives the hair a reddish tint.

Kefir and lemon. This mask not only brightens but also accelerates hair growth... This will require one egg, two tablespoons of kefir, the juice of half a lemon, one teaspoon of shampoo, two tablespoons of vodka. Mix everything in a bowl and apply the resulting mass to the hair, then cover the head with a towel or plastic wrap and keep for at least 2 - 3 hours. The longer you keep the mask, the more lightening will be, then rinse off.

Onion peel. Boil 30 - 60 g of onion husks for 10 - 20 minutes in 200 ml of water. Next, rub your hair, you can daily, until a golden hue appears. Then wipe it down less often.

Rhubarb. Rhubarb helps to lighten hair very much.Add 200 grams of dried rhubarb stalks to 500 ml of white wine and simmer until half boils away. Strain the broth, cool and apply to the hair.

If you have blonde hair from birth, you will need less time to lighten. The main thing is that when using folk recipes, you will definitely not damage your hair.

Lightening hair

If you decide to dye your hair with dyes or dye removers, try to be patient, do not strive to do it right away today. When you use a paint remover (if your hair is dyed dark), and your color did not wash off immediately, then you probably lightened a couple of tones. Hair will not get hurt from this. You can use the washer for a long time and brighten pretty much. But be aware that when you use a washer, do not use paint for 2-3 weeks to add a shade. You will not achieve the desired result, since the hair scales in this case open, due to which the hair is more susceptible to external influences, and you can get a darker color when dyeing.

If you adhere to these recommendations, you can make a truly safe hair lightening - become blonde, and at the same time keep your hair for years to come.

Continuation of the publication - Beautiful Blondes in the history and culture of the past and present

Lightening hair

Safe hair lightening at home, hair beauty and other hair care in the following publications - hair masks, combs and brushing for blondes and not only, but also beautiful hair at home.

Video - hair lightening at home

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