Photography could not completely supplant drawing and illustration in the fashion world, on the contrary, now there is a certain revival of illustration. offers a small selection of beautiful illustrations.
Top models adorn the covers of glossy magazines and look at us from billboards, but they also take photos of their own with their phones. Let's see how they look in real life and what kind of phones do they have?
There are many places in Russia where rain can be expected at any time of the year. It can rain in July, or it can make an unpleasant surprise for the New Year, so an umbrella is the most important thing. But today we will only talk about umbrella handles.
In the fashion world, Alberta Ferretti is sometimes called the “queen of chiffon” for her luxurious dresses, which were able to conquer the fastidious hearts of many stars, as well as persons of royal descent.
Beautiful buttons are of great importance, they can be a very important element in an outfit, therefore Fashionista recommends that you collect buttons and store them carefully.
At school age, many want to look older, some succeed. Then the truth very quickly comes a time when you no longer want to seem older, but everything is much more complicated, the time does not turn back ...
Many people perceive Islam and Islamic women completely wrong. Fashionista will try to enlighten everyone, for which she offers to look at a selection of beautiful photographs and read a little philosophy. regularly devotes publications to various subcultures and clothing styles. The Cossacks are much more than a subculture or a style of clothing, but still, let's take a closer look at modern Cossacks.
Girls and women also lived in the USSR, respectively, glossy magazines were published for them, although they cannot be called glossy in the full sense of the word.
Now many newlyweds come up with original scenarios for their wedding, but let's look at old Soviet photos and compare how the wedding took place during the Soviet era.
France has ceased to be a trendsetter, and besides, the population of France is rapidly changing, mixing with other peoples who are alien to the culture of France, but what was 100 years ago?
When girls imitate Barbies it is quite natural and even commonplace, but today I want to cite as an example not a girl, but a boy who has become a real Barbie.