On the show program for the spring-summer 2024 collection, designer Diane von Fürstenberg wrote the following: "Some fairy tales end the moment a girl marries a prince, but others ... so it begins."
In these lines, Diana von Fürstenberg most likely meant herself. After all, it was she who, having married back in 1969 to the real Prince Egon von Fürstenberg, began a successful design career a year later. Today, she is not only a designer for her own brand, but also the president of the Designers Association of America, and, according to Forbes magazine, the most influential woman in the fashion industry.
As for the collection itself, it turned out to be bright, this collection is undoubtedly for those who are not afraid to wear something superfluous and are certainly not shy about catching glances of envy and delight. The colors of the collection are bright red, dark blue, orange, bright blue.
Diane von Furstenberg's spring-summer 2024 collection featured a variety of translucent capes, pajama pantsuits, sequinned dresses, caftans, as well as a technical novelty from Google - Google Glass glasses, which, as Google itself hopes, will soon come to replace smartphones.