Hair care

Beautiful hair at home

If you want to have beautiful hair at home, you must observe several important points, which you can familiarize yourself with in this article.

Let's look at a few must-haves when washing your hair and think about how to make it even more beautiful at home. Now more and more women are turning to home remedies. And not because there is no financial means or time to visit the salons, but because home remedies prepared on their own are an absolute guarantee that the products are natural and exactly the ones that you want to give your hair, and you know about them as very useful and necessary.

Beautiful hair at home

How often should you wash your hair? The regularity of washing your hair depends on the type of your hair and the degree of dirtiness, better to say, the need. Therefore, you can wash every day and every other day, but using mild detergents.

Comb gently before washing your hair, this helps to improve blood circulation. It is better not to use metal combs and brushes (they harm the surface layer of the hair).

Wash your hair with warm water. Hot water dries out the skin, while cold water is more difficult to rinse, and the capillaries narrow.

Only use shampoo for your hair type.

How to apply shampoo to hair? It is better to dilute the shampoo in a small amount of water and then apply this solution to the head. Or rub a small amount of detergent between your palms and then apply to the head. Apply the shampoo to damp hair, starting from the back of the head. Next, in a circular motion, distribute it all over the head, with the pads of the fingers, and not with the nails.

How much shampoo is applied to the head? If the hair is long, then - one teaspoon is enough, if short - a few drops. Increasing the amount of shampoo does not mean improving the quality of washing. The hair is then more difficult to rinse. And you need to rinse them thoroughly. If shampoo remains, the hair will be dull or sticky, and it will get dirty quickly. Shampoo is best applied once, especially if you wash your hair very often.

Beautiful hair

After washing, it is better to wrap your hair with a towel and let the hair dry on its own, then comb it with a comb with rare teeth. A hairdryer dries hair, both literally and figuratively, and you can use it in the most extreme cases.

Beautiful hair at home - several homemade shampoo recipes.

Shampoo for dry hair.
1/4 cup liquid soap
1/4 cup aloe juice
1/4 cup distilled water
1/4 tablespoon jojoba oil
1 teaspoon glycerin

Mix everything and store in a bottle. Shake well before use. You can wash off with cool water.

Soothing shampoo.
1 cup liquid soap
1 cup distilled water
6 sachets of chamomile
1.5 tablespoons of glycerin

Pour boiling water over all the chamomile bags and let it brew for 20 minutes. Then remove the bags and add liquid soap and glycerin. Mix everything well, pour into a bottle and store in a cool place.

Shampoo for the improvement of any type of hair.
1/4 cup liquid soap
1/4 cup distilled water
1/2 tablespoon jojoba oil
1 teaspoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons tea tree oil
6 teaspoons rosemary
1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract

Boil water and add rosemary, let it brew for 20-30 minutes and add lemon juice. Mix the resulting solution with all other components. Store in a cool place. You can use it like a regular shampoo.

Additional materials on the topic - combs and brushing hair, hair masks, hair lightening and Castor oil its properties and application.

Beautiful hair at home

Beautiful hair

Beautiful hair at home

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