How to keep your face and body skin firm and elastic? And if it has already been lost - how to restore elasticity to the skin? It is quite possible at home, but it will take a lot of effort.
"There are three periods in a woman's life: when she is not afraid to give away her age, when she is afraid to give out her age, and when age gives her away." Leszek Kumor.
Upon reaching a certain age, our skin loses some of its properties, loses its elasticity, density, subcutaneous fatty tissue becomes thinner, elastic fibers are destroyed, muscles weaken and sink.
In the mirror, we no longer see the face that was given to us by nature, but that we acquired ourselves over many years: the eyelids seem to have dropped, the line of the lower jaw and chin sag, the clarity and tone of the face is generally lost. When did this happen? And why is it so imperceptible?
If you do not take into account hereditary characteristics and possible diseases, as a result of which such changes may occur even earlier than 30 years, then the violation of the outlines of the face (while we are talking only about the face) begins from about 30 years. After 40 years, the contours of the face change to a greater extent, and as cosmetologists note, the probability of violations reaches 80%.
No one remains young forever, changes come with age. But if everything happened so unexpectedly for you, think about what is the reason in your case? And try to eliminate it. Perhaps the mistake is that you remembered about it, or rather saw it, in your 50s, and before that you didn’t do anything and didn’t undertake anything?
By the way, take pictures of each other more often, maybe you will notice the changes much earlier.
Let us remember the wise words: "A wise person would be better off avoiding diseases than choosing medicines for them."
Restoring skin elasticity at home
Now let's figure out how to avoid violation of the contours of the face and is it possible to correct something already in the situation when these violations occurred?
Let's try to answer the first question today?
When you are 15 - 16 years old, and you do not see a single imperfection on your face, it is natural. But this will not last long. Prevention of the appearance of oval disorders should be started at the age of 20-25. If you get together earlier, so much the better.
It is very important to closely monitor changes in your appearance and if they arise, analyze what is happening, immediately finding the cause.
One of the main reasons is the way of life - how has it changed recently? Perhaps, sleep is disturbed (working late or having fun), or maybe you have lost weight or, on the contrary, gained excess weight, what products are on your table? Do you often resort to different strict weight loss diets? Do you often fluctuate in weight (from 3 kg or more)?
If everything is organized correctly here, then let's move on to even simpler rules that will help maintain the clarity of the oval and the elasticity of the skin. These rules are so simple that many will not believe they work, but they are.
1. It is necessary to wash the face from the bottom up, and the eyes - from the temples to the nose.
2. After washing, it is better to lightly blot your face with a towel, leaving it slightly damp.
3. In the evening, wash your face with cool water.
4. Vitamins. If your skin becomes flabby, you definitely need vitamins. Lack of vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals and amino acids leads to loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin.
5. Try to fall asleep on your back. Why is this so important? If you lie on your side, wrinkles appear on your face, neck, and chest. Look at yourself in the mirror as soon as you wake up. Is your face and neck as fresh? If there is any "bruising", you are lying incorrectly. Correct the situation faster.Incorrect body position provokes skin stretching and the appearance of new wrinkles.
6. See how you sit when you are thinking about something - are you leaning on your chin, cheek, or forehead? What muscles are you shifting?
7. Are you slouching? seeing and not knowing you by sight, she herself will give an answer to this question. - Yes. Why you can answer so confidently. All the girls do not part with their smartphones, which means they sit with their heads bowed all the time. Then you contribute to the appearance of folds, passing from the chin to the cheeks. You will soon notice how your face shape will change. And also, over time, a rare girl can be called slender, everyone will have a posture adapted to a smartphone. If everything written concerns you, correct it before it's too late. Start doing exercises to strengthen your back and neck muscles. Insufficient back muscle tone causes the muscles of the neck and chin to tense, pushing all the tissues of the face downward. And leave your smartphone in your purse, at least in public transport.
8. Let us remind you once again that a full sleep is a tightened and elastic skin.
9. Balanced diet and no drastic fluctuations in weight.
10. Correct organization of the working day. Overwork is bound to negatively affect the elasticity of the skin.
11. Try to be always positive. Anger and irritability, depression and oppression do not decorate. If negative emotions often show up in you, it will undoubtedly affect your face, and very soon. The "imprint" of the state of mind that you possesses will remain on your face. As you can see, the soul should be thought about too, and not least.
12. A lazy mind ages faster. Boredom, simple "killing time" in empty entertainment, lack of mental activity create conditions for the degradation of the brain, which in turn affects the entire body, destroying it and accelerating aging.
As you can see, the last two rules are not at all so simple, and at first glance seem quite insignificant and even unnecessary in order to keep the skin young, elastic and healthy. But these rules work, and in a very serious way. It is these two rules that will help to find beautiful faces among elderly people.
Pay attention to people with a positive mental attitude, their faces glow with beauty, despite the fact that age is "written" on their faces. Or intellectually active women who, even in old age, amaze us with their special beauty, charm and sharpness of mind. We examined the rules, moving from the simplest to the more complex ones, which prevent the rapid aging of the body.
And now, we will point out the simplest and most possible ways that will help us with the first violations of skin tone and facial contour.
1. Salt lifting... (about this already told).
2. Massage.
3. Lifting masks.
4. Fitness for the face and not only the face, but also the body.
5. Technique of relaxation.
6. Cosmetics (at home).
But will tell you more about these methods and other possibilities of maintaining skin elasticity.
Everything that is listed here can be done independently, and at home. If you are 25 - 30, the result will be amazing and very soon. If you are at the initial stage of wilting, the result will force itself to wait. Otherwise, there will be improvement, but far from what you would like to see. And here the methods of restoring the firmness and elasticity of the skin are completely different.