Fashion world

Animal protection and the traditional way of life of mankind

We have a lot of materials in the magazine dedicated to fur coats, leather goods and feathers. It's not a secret for anyone that all these materials are taken from animals, for which they are grown, and then they are consumed ...

Is such treatment of animals cruel, maybe animal defenders are right and it's time for humanity to reconsider their way of life, traditions and habits?

Animal protection is a good, noble business, but we live in a free society, where everything that is not prohibited by law and fits into social norms is permissible and cannot be prohibited by any individual people or organizations.

People and animals have lived side by side on planet Earth from the very beginning. From the very beginning, humans have used animals for their own needs - to put it simply, for survival. Now agriculture and food industry have developed so much that for most citizens of civilized countries the question of survival is not relevant, you can think about whether it is time to abandon the exploitation of animals?

Fur coats and animal welfare photos

Indeed, can't you do without meat and natural fur?

Personally, I can easily do without meat products, eating only dairy, fish and chicken eggs. The fish, of course, is also alive, and therefore vegetarians and other animal advocates demand that fish be abandoned. Moreover, now many argue that milk, cottage cheese, sour cream should also be abandoned!

The question is, why should we refuse dairy products in honor of? You don't need to kill an animal to get milk and dairy products, why refuse?

Fur coats and animal protection

The position of animal protection activists is as follows - to obtain milk, animals are cruelly exploited and many of them live hard, full of hardships and therefore short lives.

As proof, they send me photographs and videos where, in fact, cattle breeders mistreat cows and calves. It is very sad to watch such a video, it is sad to realize that there is a place for cruelty in our world.

Fur clothing and animal protection

Only if you wash your eyes, you can see that there has always been cruelty in the world, and most importantly, unjustified cruelty. Not only animals, but also people have been and are being mistreated. Now the 21st century is in the yard, high technologies and the Internet have made knowledge and education available, but people are not becoming kinder, we see many military conflicts flaring up in certain regions where someone's financial or geopolitical interests intersect. In every conflict, thousands and thousands of people die, some are executed with extreme cruelty, and many are tortured in prisons with the tacit permission of the most civilized countries.

In childhood we were taught that we strive to bring peace to the whole world, and now today's schoolchildren are taught the same, but the world is not getting kinder, the world is still cruel, as in the Middle Ages, just civilized people know how to hide their atrocities, carry out their hands.

Therefore, any struggle to protect animal rights and refusal to drink milk looks not even funny, but strange, as long as people live in cruelty towards each other. Why, then, all this activity, do not animal advocates understand that the absolute majority of people around the world will not give up eating meat? After all, if in Europe a working citizen can buy any food of non-animal origin in a store, in other regions they are ready to gobble up everything that flies and crawls.

Bag made of natural fox fur, photo

Maybe animal protection fighters need to go on an excursion to the same China, which on the one hand is the fastest growing economy, one might say the first economy, and on the other hand, in the countryside, the local population eats almost any available living creatures, for one simple reason, they want eat.

What to do? Perhaps, in order to save the animals, the number of people must be reduced? Carry out calculations, calculate how many billions of people it is rational to leave on planet Earth, and remove the extra ones. How will these extra ones be selected?

Fur clothing and animal protection

Gloomy ideas, but such is the reality - people have always exploited animals and in the foreseeable future they will not be able to live without animal husbandry and the manufacture of fur and leather.

Why, then, is the struggle if it is already clear to a rational person that this struggle is hopeless? Everything is very simple - there are a certain number of people in the world who cannot simply live, cannot study, develop and make the world better, or rather they can, but only this is not enough for them, they must surely fight with something or someone. All revolutions, from the French to the October one in Russia, were made by such people. These fighters are fighting for a better life, they promise a bright future, but they are often cruel themselves. The same is the case with the protection of animals, people actively participating in the protection of animals by their nature are fighters, they need to protect someone, to fight for something, even to the detriment of others.

A small number of fighters consciously came to their activities, and the majority succumb to a certain herd feeling. This happens when a person refuses to eat products of animal origin, he begins to think of himself higher and better than others, this feeds his pride and brings satisfaction from life. In addition, animal protection organizations are funded by various funds that allocate money to leaders, and they lead the masses, because it is very convenient to direct the energy of people-fighters to such nonsense as fighting the consumption of milk and sour cream. There are a lot of problems in the world now, some countries are forced to reduce pensions and all kinds of social benefits, people's lives will become more complicated, and of course, far-sighted leaders will certainly feed different currents, where ordinary fighters will be able to direct their energy.

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