Fur bags are not something new in fashion, there are more or less of them in the collections of fashion brands. There will be a lot of fur bags in the fall-winter 2024-2025 season. Designers offer many different handbags, from the largest to the smallest - fur clutches. Some bags are made entirely of fur, others have fur details.
What kind of fur on bags can be in 2024-2025? The fur can be different. If you do not feel the impact of the global crisis and are confident about the future, choose a bag made of mink or even sable. And if you are not so financially free, you can purchase a handbag made of sheared nutria, astrakhan fur, sheepskin, or even faux fur.
Now artificial fur is not something shameful, because more and more people in the world adhere to the principle of careful handling of nature and animals. mystyle.decorexpro.com/en/ has written on this topic more than once, saying that rejection of leather products and natural fur does not save nature and rare species in any way, because sheep, minks, ferrets, chinchillas and other animals are raised on farms. But this is not the point, the main thing is something else - if you are experiencing financial difficulties, buy a bag made of faux fur, and when others ask why, you will always have a clear answer - my conscience does not allow me to buy a bag made of natural fur, I take care of nature and love animals! You can be sure that almost no one will find compelling arguments to ridicule your answer.
Therefore, feel free to choose bags made of faux fur. At the same time, do not forget about the main disadvantages of fluffy handbags, they require more careful handling than leather ones. And the care of bags made of fur, their storage is not much different from a fur coat.
In addition to a fur bag, a variant of a bag made of a sheepskin coat is possible, where the fur will be mostly hidden inside.
Nicole miller