Orthodox Easter and fashion

You can talk about the spiritual aspects of Orthodoxy and religions in general for hours, but business is much more mundane - fashion and beauty, so we will only touch on these aspects of Orthodox Easter.

Easter is the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which means the greatest holiday of all Christians. Therefore, going to the temple, you can wear the most elegant, festive clothes. After all, a holiday is a holiday in order to rejoice and radiate happiness with all its kind. True, festive clothing as understood by the church is slightly different from festive clothing appropriate in a nightclub. What is the difference? It's very simple - your clothes can be beautiful, fashionable, expensive and luxurious, but at the same time they should not be sexy. Look at the style in which Giorgio Armani's collections are sustained, here is the most suitable for Easter worship.

Happy Easter and the best wishes from

Orthodox Easter
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