Each glossy cover has its own back. Beautiful girls who want to work in the modeling business or who want to marry an overseas prince are always in danger. And it is also worth knowing and remembering about them - both for the girls themselves and, first of all, for their parents, because whoever is warned is armed, who knows about troubles, he can always avoid them.
The topic that is touched upon in this article is serious and adult, but yesterday's high school graduates and high school girls should hardly dismiss it. There will be no moral teachings here, there will not be any about the fact that you should not marry a foreigner or strive to fulfill your dream - to become a model, no, you should always strive to make your dreams come true! Here we will just try to figure out how not to get into very difficult life situations, and why it happens that sometimes girls get into them.
It so happened that slavery, which once existed in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece, has not been completely abolished. Many girls all over the world today end up in real slavery, where the choice for them is very small - either engage in prostitution or die. But the income, which, as people involved in the problems of the slave trade in the modern world assure, is very high for today's slave owners.
There is such a book “Natasha's for Sale” by the Canadian journalist Victor Malarek (it will be very useful for many to read it in order to at least think and realize the scale of the problem). The book paints, perhaps, and too gloomy pictures, but the fact remains, even if the "dashing" 90s have long come to an end, there are still a lot of girls from the countries of the former Soviet Union who are forced to trade themselves in the countries of Europe and Asia ... These are not only Russians, although all of them are called "Russians" - there are among these girls and Ukrainian women, and Belarusian, and Moldavians, and girls from Asian countries that were once part of the USSR.
Why Natasha? This is the name assigned to the "Russian" girls, remember that the "Russians" are in quotation marks, since among these girls there are not only Russians, they are girls from the former republics of the Soviet Union. The name was so firmly entrenched that in the same Turkey, some naive Turkish women believe that Natasha is not a name, but the name of the most ancient profession. The glory of girls of easy virtue, not only in Muslim countries, but also in Europe, was also attached to the "Russian" girls. So, one Italian who started dating a girl from Belarus, but it makes no difference, all these girls are "Russian", the whole family was against this acquaintance and, moreover, against the possibility of their marriage. The mother was unambiguous - a girl from any country, but not "Russian". "Russians" "- they are very bad girls.
So why is it the "Russian" girls who end up in brothels so often and have such a bad reputation? Do they really, going abroad, all want to work as prostitutes? What is the reason? And among the reasons for this phenomenon are most often called naivety, the desire to make money and the lack of proper upbringing in the family. Poverty (or corruption of officials who turn a blind eye to the slave trade) is not the main reason, as strange as it sounds. Yes, most of the girls, from the countries of the former USSR, who begin to engage in prostitution from poor families, but poverty is not the reason.
So, naivety... Many girls, young and young, sincerely believe that working as a waitress abroad, they will receive a lot of money, or that by entering a dubious second-rate modeling agency, they will immediately become famous models and they will immediately be sent to work in Paris.And they are sent to "work", but not at all there and not at all as the stars of the catwalks.
Here it is worth remembering the main thing - for both parents and their daughters - job offers as waitresses and nannies abroad, that is, all professions that do not initially require education - pose a threat... Even very well-known agencies that have state permission for the placement of citizens of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and other countries abroad (and this permission, a license is required! Similar licenses are required for modeling agencies), one cannot fully rely.
As for modeling agencies, you should only trust large and well-known in the fashion world, that is, those whose models really work on the catwalks of Paris and are filmed for famous magazines.... Again, they must have government documents permitting the activity. If we talk about Belarus, then in this country a modeling agency with a good reputation is the agency "Fashion Studio of Sergei Nagorny".
You should be careful with foreign grooms, always hold the first meetings on your own territory, and when you come to another country, stay exclusively in hotels and communicate with young people only in public places. before you finally make sure that this person can be trusted.
Intuition, too, should never be neglected, if your heart tells you that something is wrong here, in this agency or with this person, then it is better not to risk it.
At the same time, special vigilance should be exercised in Muslim countries., in which there are very specific traditions regarding women.
Also, never trust women. Girls are more likely to see danger from men, and when a polite and smiling woman talks to them, in the same modeling agency, they calm down... But here it is worth knowing that it is the women who are hired for this job that are most often recruited into prostitutes, and very often they know perfectly well where the girl is actually being sent, instead of the promised catwalks of Paris.
Don't be naive! Check and recheck before trusting!
And what they always say, but so often in vain - the passport is never given to anyone, and a work visa is always made by a work visa, but if you are given a tourist visa, explaining that the work will be later, then you should not go.
Another trouble is a wish "Russian" girls make good money... Some of the girls from the CIS who have fallen into sexual slavery understand perfectly well who they are going to work with. But it seems to them that working as a prostitute, they can earn good money, and the rest is not important. But that's just the money they are practically not paid in the end, and it is no longer possible to leave just like that.
And the reason related to the previous point is lack of valuesto be brought up in a family. Most girls who are sexually enslaved are girls from disadvantaged and poor families, or just from dysfunctional families, families that do not pay attention to raising daughters... If a girl does not have a mess of desires in her head - to have a lot of money without difficulty and overnight, to have rich men, to have expensive clothes and cars, then the problems that are discussed in this article do not shine on her.
However, we, of course, are not talking about those cases when girls are kidnapped right on the streets, but this is more typical for the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus, in Russia and Ukraine this is unlikely to be. However, getting into cars with strangers is still not worth it.
As the good old folk wisdom says, it's not about the entrances, but about the heads. To paraphrase, it's not about corruption and poverty, it's about upbringing. Parents need to remember that raising children (both girls and boys), they should teach them by their own example to be people who value love, friendship, loyalty and honesty, but not money at any cost.
In Belarus and Ukraine, for safe travel abroad, you can contact the La Strada agency - www.lastrada.by and https://www.la-strada.org.ua/.
According to the UN, up to a third of the victims of world human trafficking are women.
If you consciously decided to take up the ancient profession, you should not go to Europe, since European countries are going through a deep crisis and it is unrealistic to make substantial money there. In addition, in a foreign country, you will be influenced by many people and circumstances. A foreign country, it is difficulties with the language, with communication, as well as ignorance of customs and way of life, and also renting housing and many other expenses, which add up to a decent amount in Europe. This will ruin your life a lot, and at the end of the month you will notice that you are not earning that much at all.
Therefore, if you decide, try to work in Russia, because in Russia there is much more money and men are more willing to part with it, and most importantly, if you are disappointed in your chosen profession, in your country it is easier to leave it and do something more worthy.