Vintage photos of beautiful girls
There are billions of photos of modern girls on the Internet, many of whom are real beauties. Only they are all modern beauties, but what did women who were revered as beautiful look like 100 years ago ...
Antique photos of actress Belle Bilton
Thanks to photography, we can look into the recent past and see people with whom we could never have met while living on this earth.
Delicate pink color in clothes
Probably, now there is no color that causes such contradictory reactions as pink. Someone pink touches, but many grimace and taunt the girls in pink. offers to see beautiful images in soft pink ...
Victoria's Secret Angels training skips the broadcast of the Victoria's Secret 2024 show itself, hundreds of sites have written about this and it is unrealistic to add something else. It is much more interesting to see funny photos taken during the preparation of the Angels.
French Fashion Illustrator René Gruau
Fashion illustrations may seem simple, but this is only at first glance. Real artists, illustrators, have a skill through which they can convey, in just a few details, a whole rainbow of fashionistas' moods.
Collecting Barbie
Have you seen men collecting Barbie dolls? will introduce you to one of these collectors, he has collected the richest collection of Barbies!
Fashion history in female portraits
Portraits of women of the late 16th and early 17th centuries by the English artist Robert Pick the Elder. On these canvases, we can perfectly see the clothes of women of that era.
Girls of Islam in photographs
We have devoted many publications to Islam and Orthodoxy, religious traditions and believing girls. Today's post is a bit of philosophy and a lot of beautiful girls!
Grace Kelly's birthday
Grace Kelly, one of the most beautiful and stylish women of the 20th century, she was born on November 12, 1929. Let's remember Grace Kelly, remember her with a kind word and see her best photos.
The most beautiful Japanese dolls - girls
Japanese interior dolls are an art that has a rich history and traditions. In museums you can find dolls that are hundreds of years old, but we do not seek to learn all the richness of Japanese history, we will look only at the most beautiful Japanese dolls -
Beautiful gothic dolls
Craftsmen and small factories are offering more and more beautiful dolls, some of the dolls literally look like a work of art! But today offers to look exclusively at dolls in the Gothic style.
Photos and clothes of Turkish women
A selection of photos of Turkish women, most of the photos were taken in Istanbul.
Fashion photo shoot for a cat
One of the many ideas for fashion, cat and photography lovers is a cat in pantyhose photo shoot.
Little northern princesses
A selection of children's photographs of little northern princesses. Swedish Crown Princess Victoria is the heiress to the Swedish throne and her younger sister, Princess Madeleine.
Hats for creative girls accidentally met a wonderful girl who knits hats herself. Knitted hats are so cute that I hasten to share with all readers.
Halloween - vintage postcards!
Continuation of the publication with postcards from the distant past. All postcards are of excellent quality, and most importantly, they are very positive, despite the fact that they are dedicated to the holiday, when all the dark forces go on a spree.
Halloween Antique Postcards
A selection of antique postcards dedicated to the celebration of Halloween. All postcards are in decent quality.
Glamorous witches from the past
Today, many will go to celebrate Halloween, will also not stand aside and right now, after this publication, it flies away on a broomstick ...


