Fashion Jewelry

Lapis lazuli stone - decorations, properties and care

Lapis lazuli - from the Arabic word "azul" - sky-blue or "blue stone" - as the Arabs call it. The main component is lapis lazuli - 25 - 40%, other minerals are also present, for example, augite, calcite, diopside, enstatite, mica, hayuin, hornblende, nosean, pyrite. Lapis lazuli is considered a breed and should not be considered synonymous with lapis lazuli. Lapis lazuli itself is not resistant to high temperatures and acids.

High quality stones have an even color distribution. There are spotted and banded stones. Lapis lazuli from Chile and Russia have a pronounced grayish calcite. Stones with uniform inclusions of pyrite are most valued, but an excess of the latter causes a greenish tint. It is possible to enhance the brightness of the color of the stone by slight heating and additional coloring.

Lapis lazuli stone

Lapis lazuli. The synonym is ultramarine.
Lapis lazuli is an opaque stone. Not resistant to heat and acids. Color - all blue shades - azure blue, violet, greenish blue ...

The brighter and more saturated the color, the higher the stone is valued. And, as you know, the blue color attracts and excites the imagination, because we, looking into the blue sky, always think about something sublime and mysterious.

Pendant with lapis lazuli

Hardness 5-6
Density - 2.5 - 3.0
Pleochroism - absent

Bracelet with lapis lazuli

Be that as it may, most often we meet the name - lapis lazuli stone. The luster of lapis lazuli ranges from glassy to greasy. Lapis lazuli is fragile, easy to polish. Goldish pyrite inclusions against a blue background give the polished lapis lazuli a look that resembles a starry night sky.

The field, which is more than 6,000 years old, is located in Afghanistan in the Hindu Kush mountains. There are several varieties of lapis lazuli - from indigo blue to sky blue, as well as greenish blue. In Russia, lapis lazuli is mined in the Baikal region. There are deposits in Tajikistan, Chile, Angola, China, Canada, Pakistan, USA.

In the Middle Age lapis lazuli was used to make ultramarine paint. Some of the surviving palaces and temples of that time are decorated with lapis lazuli mosaics. Lapis lazuli is a fabulously beautiful blue stone. Probably due to its blue color, lapis lazuli has long been considered a sacred stone. He was one of the beloved and revered gems. Some researchers even suggest that in ancient written sources under the name - sapphire they meant lapis lazuli.

Lapis lazuli beads

In the excavations of ancient civilizations, they find lapis lazuli beads, pharaohs' masks. Lapis lazuli was seen as a symbol of power, so in China it was used to decorate the headdresses of emperors, and Chinese women used lapis lazuli beads to decorate their thick and black hair. Lapis lazuli was appreciated in China above gold. It was used to decorate the palaces of eastern rulers, and the stone became the subject of attention of merchants and ambassadors. Gradually, the rulers and nobles of Europe began to decorate their palaces with statues, fireplaces, vases made of lapis lazuli.

Nowadays, lapis lazuli is used both in jewelry - rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, brooches, beads, and in sculpture, interiors and other handicrafts.

There are imitations with pieces of lapis lazuli, pressed and glued with synthetic resin. There is also a synthetic lapis lazuli of quite good quality. Lapis lazuli is often imitated by dyeing various white stones or jasper ("Swiss lapis") blue. An imitation of lapis lazuli is obtained by dyeing synthetic spinel blue.

How to distinguish natural lapis lazuli from imitation? We need to moisten the stone. If it is real, its surface will be evenly moistened; if it is fake, water will collect in drops. Real lapis lazuli is beautiful only in bright sunlight, fakes shine even under artificial light.

Jewelry with lapis lazuli stone

The healing properties of lapis lazuli and stone treatment

In ancient times, people believed that this soft and fragile stone was able to save a person from poisoning. It was ground into powder and added to medicinal mixtures. He was also credited with treating ulcers of internal organs. And yet, ancient doctors argued that if you look at a stone for several minutes a day, you can improve your eyesight.

What a person will not believe, just to return the most precious thing - seeing eyes. Yes, and in our time, one should not forget the recipes of our ancestors and use all available in parallel with trips to microsurgery. The likelihood that lapis lazuli beads will normalize blood pressure and calm the nerves is possible, but most likely, if you have not tightened up to chronic hypertension. In any case, lithotherapists recommend lapis lazuli jewelry that will distract from bitter memories and grievances.

If you contemplate the beautiful in the hope of healing, then, most likely, you will gain a positive attitude, learn to better understand and feel other people. This means you will be happy. Therefore, lapis lazuli, of course, belongs to those stones that can be called a stone of goodness and love. What do astrologers say? Lapis lazuli is a stone that suits all signs of the zodiac, perhaps only Capricorn and Cancer are indifferent to him.

What you need to know about lapis lazuli stone

The magical properties of lapis lazuli

In ancient times, lapis lazuli was a reliable amulet. Many believed that going into battle, one must take with him a lapis lazuli amulet, then the warrior would be under reliable protection. At the same time, lapis lazuli was a welcome stone as a gift in diplomatic relations.

Lapis lazuli stone and jewelry

For jewelry, bright blue is more often used, purple lapis lazuli and Badakhshan (Afghanistan) lapis lazuli with golden inclusions. Lapis lazuli is processed in the form of cabochons or plates; the stone is generally not cut, but polished. Lapis lazuli is a soft and brittle stone, easy to polish.

The rim of the stone is gold or silver, but even without a rim, the stone looks great - these are beads, pendants and other jewelry. Earrings, brooches, bracelets, set in precious metals, are luxurious jewelry for every woman.

The stone itself is at a price per gram - on average $ 2 - 3, maybe higher, that is, its price is not too high. But jewelry with lapis lazuli is extremely popular, because it was not for nothing that the pharaohs adorned themselves with them, who considered themselves "gods" on earth, and called lapis lazuli "the son of heaven". It was in Ancient Egypt that gold jewelry with lapis lazuli appeared. This stone looks extraordinary in the bright rays of the sun; under electric light it loses its brightness somewhat. The most expensive is Afghan lapis lazuli with gold splashes.

Most often, lapis lazuli in jewelry goes well with silver and is not very friendly with other stones. After all, the brightness of the stone, its brilliance and saturation, especially in sunlight, is amazing, so he likes to be alone in jewelry. However, harmonious combinations in the hands of a master jeweler are obtained when lapis lazuli is adjacent to turquoise or coral, pearls or carnelian. Lapis lazuli is also used for inlays and mosaics; statuettes and vases are made from it.

How to wear and combine lapis lazuli jewelry

Lapis lazuli, which is used in the jewelry industry, is an inexpensive stone. It looks most advantageous in gold or silver frames.

You can decorate your office suit with a lapis lazuli pendant in combination with a similar bracelet. Your outfit will look both discreet and luxurious at the same time. Lapis beads will adorn a summer dress with a bright floral print. Lapis Lazuli goes well with denim.

Earrings with lapis lazuli emphasize the whiteness and beauty of the neck. Lapis Lazuli goes well with everyday outfits. But for an evening out with artificial lighting, it loses some of its beauty.

Caring for lapis lazuli jewelry

The stone requires a careful attitude towards itself, because it has a low hardness. Therefore, lapis lazuli jewelry should be protected from impacts, scratches, sudden changes in temperature and chemical influences.Lapis lazuli, carefully washed in water, will shine for a long time and give you joy.

Earrings with lapis lazuli
Necklace with lapis lazuli stone
Necklace with lapis lazuli stone
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