Depending on the quality of the components used, perfumes can be divided into the following classes:
Class "Lux"
This class is characterized by the so-called "hand assembly". Only natural aromas and raw materials are used here. Of course, real masterpieces can be created from such raw materials, but, unfortunately, they are not available for many consumers due to their high cost. And the cost of such fragrances is estimated at thousands of dollars. Most often, these perfumes are made to order, and therefore, in single copies. However, even if very rich people can use such aromas, it is still the ultimate dream for every perfumer to create his own masterpiece.
Class "A"
These are high-quality raw materials, almost 90% composed of natural ingredients, the remaining 10% are synthetic. These fragrances are already available to many. This category of perfume is produced by the Lambre company.
Class "B"
Raw materials in this category are synthetic or semi-synthetic. Licensed perfumes are made from it. These are mainly perfumes from the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Syria, Canada, Switzerland, Russia, Ukraine. Their cost is much lower than the above. The aromas of these perfumes, one might say, are similar in their dominant note to the original, but the richness of the sound of the entire range is significantly different from the original. This class of raw materials is used by perfumery lines in creams, gels, deodorants.
Class "C"
And finally, the class that uses the cheapest extracts. In the perfumery line, these synthetic essential oils are used for additives in soaps and powders. They can be found in counterfeit perfumes. It should be noted that synthetic essential oils do not have the same volatility differences as natural oils. Therefore, in synthetic perfumes, especially in counterfeited ones, you will not feel any subdivisions into notes.
Choose which perfume suits you best.