Again, an advertising banner came across, offering to win an American green card. Immigration to the United States is a longed-for dream of many, and for some reason the green card is advertised using Internet banners. Such thoughts prompted the writing of this publication, where I would like to tell the experience of travel and immigration, give advice and warn against some possible disappointments.
Now many people dream of leaving for civilized countries, where everything is saturated with the smell of freedom. Such people live with plans and dreams of immigration to the United States and Europe, exploring options, looking for work abroad, looking for a place to study and think that when they move, then real life will begin.
This way of thinking is a big mistake, because real life is not in the past or in the future, it is here and now. The past is already in the past, and it cannot be returned; you may not have a future, you only have the present.
If you are setting yourself up to live a life of delay, then chances are, when you get what you want, it will not bring happiness. The beginning of life will again move away somewhere further and you will have to wait again. Your whole life will pass in such an expectation, and you will never really begin to live.
In this publication, I do not want to dissuade anyone from immigration to the United States and Europe, for some, such a decision can really help to arrange their lives. It is easier for someone to immigrate, for someone will immigration bring happiness and longed-for freedom, and for someone it will add difficulties in life and bring disappointment?
If you attend school, and your parents have some money, thanks to which they can arrange you to study abroad - in the USA or Europe, you can safely think about immigration. In general, getting an education in the United States or Europe is now fashionable, and there are many reasons for that. No matter how patriotic we are of our Russia, it is better to get education in many areas in the USA, England, France ...
Why is it better to study there, it takes a long time to explain, and many publications have been written on this topic. So if you are in school or graduating from school and your parents can fund your study abroad, feel free to go.
Studying abroad will give a diploma, with due diligence will also give real knowledge (which with current technologies can be obtained via the Internet), as well as studying in the USA and Europe will help to learn a foreign language, maybe even 2-3, and you will also greatly expand your horizons ... While studying at universities in the USA and Europe, you will meet many different people from different countries of the world, absorb some of their knowledge and culture, thanks to which you will seriously enrich yourself intellectually and culturally. Universities in Saratov and Arkhangelsk, unfortunately, will not be able to provide such opportunities. Therefore, studying abroad actually makes sense, it gives a lot that you probably cannot get in our universities. And what a sin to conceal, in our universities teachers for the most part do not stand up to any criticism, they do not seek to feel how the student thinks, they do not seek to transfer knowledge, they, by and large, do not care about students, the main thing is to work out faster, rip off money for credits and go home.
If your parents do not have money, you can still try to go to the USA, England or France for education, only in this case everything will depend on you and your sincere desire to learn a foreign language and generally study better than anyone else. Pay attention to universities such as the Sorbonne, under this name, in fact, there is not one university, but many universities and high schools.Studying in many of them is completely free, you just need to pay for the use of the library, and make some small contributions, which in total will cost several hundred euros per year.
A few hundred euros a year to get a Sorbonne diploma?
It sounds tempting, but do not flatter yourself, not everything is so simple, because the student needs to live somewhere and eat something. Accommodation in the cheapest hostel will cost 100-200 euros per bed. This implies a real bed, in a small room, where a student lives, at best, with one more student, or maybe not with one.
Living in such tight conditions is not conducive to good studies, a neighbor or neighbor can interfere with sleep, can be annoying and generally cause a lot of anxiety. One room is very small, and living with a new stranger or 2-3 is a serious stress. To avoid such inconveniences, you will have to rent a separate house, the cost of which will amount to hundreds of euros. Hundreds not 100-200, but closer to 1000 euros per month. It turns out that everything is not so simple and you will have to find money. Where to find them is your concern. You can find a job, but the student has no skills, no experience and little free time, since the main task is to study. In this situation, one cannot count on serious wages.
At best, the money will be enough to pay for housing and meager food. But the students, boys and girls, are young, they are full of strength - they will all stand in the hope of a future reward, which will surely come someday.
