
Organization of personal and working time

If we had 1000 years in stock, or if we had a guaranteed purchase of additional years of life, everything would be much easier. But we have a maximum of 90 years in reserve, taking into account the fact that we will lead a healthy lifestyle, and nothing unexpected will happen to us, which will shorten our life. Although even 90 years old is a bold forecast, many quite successful people live 65-75 years, and some will not live to 60.

Despite these sad facts, most people manage their time as if they are generally immortal and have an eternity in store!

Time is very limited, so we must value every day and every hour, use the time given to us with intelligence and dignity. But how can this be done in the modern world, where there are so many distractions and temptations that attract us to idle pastime?

Today will affect one aspect of saving time, namely online behavior.

For many young people, the Internet is the main source of information, an assistant in their studies and business. But at the same time, the Internet is the main plunderer of our time. The Russian-language Internet has an incredible amount of media - serious news sites, thematic blogs, entertainment sites and social networks, which also generate a huge amount of news and entertainment information. And there are also programs for communication - for example, Skype, ICQ.

News sites, social networks, blogs, forums and Skype, ICQ can all gobble up most of your time. Even news sites and social networks alone can take 2-3 hours every day!

By conducting various surveys among different groups of the population, I was able to learn a lot. It turns out that among the girls aged 14-22, there are many of those who visit Vkontakte and Instagram every day, spending an hour or more on it. On some days they stay longer, on some less, but if you take the average - an hour a day. In a year, 365 hours will be typed, this is a time in which a lot can be done. For example, learn a foreign language! Instead, girls get the dubious pleasure of socializing with all kinds of time-wasting losers and bums.

Organization of personal and working time

News sites
More serious people devote less time to social networks, they also consider themselves thinking people, so they want to keep abreast of economic and political news in order to understand what is happening in the country and in the world. To do this, they subscribe to news feeds, bookmark media sites.

Reading serious media is more useful than sitting on social networks, but still, for most people, it's useless!

It is possible to understand a specialist or entrepreneur who regularly reads certain news on which his career or business depends. But there are very few of them, the bulk of people read news for entertainment. Many will never admit it, but this is the truth - the news is bad and good, amazing and terrible, plays on our emotions and impressions, entertaining and filling our time.

Time flies by very quickly when you are distracted from work and immersed in a stream of news. Only the majority of news is not useful, they will not bring real benefits to our life, they will not make it better. For example, news about corruption, various incidents, a plane crash, why do you need this news?

Many will answer - how is it, this is life, you need to know what is happening in the world! In fact, this news does not concern you in any way, most of us cannot influence events in the country and in the world, but can only be indignant, collect gossip and retell to friends, supplementing with our own opinion. Why is this?

Recently, an emergency occurred, this news is discussed by all the media and bloggers, sheets of text are being written, but if you live thousands of kilometers from these places and are selling plumbing fixtures or fur products, why bother you with events that do not concern you at all? It is much better to read the news from your field of work, increasing your skills and awareness, thereby making your life better. This is the key point - each person should strive in his place, use time in such a way as to be better. By doing our job in the best possible way, we will make our real life better, and at the same time the life of those around us.

If you want to make the world and the life of the people around you better, start with yourself!

Information trash

Look at the screen scan, you can see the gismeteo page, they broadcast news from serious media. Despite this, the headlines do not inspire any confidence, they immediately show that they are designed to devour our time.

There is nothing to say about entertainment news sites such as Chips, Bigpiccha, this is informational rubbish in its pure form, there is 1-2% of information that can bring some benefit to our life, the remaining 98-99% is rubbish!

Where do I get this interest from? Everything is written from personal experience, I subscribed to 40 news feeds and read them for 3 weeks. Every day I spent about 2 hours reading headlines and some news that interested me. I read 400 headlines and about 30-40 posts a day. Then I appreciated everything and realized that of all the news read in 3 weeks, no more than 1-2% useful!

Remember death - value time
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