Let's play associations! Woman, age, accessories. An elderly lady in a pearl necklace and a hat, an elderly lady with heavy rings made of natural stones on her fingers, a grandmother in a kerchief comes to mind. In my understanding, accessories, like clothing, at the age of 60 should not be younger, they should talk about the high level of life energy of their owner, about her openness to the world, the ability to perceive new things.
If heavy neck jewelry made of natural stones is associated with age, then you can wear fashionable large earrings... How to determine which earrings are relevant? I suggest going to sites that sell designer clothing and jewelry, such as farfetch. In the jewelry section, choose earrings and see what shapes, colors are in trend. After that, you can already look for similar jewelry in online or online stores at affordable prices.
Earrings are in fashion today:
Ear cuffs;
Large accent earrings;
Mono earring;
Asymmetrical earrings;
Pearl hoop earrings;
Tubby hoop earrings;
Earrings in the form of needles, stars, hearts, chains.
Many celebrities of the fashion world use glasses as a stylistic feature. Glasses not only make the image look chic, but also correct age-related changes on the face. Bags, puffiness under the eyes will not be so noticeable even with ordinary glasses. It is important to choose the right shape, but it is permissible to shock a little and play with the shape, as, for example, did Veronique Tristam.
It is difficult for me to talk about sexuality after 60 years, but I admit that there are women who are not just active, but emitting sexual energy. An example of such a woman for me is Gres Ghanem. One of the tasks at the Irina Khakamada marathon was to demonstrate her sexual energy not with the help of revealing outfits, but otherwise. I remember most of all a woman who just slowly took off her gloves from her hands, and she was many years old, and she did not want to say anything by this, but she just had energy and age was not a hindrance. Chainsas a decoration, unlike pearls, they carry the energy of life and sex.
Modern bags and shoes
When I played in the association, I forgot to mention the reticule of the old woman Shapoklyak. Old-fashioned bags are just a disaster in the image of an adult lady. Even a dress that is 20 years old will not spoil the impression in the way that outdated shoes or a bag can. Therefore, we carefully study trends and buy current models of bags and shoes. It is important not to buy fakes, but you can model models inspired by the work of famous designers.
Stylistic chips
How can you add dynamics to an image without buying anything? We apply stylization tricks and a modern way of wearing things. For example, most adult women do not tuck sweaters and blouses into their trousers, but stand. In the first photo, Linda Wright unbuttoned the bottom button on the cardigan, revealing the belt buckle.
The manner of carrying bags, tucking or not tucking the sleeves also changes from season to season. This year, you will be in trend if you take the bag in your hand and press it against your body.
Many women of elegant age like to wear stoles, as if shawls and scarves hide age-related changes in the neck, but here it is also important to follow fashion. Long scarves are in fashion today, which do not need to be wound around the neck, just throw one end of the scarf back. And the most squeak of fashion is to use a sweater instead of a scarf, but this is for advanced fashionistas.
There can be scarves in the image, if the rest of the set does not look old-fashioned. That is, there is no need to add a square scarf to a formal suit.And the color of the scarf is also important. Often on sales in the store you can see a bunch of colorful scarves, so you definitely don't need to buy them. Stylish colors come first. Choose accessories of trendy prints or plain shawls.
Hand jewelry
We do not wear old-fashioned rings, unless you care that you will be given 80 instead of 60. Family jewelry is great, but mix them with modern forms if you can or refuse them for the time being.
trendy things
You can't call a vest an accessory, but a false collar can. If you have the ability to isolate the hotly fashionable from the mass of things, then be sure to take them into your wardrobe.
Fashion scarves
It is impossible to find more respect and admiration among young people than playing with trendy accessories... Moreover, accessories are an inexpensive way to be fashionable. Puffy and fur scarves are still in trend.
Trendy colors
Grown women are often afraid of color. Not everyone knows how to age nobly beige-milky or bright neon-pink. Follow color trends.
Jewelry with modern clothes
Let's say you have that same pearl necklace or other massive piece of jewelry in your box. Wear it with modern pieces, like Rossella Jardini, who wore a chunky necklace with a vest and leather jacket.
With hats, as in the status about relationships, "everything is complicated." Here you may often need the help of a professional who will select a headdress according to the shape of your face and style. Because you can say "buy a Panama", but it should sit gorgeous, otherwise it will turn out, at best, an unsuccessful dacha look.
fashionable accessories
Trending can be dangerous if you are not Lean Slater. Children's hairpins and veils will not make you look younger, you can wear them only if your goal is to shock society with your life-loving old age.
The main thing is to try to love your age. My mother is a very beautiful woman, but she decided that at the age of 59 she is a grandmother and should wear headscarves. My aunt, a large 61-year-old woman, continues to buy clothes, accessories, accepting her age and her weight. Get inspired by those who know how to value life, they are called style icons, probably because they look at them with admiration and gratitude for the confidence that you need to love and decorate yourself at any age.