True, this option is not suitable for everyone. In some cases, if you wish to pursue an education in the field of fashion, for example in these educational institutions:
Istituto Marangoni
Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design
Parsons and Fusion Fashion Show
Graduate School of Fashion Arts and Technology ESMOD
Bunka Fashion College
Without financial support from parents or sponsors, the wish will not be fulfilled. Although, in truth, in any case, the main thing is to have a fiery desire, then there will be money and opportunities.
Immigration and job search in the USA and Europe
For those who have already squandered their childhood and adolescence, the immigration scenario is somewhat different. I can assure you that if you are over 25-30 years old, you already have a diploma from a Russian university and work experience, everything will turn out to be incomparably more complicated.
A Russian diploma is not appreciated in civilized countries, and in many cases it may not be valid at all. Work experience and recommendations from Russian employers also do not matter much. And most importantly, you simply won't be able to go to the USA, England, France or Germany. The only and simplest immigration option is Jewish origin. It is easier for a Jew to immigrate from Russia, and upon arrival in a new homeland, Jews receive certain benefits, compared to other seekers of freedom and happiness. We are talking not only about the promised land of Israel, but also about other countries, for example, it will be very easy for a Jew to immigrate to Germany. Easy compared to a Russian immigrant.
If you are unlucky enough to be born a Jew, (written without mockery and humor) immigration can drag on for several years. After all, not everything is so simple and the new homeland does not wait for everyone, with the exception of especially talented and gifted ones. In the case of a high level of professionalism, immigration will take a different turn - a high-class specialist will be invited to work, everything will be arranged, given housing and all worries will be relieved, the main thing is that he is not distracted, but works with all his might for his new owner. Only in real life there are even fewer highly qualified specialists than Jews, therefore, the chances of a potential immigrant to get into this group tend to be minimal.
This means that we will have to look for loopholes in all conceivable and inconceivable ways. Seek and do your best. He who seeks finds, and he who knocks will be opened.
The day and hour will come when the dream will come true and the immigrant will step off the plane onto the land of his new homeland.The first time will be very difficult, as it turns out that the English or French that we have studied for the last year or two is not at all the same as the people around you speak, and the immigrant can with great difficulty communicate with others. Finding a good job with such knowledge of the language is very doubtful, but can these trifles upset our aspirant for freedom? After all, these are trifles in comparison with the fact that the dream of a lifetime has come true to get out of Russia into the civilized world. And besides, the immigrant, leaving Russia, most likely managed to sell everything - an apartment, a car, a dacha and all the acquired property, which means that there is money in stock that allows him to live and calmly look for work.
Here I will add from myself, a little of my experience and impressions... Since childhood, I adored the United States and treated Russia with a coldness. I don't know why it happened, I was brought up in a completely different way, but as a child I had no love for Russia, I just dreamed of immigrating to the United States. Then, as a child, America was for me like a ray of light in a dark kingdom, America had everything (the time of the collapse of the USSR), the longed for freedom, the opportunity to earn according to ability and spend according to needs, and besides, America seemed like a fabulously beautiful country in comparison with the gray the reality of the last years of the USSR. Then I wanted to literally run away from the country, even if illegally, the main thing was just to run away. How I would live in the USA, on what to live, on what money, and where, under what roof, what to eat, what to wear, and who needs me there, I did not think then. I was then 6-9 years old, the age of elementary school.
An immigrant 25-30 years old, it will be more difficult in his new homeland, because he is not a little girl living in a fairytale castle, which means you need to think about permanent real housing, work, clothing, food, rest, because you cannot work all the time, you have to somehow rest and get pleasure, otherwise, why then it was necessary to leave.
It will be easier for physically strong men in immigration, since at first, while there are no real job offers, you can work on a construction site or perform some other types of work that require strength, endurance and diligence. On the one hand, it is easier for girls, on the other, it is more difficult.
