Beautiful girls

Ugly girls - philosophy and reasons for the phenomenon

Beauties, fashionistas, glamor and luxury, they surround me most of my life, but sometimes I leave my world and go to the ordinary one. I just walk along the streets and shops, museums and parks, where I face the harsh reality - not all beauties and fashionistas, the real world is full of ugly girls, tastelessly dressed and, most importantly, indifferent to their appearance and life.

Tell me there are none? After all, no one is indifferent to their own life, all girls want health, beauty, love and happiness for themselves? True, everyone wants, but often they want purely theoretically, but in practice they do nothing to make their life acquire the desired attributes of happiness. On the contrary, they do everything to ruin their own lives and become a shining example of losers, because ugly girls in 99% of cases do themselves. Look at the ugly girls on the street and in the photo, soberly assess their appearance - the skin of the face, figure, clothes and the image in general.

Few of the girls, by nature, are given a heavy burden in the form of deformity and inferiority, they are mostly born ordinary, a little better or a little worse, but in the future the girls work on their appearance and life. Someone works in the gym and in front of the mirror, and someone at the table with a spoon and fork, as well as on the couch playing with their iPad.

photo of a girl near the mirror

Why am I writing this? And to the fact that initially everyone was given good natural data, especially in childhood and adolescence, but with a careless attitude, many girls spoil their appearance. This is where these so-called ugly girls come from. For example, is a pimpled girl beautiful? Of course, she is ugly, but is this the fault of nature, or the punishment of God? Not at all, this girl made herself pimply through her own efforts and bad habits.

In her youth, a pimply or fat girl is somehow attractive, she is attractive with her youth, but youth is such a quality that necessarily passes, and very quickly, and the more wrong our way of life is, the sooner she will leave us. And in older age, all the shortcomings are aggravated and, as a result, make life miserable.

We all make our own life and it is very good when, from a young age, a person fell in love with the right skills that will make life better in the future. If our parents raised us incorrectly or we found ourselves in the wrong environment, a harmful information environment, thanks to which we acquired bad habits, then it is in our power to overcome and fix everything. In most cases, you need to set a goal, change your life, endure a year and you will start a completely different, new life!

But if you think that external beauty is not the main thing, go on, indulge yourself with illusions that the world will love you for your beautiful soul. Only the day and hour will come when you will understand that the beauty of the soul is not reflected by excess weight and pimples on the face, all these imperfections are nothing more than a reflection of the vices of the soul and the wrong way of life.

girl with a magazine near the mirror
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