Themed fashion media and world news

Boris Berezovsky died yesterday, this news was published by all electronic media, and many bloggers. The news is no doubt loud and symbolic, but we will not go into the meaning of this event, and we will not consider the life and work of Boris Berezovsky. The publication is about something completely different, should the thematic electronic media cover such news?

Of course, news sites need, but thematic media, why? For example, if I buy a magazine about floriculture, I want to see there materials about growing flowers, and if the editors supply additional material about raising rabbits, I might be disappointed. Why do I need extra information? This is the case with print media, because they are paid for, but electronic publications are free, and in addition, the cost of publishing news often goes to zero. Therefore, many fashion magazines strive to publish a lot of news from different spheres of life, here and cinema and cultural news and much, much more.

The subject of electronic media and the desire to get everything at once

On the one hand, this is good, because people are reading, usually people are versatile, and their interests are not limited only fashion... But there are also negative aspects that I had to experience on my own. Leafing through many publications, I have recently observed a bad tendency - almost all reputable media outlets are trying to write about everything. This also applies to those that were originally purely thematic.

As a result, I go to the site, read the news of the world of fashion, but before I find a couple of publications about fashion, I come across headlines about cars, art exhibitions, political news and whatever! As a result, I spend a lot more time. On the one hand, it is beneficial for the owners of electronic media, because everyone wants to keep the reader as long as possible, and on the other hand, I had to refuse to read some portals, as they slipped into an unknown direction.

If I am interested in news of politics and culture, I know perfectly well where to read such materials, and on the fashion portal I wish to see everything on the topic. Everywhere they say that in our century this is the most precious time, and the electronic media do not value our time, it turns out that the team of editors of such publications is indifferent to their readers?

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