Dresses for a Barbie doll can be sewn, or can be purchased ready-made, in stores, online stores and at auction. In real stores, I could not find anything unusual, of course there is a choice, but not what I would like. At the same time, dresses and accessories for Barbie can be of different quality. There are simple ones, where threads stick out from everywhere, and plastic or rubber on shoes looks ugly. Such things are inexpensive, you can buy a whole box for 200-300 rubles. And something more no less quality is more expensive. An original dress, a pair of shoes, a belt and a bag in the set can cost 700-900 rubles. The most important thing is that the dress looks beautiful in the box, but when you buy it, bring it home and open it, you will see similar flaws, but only in a smaller volume. The threads are sticking out, the stitching is crooked, the fasteners and Velcro are sewn in carelessly. Having bought in this way several sets of clothes for different dolls, I decided to refuse and in the future to sew on my own or order.
I will tell you where to order gorgeous dresses for a Barbie doll next time. There is one site where simply gorgeous samples of ready-made dresses are presented and it is possible to order a dress for a Barbie doll at your discretion. First, I will check it on my own experience, and if everything turns out to be great, I will make a photo session of my dolls and tell you in detail. In the meantime, I publish different dresses, I found them at an American auction.
Dolls were made in the image and likeness of people, and in the case of Barbie, everything is much more interesting. Although there are barbies created in the image and likeness of celebrities, there are still many more who want to imitate Barbies, including among the celebrities themselves. For example, Paris Hilton has never hidden that her ideal of beauty is a Barbie doll.