
Demantoid stone - Russian stone, Ural emerald

Demantoid is a gem of the garnet group. Many people know garnet as a luxurious stone of dark red color. But it's not that simple. Demantoid is a green stone. It is a type of andradite mineral.

Demantoid stone - deposits and properties

The mineral andradite (chemical formula Ca3Fe2 [SiO4] 3) is not valuable as a raw material for jewelry, but some of its varieties, and in particular demantoid, every woman would dream of seeing in her jewelry box.

This stone is also called Ural emerald... The beautiful stone was first found in 1868 by N. Nordenschild in gold-bearing placers near the Nizhne-Tagil plant in the Urals. In 1874, the Sysertskoye deposit was discovered by workers - father and son Kaluzhny. It was from here that demantoids of exceptional beauty were supplied.

Demantoid stone - Russian stone, Ural emerald

Demantoid - "like a diamond"... The stone got this name from comparing it with a greenish diamond. "Demant" - translated from Dutch - diamond, and "eidos" - translated from Greek - similar. In it you can see the play of brilliance and a strong play of multi-colored rays, especially in cut crystals.

Demantoid can sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow, and in terms of light refraction it surpasses even a diamond, for which Carl Faberge once loved him. Of the many stones, the demantoid after the diamond sparkles even in the shade. By this feature, you can determine whether it is really a demantoid.

A beautiful crystal was found both in Chukotka and Kamchatka, then it was discovered in Italy, in the gold-bearing placers of Sri Lanka, Congo, Zaire, Switzerland, and the USA. But, none of the deposits can be compared in beauty and size with the Russian demantoids. The Ural demantoid is the pride of Russia.

Demantoid Ring

The color of demantoid is often green with a yellowish, pistachio, emerald and brown tint. The color is explained by the incorporation of iron, titanium and chromium ions into the crystals. There are known findings of demantoid with the "cat's eye" effect. Previously, demantoid was distinguished by color into four types. Today they are already talking about eleven. The color of the stone is of three types: golden, silvery and reddish. However, the best color is considered to be a deep green with blueness.

Hardness - 6.5 - 7.0. Cleavage is absent. Density 3.82 - 3.85 g / cm3. Brilliance is diamond. A particularly important feature of demantoids is the presence of inclusions of fibrous actinolite asbestos - byssolite. The fibers are arranged parallel to each other or diverge in bundles, forming the so-called "ponytails" or "sun". And this feature gives demantoid great value.

The most prized demantoid, in which the rays of the "tail" go up symmetrically, scattering to the area of ​​the faceted crystal. It is in such stones that an amazing game takes place. Demantoid is cut with a brilliant cut, which allows strengthen the play of stone, sometimes - stepwise. Defective stones are cut in the form of cabochons.

Demantoid Rings

Demantoid is more often used for pendants and necklaces, rarely for rings, due to its low hardness.

Demantoid is sold with great success and is more expensive in America, Great Britain, Japan and Hong Kong. Russian women of fashion prefer diamonds. Apparently, the stone remains little known to them.

Demantoid can change color when heated. If the crystal has a ponytail, you can determine whether it was heated or not. Taking a magnifying glass, you should examine the fibers of the "tail". If these lines are interrupted, then there was heating. Therefore, the price of such a crystal should be lower.

The largest demantoid was found in the Urals - its weight is 252.5 carats (50.5 grams).

Demantoid Ring

Demantoid stone - Healing properties

Lithotherapists claim that demantoid cures impotence and infertility.In the first case, it is recommended to wear it in a ring on the middle finger of the right hand, and in the second - in a silver bracelet.

Pendants and necklaces with demantoid cure diseases of the throat and upper respiratory tract, stabilize blood pressure, and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. I would like to believe that this is so. Perhaps the presence of calcium, iron, silicon or chromium in these crystals contributes to this?

Luxurious brooch

Demantoid stone - Magical properties

Can stones regulate our capabilities and attitude to life? If they could, many of us would live right and be happy. Probably, those who are recommended by astrologers to wear demantoid, and these are people born under the signs of Air (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini), would definitely buy this beautiful stone, despite its high price. After all, the stone brings happiness, helps to be more collected and to concentrate one's attention on a certain occupation, as they say, “not to be sprayed”, but to “focus”.

Demantoid contributes to the correct organization of their working time and available funds. It is these properties that are familiar to successful people who achieve heights in their business. For women, a precious crystal gives attractiveness and brings happy love, and for men - to make decisions in a conceived enterprise, leading to success.

pendants with demantoid

Demantoid stone - price

The highest cost is possessed by a dense green demantoid, moreover, transparent and without defects. In general, the cost of demantoids is from hundreds of dollars per carat and above. Some of the stones can go as high as $ 10,000 per carat or more.

Our Russian stones are valued above many others, and their prices are constantly growing, because good demantoids rarely go on sale. And due to the rarity and high cost of crystals, not only imitation, but also fakes are often found. Finding out what kind of stone it is is not easy.

In any case, you should contact a professional gemologist with good equipment. But for yourself, at first glance, you need to know that demantoids are precious stones, and any jewelry is combined with noble metals, they cannot be in jewelry or gilding.

Natural crystals most often contain inclusions, in contrast to fakes. Green-colored cubic zirconias or just ordinary rhinestones are most often offered as demantoids. And also, remember about the presence of "ponytails" or "sun" in demantoids, as well as the fact that a handsome demantoid can sparkle in the shade like a diamond.

In conclusion, let us recall the "Garnet Bracelet" by A. Kuprin, it is about the demantoid that we are talking about here.

“… In the middle, between the large stones, you will see one green one. This is a very rare variety of pomegranate - the green pomegranate. According to an old legend preserved in our family, it tends to impart the gift of foresight to women wearing it and drives away heavy thoughts from them, while it protects men from violent death. "

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