Make-up is an art, albeit a fleeting one, sometimes living for several hours, but still an art, it's not for nothing that make-up professionals are called makeup artists. And real artists can paint their works with completely different colors.
Let's try and we break the rules ...
Here are some original makeup ideas that will help you save a little and, most importantly, will give a field for many experiments, real creativity.
1. Shadows are a universal thing in makeup. Shadows can be safely applied to any part of the face and even the body. For example, pearlescent eyeshadows applied to the neck and shoulders will pass for a very expensive body shine. Pink, brown, red shades can come in handy to touch up your makeup if you forgot your lipstick at home. You can also use blush for the same purpose. Apply them with the applicator on the lips, and on top add a little petroleum jelly, gloss or just cream.
2. If you like the color of your contour pencil, and the lipstick cannot be matched in any way, you can paint over the entire surface of the lips with a pencil and apply gloss on top.
3. Unsuccessful lipstick color easy to fix with lipstick of a different shade or even two. Mixing 2-3 of even the most inappropriate colors, you can get a good result.
4. Lipstick can easily replace eye shadow if you apply a little powder on top. Without powder, lipstick applied to the eyelids will feel like a trendy glitter or wet eyeshadow.
5. If before you put on your lips, you apply a layer of correcting agent on them, then the lipstick will become a few shades lighter.
6. Almost any shade of eyeshadow can be obtained by mixing several shades and adding blush or powder. True, once you have successfully chosen a shade to match the dress, it will be difficult to repeat it again.
7. Unruly eyebrows can be styled with hair gel or colorless hygienic lipstick.
8. Pencils for lips, eyebrows and eyes differ mainly only in the softness of the lead, and therefore are absolutely interchangeable. If you get one pencil of the right color, it is quite possible to do all the makeup with it.
To some, these advice may seem ridiculous, but our life is such that anything can happen. At an important moment, your favorite lipstick will not be near and in general anything can happen, and these tips will help you think outside the box and find ways out of any situations in order to always remain the queen of the ball.