
How to eat right in the winter

How do we eat and what do we eat in autumn and winter? Our health and beauty depend on it. In the cold season, a lot of energy products are required, because it is cold outside, and the day is short, vacation is far, the mood is below average. will list those foods that should appear on your table as often as possible during winter.

Some of them work just as well as the best anti-aging creams, no matter how old you are. If we talk about vegetables, then these are primarily carrots, beets, tomatoes, pumpkin. It is they, rich in vitamins and microelements, that have a good effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails and teeth, and their condition can be used to assess health.

All vegetables are rich in enzymes that contribute to many beneficial processes in the body. They contain liquid, and this improves the water balance. All this together improves metabolism. In winter, these vegetables can be found in any store.

How to eat right in the winter

For example, beets cleanses the kidneys, blood and liver from toxins, reduces the acidity of the body. Freshly squeezed beet juice is very useful. To make it really pleasant to drink beet juice, add carrot or apple juice to it.

Dried fruits all are useful. In addition to all the vitamins and trace elements that are stored in them, they have a large amount of iron, which is especially needed for blood renewal. In addition, they do not contain sugar, but glucose and fructose, and therefore, they do not raise blood sugar levels and ensure satiety. Dried apricots and prunes especially improve digestion.

Citrus: oranges, lemons, tangerines ... All citrus fruits have antimicrobial antiseptic effect, strengthen the immune system, have a positive effect on the central nervous system, and therefore they are very useful in short winter days in order to protect us from depression. In addition, they are low in calories, so they are the first helpers of all fruits that support our figure, and finally, they whiten the skin and have a lifting effect.

Nuts are useful - walnuts, almond, cedar, peanuts. Nuts cleanse the body of toxins, they contain 15 - 20% protein, that is, to some extent, they can replace meat.

Products for beauty and health in winter

Vegetable oils should also be included in our diet. - sunflower, linseed, corn, olive, mustard and others. For example, linseed oil contains a lot of PUFAs - omega-3 and omega-6.

Corn oil and milk thistle oil are also useful. Corn oil is often recommended for metabolic disorders. Milk thistle oil is good for cleansing the liver. Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds contain a lot of zinc, which is of great importance for the skin, eyes, hair and urogenital organs - it creates new cells and repairs tissues.

Cedar oil it is rich in vitamins B1, B2, VZ, E, it contains a huge amount of various microelements, including manganese and silicon, copper and magnesium, calcium and vanadium, potassium and nickel, zinc and many others.

Greens. Despite the fact that it is winter outside, greens should appear on your table. Parsley, dill, celery are serious helpers of our health. Celery is a natural calorie and fat burner. Thanks to him, fat is not stored, but excreted from the body. Celery has a low calorie content and also speeds up metabolic processes, in some it acts as a laxative.

Rose hip, or rather a decoction of rosehip berries is a powerful antioxidant. Rosehip contains a record amount of vitamin C in its berries, which strengthens blood vessels and makes the skin supple and elastic.

Products for beauty and health in winter

A fish, especially marine. There is a lot of iodine in sea fish and seafood. It is iodine that affects the work of the thyroid gland, and it produces hormones necessary for life, on which our youth also depends.

In the cold season, metabolic processes slow down and extra pounds accumulate. How to speed up your metabolism? Nutritionists advise - eat a lot of sauerkraut, drink kefir every day, you can use yogurt or fermented baked milk.

Honey... Everyone knows about its medicinal properties. It was found that honey contains many trace elements and vitamins. Many honey experts are of the opinion that dark honey contains more trace elements. Honey is used to treat wounds, ulcers, colds, in gynecology and for cosmetic purposes, but we will talk about this separately.

Cereals... Your diet should often contain bran bread, as well as cereals - buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat and various legumes.

How to eat properly in winter?

Essential oils... Some of them told me more than once. Essential oils are known to help fight many diseases, including old age. The methods of their use are different: baths, inhalations, compresses, steam baths for the face, masks, washing, massage. But they are also used in salads.

If you have been able to finish reading so far about the benefits of various products in the cold season, then read which beauty salons recommends.


Chicken, carrots, potatoes, eggs, green peas, mayonnaise.
Essential oils:
• carrots - 2 drops
• parsley - 1 drop
• dill - 1 drop
• garlic - 1 drop


Prunes, beets, walnuts, garlic, mayonnaise.
Essential oils:
• dill - 3 drops
• garlic - 1 drop


Celery, walnut, dill, parsley, leek, avocado, apple, mayonnaise.
Essential oils:
• carrots - 2 drops
• parsley - 1 drop
• dill - 1 drop
• nutmeg - 1 drop.


2 tablespoons oatmeal (Hercules)
6 tablespoons of boiled cold water
3 tablespoons of boiled cold milk
1 teaspoon sugar
1 large apple

Pour oatmeal (Hercules) and leave for an hour. Then add all the other products and squeeze the juice of one lemon into this mixture.

If you like some salad, eat it for two weeks, then replace it with the next one. Soon you won't recognize your skin (in a good way). As for meat products, eat them in a more fat-free form if you do not observe the fasts.

How to eat right in the winter
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