5 habits that age

Every woman's youth lasts and goes differently, but the result is the same - the body is aging, the first wrinkle appears, and after it the second, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes thinner. Of course, there are many cosmetic products that slow down this process, but if you do not get rid of a few habits, then there will be no effect. This is what we are going to talk about today. As they say, you need to know the enemy by sight, and bad habits that accelerate aging, even more so.

How to look younger

Aging is a natural process that you really want to slow down

To begin with, aging is a natural process that you will not be able to avoid for a long time. At a certain moment, you will understand that youth has passed, and it cannot be returned. But in fact, there is nothing wrong with that. This is just another stage in life that can be lived happy, beautiful and confident, no matter how old you are. The bad habits, which will be discussed later, not only affect the appearance, but also have a negative effect on the body, weakening and destroying it. That is why it is so important to give them up on time.

Habits that threaten female youth

Many women know not to smoke, drink or overeat, and believe that by giving up, they will maintain a blooming youthful appearance and good health. But not everything is so simple. There are seemingly harmless habits that also have a negative effect:

  • eat a lot of sugar - the body needs glucose, but its excess leads to the destruction of collagen, due to which the skin loses its elasticity, the forehead and other parts of the body quickly become wrinkled, bags under the eyes appear, not to mention diabetes;
  • little sleep - sleep helps to restore energy, and this is very important, even when it seems that there is an abundance of strength. And it is also great for helping to cope with stress, which also contributes to rapid aging;
  • it is wrong to use cosmetics - both carers and decorative products have pros and cons, they should be selected according to age, be sure to read the compositions and trust only trusted brands;
  • lead a sedentary lifestyle - no one requires you to go in for sports professionally, but regular walks in the fresh air, exercise and posture control strengthen the body, and lowered shoulders, on the contrary, add years;
  • avoid vegetables and fruits in the diet - vitamins can be injected into the skin by a beautician or taken with food, it seems to us that the second option is both cheaper and more pleasant.

How to look younger with makeup and clothing

How to look younger

There are several ways to look younger than your real age. Some of them are aimed at creating an appearance, while others are designed to protect the body from aging from the inside. The first group includes the following:

  • cosmetical tools;
  • clothes and accessories;
  • perfumery.

Cosmetics can be decorative and caring, so it is able to have a complex effect on the body - not only to hide wrinkles and gray hair, but also to strengthen the skin, give hair shine and a healthy look. If you want to slow down aging and start looking younger, we can recommend SPF face creams to protect you from sun damage.

Hair dye will cope with gray hair. Choose a natural shade or something brighter and more original. Another good solution for giving the image a youthful freshness is to remove excess vegetation on the body. Only use high-quality wax for depilation so that there is no irritation and the effect lasts for a long time.

Professional stylists know how to hide the real age with clothes and create a more youthful and attractive image. For this you need:

  • give preference to light, refreshing and pastel shades;
  • choose tight-fitting things from smooth fabrics strictly according to their size;
  • be careful with romantic decor, avoid ruffles, bows and flowers;
  • wear jeans instead of classic trousers, forget about short skirts;
  • use small jewelry as simple as possible.

These tips can be applied to perfumery too. Fresh and floral scents will not only make the image look younger for those around you, but will also make you feel appropriate, help you recharge with energy and lightness.

The Importance of Sports and Nutrition in Fighting Aging

Nutrition for longevity

After taking care of your appearance with cosmetics, clothing, jewelry and perfume, you should think about how to enhance the effect. And with this you will be helped by sports and properly selected nutrition. They will not only slow down aging, but also make the body stronger, protect against many diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle and lack of vitamins. However, here it is also important not to overdo it. Professional sports are not synonymous with health. In pursuit of achievements, it is easy to get serious injuries and only accelerate the physical wear and tear of the body. Everything is good in moderation!

Experts advise paying attention to the following good habits:

  • do exercises in the morning and visit the gym 2-3 times a week;
  • monitor your posture throughout the day, do not slouch and do not lower your shoulders;
  • spending time outside is enough to walk a couple of kilometers;
  • eat a variety of fruits and vegetables on an ongoing basis;
  • do not forget to drink clean water, minimize soda and alcohol;
  • exclude cigarettes, hookah and smoking of other substances.

Aging is a complex process that affects not only the physical but also the psychological state. The less stress you are in your daily life, the longer you will remain feeling youthful. Scientists have shown that frequent excitement leads to coronary heart disease, hypertension, decreased libido, etc. Stress leads to the release of a hormone that changes the properties of collagen, which affects the skin. Self-confidence and a good mood are important ingredients for a healthy and energetic person who loves himself and life.
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