Fashion women clothes

How to properly care for your jeans

There is nothing more comfortable than jeans, in which it is quite possible to go both to nature and to a disco. And in order for your favorite jeans to last longer, you should follow a few simple rules for proper care of them. Here is some of them:

Jeans care rules, proper washing, dry cleaning

1. Always follow the washing and care instructions for your jeans listed on the labels.

2. To protect the color of your jeans when washing, always turn them inside out and wash them in cold water before washing.

3. Wash your jeans less often. Wear them at least three times before sending them to the wash.

4. If your jeans are decorated with rivets, embroidery, rhinestones, stones, then it is better to give such jeans to dry cleaning. If you decide to save money, then soak your jeans in cold water, add a mild cleaner and let sit for 15 minutes. Then rinse them well and hang them on a hanger to dry overnight. If after washing the jeans have sat down, then it is recommended to turn them inside out, wrap them in a damp sheet and place them in a warm dryer for 10 minutes.

How to properly care for your jeans

5. For dark jeans, especially of poor quality, the industry often uses dyes that can leave marks on the skin and linen. Therefore, it is not recommended to wear light-colored underwear under such dyeing jeans, if you know that jeans can dye it. However, it is worth getting rid of such jeans altogether, because the dye that eats into the skin is not at all safe for health.

6. White jeans require special care. Even leather belts can leave marks on such jeans. Therefore, the belts on white jeans should not be tightened too tightly.

7. If your white jeans get dirty, use a bleaching pencil. When doing so, follow the manufacturer's instructions.

8. Do not use bleach on white jeans. If you want to dye your white jeans, then strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions for the fabric paint, while respecting the proportions of bleach and water. After all, if the amount of bleach is incorrectly calculated, the fabric may deteriorate and even turn yellow.

9. It is not recommended to send jeans to drying, as they shrink in this case. But if they are big for you, and you want to "seat" them in length, then it is quite possible to use drying. To do this, you first need to hang wet jeans on a hanger and allow excess moisture to drain, and then dry them in a warm (but not hot!) Dryer for no more than 10 minutes.

How to properly care for your jeans

10. Dark jeans can stain other items when washed, so it is best to wash them separately. Wash white jeans only with white clothes. Always wash jeans, any color, in cold water only.

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