Hand care and manicure

Affordable home nail care

Many girls like to showcase new rings and bracelets on Instagram, but jewelry alone will not be enough to collect extremely positive comments. If your manicure leaves much to be desired, well-wishers will definitely remind you of this and spoil the mood.

To have a beautiful manicure requires regular nail care at home. This is what our today's story will go about ...

1. Nail cleaning

Nail care includes several stages. You should start with cleansing. Many women think that simply washing their hands with soap is enough to cleanse the nail plates and the skin around them. In reality, this is not the case. The skin around the nail sockets is coarser and drier, so force must be applied to remove the layer of dead cells.

For this purpose, 2-3 times a week, it is imperative to carry out a deep thorough cleansing of nails and skin using a soft brush (you can use a separate toothbrush) and detergent (mild soap or shower gel).

After cleansing your nails, apply a nourishing oil or cream. Or you can use a time-tested recipe and rub vegetable oil into the marigolds with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice.

Affordable home nail care

2. Nail nutrition

If it is enough to carry out the procedure with oil no more than 2-3 times a week, then the nourishing cream will come in handy for daily care. It strengthens and nourishes the nail plate. It is better to use special creams for hands and nails with lemon juice.

Lemon is one of the most effective folk remedies for nail care. To maintain their strength, it is recommended to regularly massage your nails with a lemon wedge. This massage helps with brittle nails, for example, with vitamin deficiency or prolonged contact with detergents.

3. Firming baths

For this procedure, beauty salons use special ready-made formulations, and at home you can use the available components.

Dissolve in warm boiled water (half a liter) 2 teaspoons of sea salt. Soak your hands for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm boiled water. Sea minerals will strengthen the nail plate if it delaminates or the nails are very brittle.

Heat olive oil to 35-40 ° C. Lower your nails for 7-10 minutes. Then blot off the remaining oil with a tissue. This procedure nourishes the nails and skin, softens the cuticles. To improve the effectiveness of the bath, you can put on cotton gloves at the end and go to bed.

Proper nail care at home

4. We perform manicure

With regular use of nourishing oils, creams and baths, nails become strong and durable, grow quickly and do not exfoliate. It seems that many problems are behind us, but decorative procedures with nails also require attention.

Give your nails the desired length and shape before applying the varnish. It is better to avoid scissors and use a nail file. The fact is that when the nails are cut, many microscopic cracks appear, which subsequently provoke fragility of the nail plates.

When choosing a nail file, you should give preference to a manicure tool with a special coating (and not exposed metal). In ancient times, nail files were made of ivory. Such manicure accessories do not injure the nail and are still considered the standard.

True, modern file coverings are no less advantageous: they are strong enough, but at the same time elastic. File the nail plates with long strokes, while the movements should be performed in one direction: from the ends of the nail to the center.

When caring for your nails, you should not completely remove the cuticle. It protects the nail wells from bacteria penetration.For aesthetic purposes, the cuticle can be softened with oil and moved closer to the nail socket.

Even if you do not use colored varnishes, applying a fortified base should be part of your regular manicure diet.

Base coatings are often loaded with vitamins (eg vitamins E, group B), which are essential for the growth and health of nails. In addition, the base will provide a more even application of the varnish, its durability, and also protect the nails from drying out.

Choosing the right nail polish is just as difficult as choosing a face cream, for example. If you are not yet familiar with the brand, then you need to check the consistency of the varnish - it should not be too liquid. Very thin varnishes are likely to contain many scented solvents that evaporate quickly from the surface of the nail, trapping moisture and drying out the nails.

A high-quality varnish should be thick enough. However, the varnish thickens during storage, and a thick consistency may indicate the end of the shelf life. In this case, test the application of varnish to a nail or a sheet of paper: the fresh product will be applied evenly, while the stale product will be difficult to spread over the surface.

In addition to the listed features, you should give preference to varnishes with metal balls inside, so you can periodically shake and stir the varnish: the product will last longer.

Usually, women do not attach much importance to the composition of varnishes, believing that they are all the same. In reality, this is not the case. Varnishes that meet modern requirements do not contain a large amount of aromatic solvents, formaldehyde, toluene.

The listed substances in high concentrations not only dry the nails, but also affect the human nervous system, and can cause headaches.

Proper nail care at home

5. Proper nutrition for beautiful nails

Vitamin A is most important for the rapid growth of nails. With its deficiency, transverse grooves appear on the nail plates: this means that the growth of the nail is slowed down. Vitamin A is found in large quantities in liver, carrots, tomatoes.

B vitamins contribute to the formation of the protein keratin, of which our nails are made. To maintain a uniform shade of nails, their strength, cabbage, brewer's yeast, egg yolks and even such a dietary product as wheat germs should be introduced into the diet.

Vitamin C is another essential ingredient. With its lack, the nail plates are deformed, irregularities, seals appear on them, nails can bend and grow into the skin. Vitamin C is rich in citrus fruits, bell peppers, rose hips, cabbage, onions.

When we mention vitamin E, we immediately remember free radicals: this vitamin neutralizes active particles and thereby stops the aging process. But few people know that an excess of free radicals negatively affects the nails: they become fragile and soft, literally crumble.

To avoid this trouble, you should eat vegetable oils, almonds, peanuts, egg yolks. This diet also serves to prevent burr formation.

The hardness of nails is one of the indicators of their health. To strengthen our marigolds, the body needs minerals - calcium, iron, silicon.

Calcium deficiency is the most common cause of split nails. To replenish calcium reserves, you should pay attention to dairy products, cheeses.

Proper nutrition for beautiful nails

Deficiency of another important element - silicon - also leads to nail delamination. In this case, green beans, green vegetables (salads, parsley), bananas will help.

Vertical grooves that appear on the nails indicate a lack of iron. It can be obtained with lean meat, liver, egg yolks, red currants.

Very often, whitish spots with uneven edges can be seen on the nails. This is a symptom of zinc deficiency. Oysters, veal liver, pine nuts, wheat bran, egg yolk are rich in zinc compounds.

It should not be forgotten that the basis of the nail is protein, which means that nails need its building blocks - amino acids.With a lack of the required protein, whitish stripes appear at the bases of the nails, to eliminate which it is necessary to enrich the diet with protein food.

An integrated approach to maintaining healthy nails will surely give the desired result.

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