
Celebrating Easter in Russia

Spring has come long ago, and the snow cover has been dropped almost everywhere in Russia, although there are days of bad weather when the outgoing winter, as if angry at the beauty of spring, picks up a cold wind, whirls with wet snow, or even whirls. In spring, the earth in Russia wakes up with heroic power - ice breaks, meadows are poured, animals that have fallen asleep for the winter wake up, each blade of grass is filled with strength.

Spring awakens eternal life, inspires man. One of the most important Christian holidays is approaching - Easter, for which all of Orthodox Russia is beginning to prepare for a long time. And this preparation is the days of Great Lent. Earlier throughout our vast country at this time the bells of innumerable temples were buzzing with Lenten ringing. And this ringing awakened the conscience, disturbed the heart, removed from vices, refrained from irritation and even rage, curbed the tongue from lies and evil words. Thousands of people from Orthodox Russia went to churches to repent of their sins and receive strength for a new life.

And now in Russia there are many people who strive for moral self-improvement. Everyone is trying to do something good at this time, and our Orthodox Church encourages all Christians to intensify their exploits. What can each of us say after the Great Lent, is he satisfied with himself, as he spent the fast? It is difficult to answer this question, especially when it comes to spiritual life, with food it is much easier.

Therefore, in the last days of Great Lent, let's think not only about the beauty of the body and face, delicate skin and luxurious hair, but also about the beauty of the soul, which remains eternal.

Getting ready for Easter
Getting ready for Easter
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