Hair care

Combing and brushing hair

And in Russia, and in many other countries, the first combs were mainly wooden combs. Although, if you remember your ancestors, then it is probably not in vain that they say "... comb with Eve's comb", that is, with your five fingers, or even ten together.

And in Russia, we have a special reverence for wood and wooden products. Our country is huge, and then there were mainly forests, forests ... So they cut combs from wood, and from certain species: birch, linden, maple. It is these breeds that are soft and easy to handle. And the masters in Ancient Russia were famous for their skill. Carefully and accurately, with great love and respect for the tree, each tooth of a comb was carved. We can say that the master put his soul into each of his products. Therefore, the combs were both solid and beautiful, and combing the hair was pleasant and comfortable. Wooden combs also possessed healing power from wood and the kindness of the craftsman. In addition, scallops carved by craftsmen and covered with precious stones also served as an adornment of the hair. Birch and patterned combs were intended for brides. There was even a special wedding comb, with which the girl-bride was combed, saying goodbye to her girlish life, first by her parents, and then by her girlfriends. And the closest girlfriend laid the parting of marriage with a wedding comb, and already braided her hair not in one braid, but in two, weaving scarlet ribbons into them.

In fashion, we are used to trusting the French, and of course this trust has a basis, and therefore it is worth remembering what they say about the hairstyle. And they say this - thoroughly washed and well combed hair is already a hairstyle. So it turns out our first friends in creating hairstyles - a comb and shampoo.

Combing and brushing hair

Before washing, comb your hair with a comb with sparse teeth, and then with frequent ones, so that there is no tangled hair, and the hair will be well washed.

Why is a comb with rounded teeth better? The answer is simple - she gently combs without injuring the skin, massages, does not damage the hair.

Why is a wooden hairbrush better? Plastic combs, and even those with sharp teeth, can injure both skin and hair, they can even pull out hair that is still damp after washing. Cosmetologists advise not to comb your hair immediately after washing, but wait until it dries completely. From plastic combs, the hair becomes electrified, splits, becomes dry and unruly. Dyes are often added to plastic combs during their manufacture, which do not always have a beneficial effect on the health of your hair.

Combing and brushing hair

Nowadays, complaints are often heard that the hair is split. This happens for a lot of reasons. But one of the first is improper hair combing, and our friends - plastic combs and metal brushes are very harmful to our hair. To prevent splitting, try to comb it from the roots to the ends of the hair so that the natural lubrication of the hair is distributed evenly throughout the hair, reaching the ends. This is especially important for long hair. You can use a fine-toothed comb to distribute the lubricant well on your hair. After some time, you will not recognize your hair, and if you are a very young girl, it will happen right before your eyes. If you are young, your hair will respond quickly to grooming. If you are an older lady, then you have to work a little longer.


Massage with a wooden comb daily for 5 to 10 minutes. This is especially useful before bed. The scent of wood relieves stress and soothes. The massage speeds up metabolism, stimulates hair growth, improves hair nutrition, and activates blood circulation in the scalp.

If you have a headache, try doing this massage with a wooden comb as well. Begin to gently comb your hair with a wooden comb, starting from the back of the head to the forehead, then massage the top of the head.You can comb in all directions for 5-6 minutes. Keep your head free, do not strain. The combs should be made of wood and not varnished or dyed.

And one more piece of advice. Make sure your scallop is clean. It should be washed every week. This can be done with an old toothbrush slightly dipped in ammonia. Brush each clove, then rinse your scallop in a mild baking soda solution.

And remember, your scallop is only yours and nobody else's.


Combs and hairbrushes for Magazine
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Combing and brushing hair

Combs and brushing hair.

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Combing and brushing hair
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