
How to dress in Germany to look your own

Going on a trip, it will be useful to learn how to dress in a particular country. For example, how do they dress in Germany? This knowledge will help you get to know the country and the local population better, as well as get a more positive attitude and pleasant impressions.

Today we will get to know the German style. The slogan of the German style is "attractiveness in simplicity and comfort!" If you still think that Germans dress badly and uninterestingly, then today I will prove the opposite to you and perhaps you will find German style useful for your wardrobe.

So what is the German style and what does it look like?

In Germany, social status and age determine how the average German is dressed: the older a person is, the better, brighter and more expensive he dresses. The Germans are not at all untidy and stingy with purchases, they just consider it useless and frivolous to spend money on different clothes. Instead, they invest in more serious investments such as travel, training and other opportunities. However, the typical German will surely appreciate what kind of watch you have and what condition your shoes are in.

Thus, there is a stereotype that Germans wear comfortable, unattractive clothing.

For example, young residents In Germany, they prefer to wear clothes of grunge style, military, or sporty style. Young people wear ripped jeans, sweatshirts with prints and phrases, bombers, leather jackets. Sports shoes are preferred, for example, sneakers or ankle boots. But the backpack is considered almost the main accessory of young Germans - students.

How to dress in Germany
How to dress in Germany

German adults prefer sporty casual or casual mixed with a business look that includes elements of jockey style, for example, a white T-shirt, jeans, high boots, a business jacket, a leather bag. Most often, this outfit complements a scarf to create casualness. This trend in the German style of business casual appeared due to the fact that Germans immediately after work go to a meeting with friends and family.

How to dress in Germany
How to dress in Germany
How to dress in Germany

And in their free time, they wear a sporty style: sneakers or boots and a leather jacket.

German clothing style
German clothing style

German dressing style: how to dress in Germany

Residents of Germany love interesting and unusual textures in the decor of clothes. They ditched natural fur entirely in support of animal rights activists. The Germans wear artificial leather things, especially like such bags, purses or boots. As you already understood from all of the above, German women completely abandoned shoes with medium and high heels, since this is the exact opposite of convenience, and in the opinion of German women - men take girls in heels lightly. It is important to know this before coming to Germany.

In clothing, the Germans choose good quality fabrics, simple straight cut clothing, achromatic colors - white and black; neutral or muted, such as pastel gray, beige, dusty rose, blue. In Germany, the most common color type of appearance is cold soft, therefore colors in clothes are dominated by a cold soft palette.

Makeup and manicure of German women

There is a stereotype that German women do not use makeup at all. German girls paint, but not bright. In the German sense, time is a very important resource, and if a girl spends a lot of time in front of a mirror, then she is considered frivolous. That is why many German girls prefer natural, simple makeup, nude shades and lip gloss.

It is worth noting that in German make-up, the emphasis is on the expressiveness of the eyes. Also, German women often wear glasses. Even if the eyesight is good, it gives the impression of an intelligent and interesting girl. This life hack has long been tested by German women, and they actively use it, since German men really like it.

It is also important to note that hand skin care is very popular in Germany, so many Germans always wear leather gloves with them. Very often you can find German girls on public transport who publicly smear their hands with cream, as if they are trying to show how scrupulous they are to hand skin care.

Also, many Germans claim that they can determine which country a girl came from by the color and length of her nails. This is due to the fact that German women only use nude colors in their manicure, and red and other bright colors are considered vulgar and frivolous. German girls do not have long nails, as this does not harmonize with a comfortable lifestyle. Therefore, if you want to become your own among strangers, then you should use neutral colors for manicure and always have hand cream with you.

With regards to hairstyles, young girls are more likely to wear loose hair, but adult German women prefer to pull their hair back, making a tail or a careless bun, leaving the front strands of hair at the face. Many popular German bloggers use this effect.

Bavaria and fashion

The city of Berlin is called the fashion capital of Germany, where the same casual style is popular: grunge, military and sporty casual. However, I am sure that Bayern is ready to argue with this fact. The fact is that the German style of the southern and eastern parts differ from each other. In southern Bavaria, people adhere to elegance in their dress. This difference is based on the fact that Bavaria is the richest region with a variety of brand names in Germany.

Children in Bavarian families do not know financial problems and any restrictions on opportunities, so they can afford the national clothes of local brands, which, by the way, cannot be found in popular mass markets.

The Bavarians are very scrupulous about their national dress and have already managed to bring it into their everyday wardrobe.

I'm sure the Bavarians know best what German style is! In their opinion, the true German style is the Dirndl national costume. You must be already familiar with this attractive dress of German girls from Oktoberfest photos. In Bavaria, the national costume is so popular that people wear it not only on German holidays, but on weekends too.

German clothing brands quickly picked up the trend towards the popularity of the national costume and began to produce a modern, modified Dirndl, as well as styles of clothing similar to it.

For example, for girls it can be a blouse with a square cut in the chest area, reminiscent of a blouse of a national dress. A flared fitted midi / mini skirt or brown suede trousers complements the look. Trousers of this color are popular not only among the Bavarians, but also among the Bavarians.

Occasionally, stylish men can be seen wearing brown trousers with suspenders and a white shirt. And for girls, nice-looking cardigans with small buttons of any bright color are produced. Most often these are cardigans in red, blue, green or yellow colors. On the other hand, brown, blue or green jackets with typical Bavarian buttons are popular among men. By the way, Bavarians use such men's jackets perfectly in their wardrobe along with a silk scarf, which usually depicts a Bavarian white flower.

Honestly, when I look at people of elegant age in Germany, I can only envy them. Women wear elegant, expensive clothes in bright colors, do retro-style makeup and different styling, wear gold jewelry. They smile a lot, travel and try to show with all their appearance that their life was not in vain, and now you can enjoy the calm and wonderful years of this age.

Thus, we have proved that German people dress, indeed, discreetly, but interestingly and intelligently. In my opinion, we have a lot to learn from the Germans, and this is, at least, the philosophy of their German lifestyle.
Comments and Reviews
  1. Lola P (Guests)
    Such an "image maker" clearly needs an image maker laughing laughing laughing
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