In the collections of many brands, we can see fashionable fur bags, they have been relevant for more than a season. Girls and even men want to add a fluffy accessory to their collection. At the same time, the influence of fashion brands is weakening every year, and the current economic crisis is further contributing to smarter consumption.
Today, few people are already striving to get bags with the names of fashion houses in the most conspicuous place, it is much more important just the quality of the product, original design and real beauty. Fur bags can give us everything at once - both quality and beauty, the main thing is to make the right choice.
1. It is important to give preference to bags made of wear-resistant types of fur. Although if you need a bag for one season, you can buy the item from rabbit fur or even hamster... If you want to buy a bag seriously and for a long time - choose the fur of a seal, mink, sheared beaver.
2. Arrangement of fur items. A completely fur bag is not the best option, the fur gives the product a large volume, and in some places it can quickly wear out. Therefore, before buying, take a handbag and think about where it will come into contact with your clothes and hands. There should be leather in these places.
3. The bottom of the bag should not be furry. In any case, the bag will have to be put, sometimes on the floor, and if its bottom is made of fur, it quickly falls off and gets dirty.
You can opt for bags where only the front part is made of fur, this will be enough for beauty, while the product will remain practical. It is not necessary to buy such a bag ready-made. You can modify the leather bag. Some models literally ask to be decorated with fur. In this case buy skins and find a good leather and fur craftsman.
Men's bags can also be decorated with fur, because many modern men really want to have beautiful accessories, and it is almost impossible to find a ready-made men's bag made of fur.
Don't stop at mink, seal and sheared beaver skins. Pony or cow skins, muton and other types of short-piled fur are excellent materials. And if you feel sorry for animals or money, buy faux fur.