You can get to know each other and get married, thereby solving the problems of adaptation to a new life. Only the probability of finding an acquaintance and marriage quickly and for love is very small, which means we have to look for a long time, but we do not have time, or agree to the proposal of some old freak. Of course, you can live a year or two with an old freak, then when you get settled, you can get rid of him and send him away, but these two years you will have to sleep with him. Or even worse, you can find yourself in a position where you will have to sleep with not one, but several, and also without love.
Sleep with several for a great future? Many will agree to this, but how great is the future shining? Let's try to look into it.
Our immigrant has come a long way and doesn't give up so easily. A lot of time and effort was spent on immigration to the United States or Europe, all property was sold, and there are so many hopes with a new homeland, so difficulties do not frighten. After some time, a couple of years, the immigrant already speaks fluent English and is already accustomed to the peculiarities of life in a new place, and if he is lucky, he found a real job. By real work I mean a permanent job with an acceptable wage - approximately 3500-4000 euros.
For a girl from the Russian hinterland, the amount seems very tempting. It seems that you can live well with that kind of money. It only seems so, in fact, in civilized countries, enslaving taxes, which together take about half or even more, as a result of which the amount of our immigrant's income is divided in two. This is followed by the cost of renting a home, or payments on loans, mortgages, and various insurance. As a result, very little money remains, in the region of 1000 euros. With that kind of money, you can't buy an original Louis Vuitton bag, but you have to wait for a sale and buy discounted goods or Chinese fakes.
This great future seemed at all different in the imagination of most immigrants, but they get used to everything and resign themselves to everything. It will take 10 years and our immigrant in his new homeland will come to terms with this way of life, reassuring himself that he still managed to break out of the dense Russia into the civilized world, where there is a high level of culture and freedom.
Here I will add again from myself
I managed to travel and live in different places, with the thoughts of staying there forever. I noticed an interesting fact. When you come on a tourist trip, with a group or on your own, walk with a camera, try all sorts of goodies in restaurants and cafes, visit museums and shops, swim in the sea - with this lifestyle, the new country seems to be heaven on earth, everything is so beautiful and delightful, not at all like at home.
When you decide to stay and live (without burning bridges), after a short time you get used to everything, and what seemed delightful is no longer noticed and is perceived as commonplace. A period of getting used to the beauty begins and a vision of everyday reality comes, and there is a lot of impartial in it.
In my travels, I never had to feel the need, money was always abundant and I never had to work, or look for a job, despite this, the period of euphoria passed quickly.
Having made a lot of travels, I can say with confidence that there are many good places in the world to live, but the comfort and peace of mind does not depend on the country of residence, but on what is inside us, on our state of mind. And what is the state of mind of people who immigrate from Russia? Most of them cannot talk about anything except how bad it is in Russia, and how desperate it is here, and how wonderful it is there ...
Such people until they change their views, nowhere, in any country of the world, will never live in peace and happiness, never!
Conclusions: if you are out of college age, you are not a highly qualified specialist in demand, immigration will bring you 5-7 years of life in a mode of increased stress and stress, when you have to work very, very hard, and adapt to new conditions. And in these 5-7 years you will be able to become an ordinary citizen of your new homeland. In most cases, if a person makes the same efforts to achieve success without leaving his homeland, he will achieve much more, because he will not need to spend time and effort on adaptation and much more.
Therefore, the conclusions are as follows - immigration for an ordinary average person aged about 30 years or more does not make any sense, and in some cases, on the contrary, it can cause complete disappointment in life.
It was good to immigrate from Russia in the late 80s... Then it made sense for everyone. The difference in living standards and prospects at that time was colossal. At that time, it made sense to leave even for people over 40 years old, having worked their way, they retired and now receive 1000 euros of pension. For those Russians who are now over 30 years old, it makes little sense to immigrate from Russia. A much greater effect can be achieved if energy is used to achieve goals that can be achieved here. And believe me, there are many opportunities in Russia now, as well as freedom, which in present-day Russia is as much as it has never existed in its entire history.