
How to paint eggs for Easter

Spring. In the north of Russia, the earth is waking up with heroic power. The snow cover is thrown off, ice breaks and cracks on the rivers, meadows are flooded. Forest animals that have fallen asleep in winter wake up, the hubbub of birds and the cries of cranes are heard. Each blade of grass feels the approach of warmth.

Russian spring. Easter is the main event of the year for all Orthodox Christians. This day celebrates the victory over death, eternal life and the miracle of the Resurrection of Christ the Savior. His death on the cross accomplished our redemption, and his Resurrection granted us eternal life. In the words: "Christ is Risen!" the whole essence of our Orthodox faith. Meeting on this day, Christians greet each other: "Christ is Risen!" - “Truly Risen!”, They kiss three times and give colored eggs, which are a symbol of reviving life.

The custom of painting eggs is associated with Mary Magdalene, when she came to the Emperor Tiberius with the exclamation: "Christ is Risen!" and gave him an egg. The Emperor replied that it was as difficult for him to believe as it was that this white egg would suddenly turn red. And at that moment, the egg really turned red.

Beautiful Easter eggs and egg coloring options

Following the example of Mary Magdalene, we present each other with colored eggs, which remind us of the life-giving death and Resurrection of the Lord.

Coloring eggs for Easter has always been a great pleasure in Russia, especially for children. Those who knew how to draw painted eggshells with flowers, bright domes of churches, bunnies ..., and they got real Easter eggs. And everyone went to church dressed up - ladies in light dresses, and even with necklaces made of precious eggs, often work Faberge, men in tailcoats or in ceremonial uniforms, always with orders. In Russian villages and villages, people also wore their most elegant and light-colored clothes on this day. Joy around, happy faces. On this Holy Night, everyone seemed to be close and dear to each other ...

On the last week before Easter, on Holy Week, on Maundy Thursday, we begin cooking Easter cakes, paint Easter eggs, cleanliness and order in the house.

Beautiful Easter eggs

What is the best way to color eggs? Each housewife knows her secrets and methods of painting. Let's and we will share with each other ...

The first thing to start with is to prepare the eggs for painting. They should be at room temperature before cooking. This will keep the shell intact. A tablespoon of salt should be added to the water. You can poke a small hole with a needle to prevent the egg from cracking during boiling. To make the paint evenly fall on the shell, wipe the egg with alcohol or soapy water. And to make all the colored eggs shine, wipe them with vegetable oil.

Painting Easter eggs

Methods for coloring eggs for Easter
If the eggs are painted in one color, they are called dyes, eggs with multi-colored dots made of wax droplets - specks, single-color eggs with a scratched pattern - drapanki, using a brush or a special tool - Easter eggs. You can come up with your own names using your own coloring methods.

Now let's look at some of them.

1. Onion peel is a well-known method of coloring. You can get different colors - from pale yellow to brown. To get a richer color, you need to take as much onion husk as possible and cook it for an hour. Then put the eggs in the present solution and cook them for 10 minutes. To clean the eggs well, after boiling, pour the eggs with cold water.

2. Boiled eggs can be grated with beetroot juice, carrot juice, or spinach juice. Many vegetables and fruits have a coloring effect. This way you can get a variety of colors and shades.For example, pink color gives beet juice, pale yellow - carrots, lemon, orange, yellow - calendula flowers or birch leaves, green color can be obtained using nettle or spinach, blue - red cabbage, beige - coffee, purple - violet flowers.

Colorful easter eggs

If some of the dyes are weak, eggs in such broths can be left overnight. You can add one tablespoon of vinegar to the dye.

3. Another interesting color option in the same onion peel. Wet eggs, roll in rice or millet, wrap in cheesecloth, the ends of which are tied so that the grain sticks to the egg. Next, cook the eggs. And when we free them from gauze and grain, we will see speckled eggs.

4. You can make marble eggs. To do this, wrap the eggs in onion skins and tie some cotton material on top. After boiling, the eggs will become marbled. There is another option for marble eggs. Color the eggs light and vibrant first. Then let them dry. Dilute dark colors (blue, purple, brown), add vegetable oil to the dye solution - 1 teaspoon, stir gently, but do not shake. Now you can dip the egg in the dark dye. Take out the egg and see how marbled it is. The egg will be beautiful if you dip it in the solution only once.

Coloring Easter eggs with onion peels

5. Interesting Easter eggs will turn out if you first wrap them with multi-colored threads before cooking.

Coloring Easter eggs with onion peels

6. If you want to draw a leaf on the egg, take, for example, a parsley leaf, attach it to the egg, wrap it in a stocking, tie it on both sides and cook in boiled onion husks.

7. But you can also show the artist's imagination yourself and draw on the still hot boiled eggs, after placing them on the egg holder, the ornament that you yourself came up with. Use a thin watercolor brush for this.

Easter eggs coloring

8. If you are not doing everything with drawing, then hard boil the eggs. Choose beautiful designs on the napkins, separate the top layer of the napkin and cut out the pattern you like.

Then prepare the gelatin glue - first fill the gelatin with water and soak as indicated on the gelatin package. Now strain it through a strainer, then heat to dissolve all the granules. Attach the picture to the egg, and apply gelatin glue over the picture from its center to the edges.

9. Buy food coloring (Easter set), it contains a recipe for dyeing eggs. Typically, your actions are to dilute the dye with water (each color in a separate container) and add vinegar in the amount of one tablespoon. There should be just enough water so that the egg is completely covered. In this case, paint the eggs already boiled. We keep them in the dye solution until they get the color you want.

10. Finally, the easiest way is to use iron-on transfers. A way for everyone who is busy. On the eve of the holiday, they are sold in all stores. Choose eggs of medium size, for eggs that are too large, the heat-seal may be small. Hard-boil the eggs, put the sticker on the egg and dip it in boiling water so that the sticker sticks and takes the desired shape. wishes you to meet and celebrate Bright Resurrection with dignity.

Painted easter eggs
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