In the 90s, Russia opened up to the whole world, and various goods flooded the country. In those days, network marketing became widespread. Through this sales system, they tried to sell anything, but over time, boys with big
For a long time, bright, juicy lips have been an extremely attractive factor for men and a real weapon of seduction for women. Correctly selected lipstick is capable of extraordinarily beautifying the face - making it brighter, or vice versa, softer. but
If you want to make a present for a girl you don't know well, give Chanel No. 5. Even if she likes other scents, she can never accuse you of bad taste. Chanel No. 5 it's a whole philosophy and that's why he lives so long and does not lose
Magnolia is a beautiful and majestic flower. It, along with the rose, is often called the royal flower. Magnolia aromas are also used in perfumery and are aphrodisiacs.
Summer is coming to an end, for some it flew by quickly, but for someone it left a lot of vivid memories. In any case, when summer leaves, there is some sadness, and to please yourself, you can buy a new fragrance. Today I wanted to convert
What can be in common between cosmetics and astrophysics? Nothing? This is the wrong answer. In fact, cosmetics and astrophysics are connected much more than it might seem at first glance. And at first glance, I think that many have already guessed
Guerlain's house - each scent of it is a unique creation, unique and unrepeatable. These are the best perfumes in the world, these are true works of art. Guerlain's perfume - gentle, passionate, exciting, mysterious and even daring - Apres l'Ondee,
There are several different classification systems, but one of the first classifications of fragrances was proposed by Karl Linnaeus in 1756. However, aromas underwent a special study in the twentieth century.
By 1860, the set of fragrant incense was still quite limited, most often used floral aromas, consisting of bouquets of roses, jasmine, orange blossom, violet, tuberose, cassia (Alexandrian leaf is a subtropical plant) and some
The Mary Kay story is not so much a beauty story as a success story. A completely American success story, in which there is a desire to make money, and an emphasis on feminism and the struggle for women's rights, and, of course, a magic formula
Perfumery products are divided according to many principles - by concentration, by price and quality. Today we will focus on the classification of fragrances by price and quality.
I have extremely fair skin and have avoided the sun for many years. At times, in the midst of summer, they tell me - "you at least occasionally need to leave your office." This does not bother me in any way, and even amuses me, because looking in the mirror, I do not see any
I really fell in love with Guerlain's products and would like to get acquainted with new and new fragrances, as well as tell you, my dear friends and just readers.
Going to the sea - the ocean, or to the river near our house, we want to get a beautiful, even tan. Depending on what kind of skin you have, you can pre-peel the body, and then the tan will lie perfectly evenly. The main thing to consider
Recently I managed to buy 5 bottles of perfumery with a substantial discount. All bottles are genuine and here I will share my experience, I will tell you how it was.
When choosing a name for a business or a domain name for a website, we try to choose a short and memorable name. And I also want it to be sonorous and recognizable in all languages. This is very important for further development. Everything is the same in the world of fragrances, and
Today you will not surprise anyone with an ordinary beauty contest, there are so many of them that very few people attach importance, and there are fewer people willing to take part. Beauty contests for cats and dogs are also not uncommon. But here are beauty services and decorative