How to tighten the oval of the face at home and in the clinic
Violation of the outline of the oval of the face. When and for what reasons does this age marker appear? When do the chin and cheeks sink and lose clarity and tone? That this is the action of gravity or a consequence of excess weight, or maybe it is heredity or insufficient muscle tone, etc.
With age, the line of the lower jaw and chin begins to sag slowly, losing clarity and tone. For some, this happens quite early - by the age of 30, but after 40 years, the probability of seeing a violation of the contours of the oval of the face appears in 80%. Yes, heredity plays an important role. Depending on it, the sagging of the cheeks and chin may occur sooner or later, but nevertheless it will certainly happen.
If you are trying to preserve your youth as long as possible, and are already thinking when you are only 15 - 25 years old, then you have a chance to do it. And if you are already 30+ or in the mirror you see a double chin, is there at least one chance to fix something? How to tighten the oval of the face? We will try to answer many of the questions posed.
Causes of violation of the oval of the faceWhy does the oval lose clarity and the face sags?
The main reasons are:
Reducing the production of elastin and collagen by the skin.
Negative external influences: harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, polluted air, etc.
Hormonal changes in the body.
Slowing down of metabolic processes and, as a result, slowing down of cell regeneration.
The action of gravity.
Expansion of pores over time.
Hereditary predisposition.
Excess weight or frequent fluctuations in body weight.
Among the most important reasons for the early change in the oval line should be called a violation of posture. The explanation is simple. Improper and insufficient muscle tone in the back makes the muscles of the neck and chin tense, displacing the tissues downward. With age, if a person ignores the physical exercises necessary to maintain posture and maintain muscle tone in the back, spinal curvature develops.
The back becomes stooped, the shoulders drop, the neck is pulled into the shoulders, and in order to hold the head, you have to strain the muscles, which in turn pull down the soft tissues of the face and chin. "Bent life" - this is the name of such a posture and appearance. So a healthy back and back muscles play a critical role in how your face will look.
The anatomical structure of the oval (the chin smoothly merges into the neck) can also create preconditions for early sagging of the lower part of the face. In this case, there is initially no clear line of the lower jaw.
If you often resort to strict diets - lose weight, and then gain weight again, it is also possible that the oval of the face was previously disrupted.
These last three, fairly fully described reasons, contribute to the violation of facial contours at a young age. In the best case, the weakening of muscle tissue occurs slowly and is expressed only to a small extent at about 50-55 years.
Changes in the oval of the face do not occur overnight. But they begin to engage in and worry about strengthening the muscles of the face only when the changes become clearly noticeable.
However, there is a stage when these changes are not visually noticeable, but there are already signs of an impending process. This stage is very important because by using some simple, regular activities, you can reverse the process of impending change.
Let's call these signs:You began to slouch involuntarily, as if your shoulders were dropping by themselves.
When the head is turned to the side, folds appear on the cheeks.
When the head is tilted down, a fold appears that passes from the chin to the cheeks.
A wrinkle appears under the chin.
All these signs mean that changes in the contour of the face will soon occur.
Is it possible to get rid of the upcoming or existing changes on their own?
You can, but the earlier you start, the more successful the result will be.
What to do in this case?First, you need to do your posture. This, as you yourself understand, takes patience and time. To restore the correct posture, you need to strengthen the muscles of the back and neck. This is why ballerinas don't have a double chin.
Exercises for the back should be done constantly. It is better to initially contact a specialist who will help you choose an individual set of exercises. For the neck and chin, these exercises are effective. They are able to tighten the oval of the face and prevent it from dropping.
There are several author's techniques. Take a look at the exercise system of Carol Maggio and Camilla Voler. In addition to exercise, use a relaxing facial massage.
When performing special exercises, blood circulation and skin nutrition are improved, tissues are saturated with oxygen and muscles are strengthened. These actions require persistence and patience, otherwise there will be no positive result.
If the changes have gone too far, then you should turn to cosmetology.We will indicate only those methods that are therapeutic, we will not talk about surgery yet. Of the cosmetic procedures, we first of all call myostimulation or microcurrent therapy - exercise for the lazy.
This is followed by mesotherapy, which has a firming effect on the skin, and biorevitalization - injections of hyaluronic acid. Radiofrequency lifting, or RF-lifting, which is based on the effect of high-frequency electromagnetic pulses on the skin, also works well in these cases.
What to do when preventive methods don't work? Looking in the mirror, you see sharply defined irregularities along the edge of the lower jaw and even chin fat. All these irregularities give the face a tired and stale look. And if you soften them, then the effect of rejuvenation will occur, because the young face looks unified, without abrupt transitions from one area to another.
No matter how you tilt your head
young girl, folds are not formed either on the chin or on the cheeks, because the skin turgor is strong enough. But if "flews" and a double chin are formed, this is not the case when preventive methods will help. In this situation, it is necessary to remove the volume where it is superfluous and add it to those places where it is not enough, that is, eliminate the unevenness.
For such cases, the following procedures may help.Injection lipolysis, in other words, the breakdown of fat.
Contouring or alignment of the line of the oval of the face. In this case, drugs based on hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite and collagen are used.
Bio-reinforcement or lifting of the skin and subcutaneous fat.
Thread lifting - lifting with threads.
Hardware skin lifting - Thermage or any other type of RF - lifting.
Altera lifting with focused ultrasound.
All these techniques really help to improve the oval. Using them, you can restore the freshness and youth of the face.
However, do not forget that there are contraindications for all procedures, therefore it is necessary to consult a doctor.