Contemporary art has degraded so much and has taken on such perverted forms that often one does not even want to look at it. But sometimes there are pleasant exceptions.
A lot of people scold the subway, but in fact it is a wonderful invention. In addition to the speed of movement in megacities, the metro provides an opportunity to see many interesting and funny characters.
Until 2024, Julia Wang was a model, and then she devoted all her efforts to the development of psychic abilities. Although Julia herself says that from childhood she had spiritual gifts.
All photo sessions of Alena Sazonova are original and unusual in their own way, but the projects with the participation of Julia Wang are especially noteworthy, they seem to open a window to another dimension for us.
Julia Wang is undoubtedly one of the brightest participants in all seasons of the "Battle of Psychics". Therefore, cannot resist and dedicates another publication to Julia.
Halloween cannot be called a real holiday, it is just an excuse to take part in a costume party, where you can give free rein to fantasy and try on the most fabulous image.
On October 10, in the Center for Fashion and Beauty "Crystal Nymph", a shooting of an image photo session of the ninth season of the Belarus FashionWeek project took place.