
Tsavorite or tsavorite stone - properties and decorations

They do not fade even in the shine of a large diamond. Jewelry with tsavorite speaks of the owner's high social status and solid income. Despite the small size of the crystals, earrings, rings or necklaces with tsavorite enhance her self-esteem.

Stone properties

Tsavorite, he is tsavorite. The stone can have different shades of green - from light green to dark green. It can be bright green, yellow-green, or with a grayish tint. This stone is a type of grossular, a mineral from the group of green garnets - Ca3 Al2 [Si O4] 3.

Beautiful rings with tsavorite

Tsavorite is a beautiful green stone due to the presence of vanadium in it. The mineral has an amazing shine, looks like an emerald. It is sometimes called that - "African emerald". Tsavorite can be transparent or translucent. Its density is 3.61 g / cm, Mohs hardness is 7–7.5.

The stone was discovered relatively recently, its history is surrounded by dramatic events, which primarily affected the discoverer - British geologist Campbell Bridges.

Tsavorite stone - the most beautiful alternative to emerald

In 1961 year Campbell Bridges found green stones in Zimbabwe. They were the color of young green grass. Chemical analysis has proven that these are grossulars. The minerals were so beautiful that no one doubted their further fate - their use in jewelry. Bridges had a unique tenacity and continued his quest.

In 1967 year he found tsavorites, and quite large reserves, in Tanzania. The geologist suggested to the Tiffany jewelry company to take up the promotion of a new stone. However, in business there must be guarantees. In this case, the company needed a guarantee of supplies of stones in a certain volume, which the geologist could not promise.

Ring with tanzanite and tsavorites
Tanzanite in the middle, tsavorita around the edges

After some time, Bridges had to leave Tanzania due to the changed political situation in the country. He went to Kenya, where he again found a deposit of these stones, but in an even larger volume. Here he developed a new deposit together with his wife. And it was she who was lucky enough to find a large specimen. This was the third place Bridges had found, and the stone had not yet had a name.

The name was given by the head of the Tiffany company, Henry Platt. He named it after Tsavo National Park, located near the stone deposit. The Tiffany Company began to promote tsavorite as a gemstone. Its color of young juicy green immediately attracted the attention of jewelers.

Tsavorite is similar to the Russian demantoid, which belongs to the same family of grossular garnets and is mined only in Russia. Today, the cost of tsavorite is still slightly lower than the cost of demantoids, but in the jewelry market it is considered a competitor to Russian stones. It is a pity that in Russia demantoid did not receive such excellent advertising promotion.

Both minerals are used in jewelry as substitutes for emerald. By the way, tsavorite is easier to work with than emerald. It has fewer inclusions and is not as fragile as an emerald.

Tsavorite crystals are found in small sizes, mostly 1 - 2 carats and very rarely 3 carats. Some tsavorites, even of such a small size, are sometimes rated higher demantoids and emeralds the same weight. The bright green color of tsavorites delights both jewelers and buyers.

Diamonds and tsavorite

Even the smallest tsavorites are used in jewelry, they are used to create a green background in jewelry. The same can be said for tsavorite shades. Any green shade is equally appreciated by jewelers, the main thing is that the size of the stone allows it to be cut.

Tsavorita deposits

Significant volumes of stone come from Kenya, some from Tanzania. There are deposits in Canada. Mining tsavorite in Kenya is not easy due to technical difficulties and the political situation in the country. These circumstances lead to the fact that the price of luxury stone is growing.

The unique brightness of the coloration makes it a desirable gem. Tsavorite is a rare stone and surprisingly beautiful.

Ring with precious stones

Healing and magical properties

Lithotherapists are convinced that the tsavorite stone has medicinal properties. Bright and pure green color relieves fatigue and stress, helps to get rid of depression, and therefore normalizes blood pressure. Lithotherapists recommend wearing for those who feel unwell during periods of magnetic storms.

The stone was quickly given the fame of an absorber of negative energy; lithotherapists believe that it has a special biofield that has a positive effect on the nervous system, organs of vision and metabolism. This is not surprising, because everything around us consists of elementary particles, including you and me. Therefore, the relationship between man and nature has always been.

As for the magical properties, the beauty of the stone, which makes you want to have it, to be proud that you have it, increases confidence in your abilities - this is the very magic of the stone that captures in its networks, fascinates and subdues. Therefore, the magical properties of tsavorite are quite significant. After all, if your own self-esteem increases, then this will contribute to success.

Earrings with tsavorite

What do astrologers say? They say tsavorite is for Pisces and Cancers. And says - buy jewelry with tsavorite if your financial condition allows it. Let this stone please and adorn you, bring inner harmony, protect you from negative thoughts and promote love and success.

And what is dramatic in the history of the discovery of this stone? Its discoverer Bridges left the life of a geologist behind. He organized the mining of tsavorite in Kenya, became the chief expert of Tiffany. Collectors and jewelers from all over the world turned to him for advice. From a geologist, he turned into a millionaire.

Ring with two stones of 3 carats
Ring with two stones of 3 carats, cost $ 24,000

However, things are not so simple. The locals worked in the tsavorite mines, who believed that the precious gems on their land could only belong to them. Gradually, threats gathered around the former geologist, and many enemies appeared. The conflicts between both sides continued for a long time. In August 2009, on the way to the mines, Campbell Bridges' car was attacked by a large armed gang ...

Pendant with small tsavorites

It was not easy to introduce the new stone to the jewelry market. But it worked. This is confirmed by the fact that a hitherto unknown stone has become a competitor to emerald and demantoid.

The American jewelry company Tiffany sponsored Bridges' research, named the tsavorite, and carried out a series of actions and advertising campaigns that intrigued the public as new tsavorite jewelry hit the jewelry market. It is no longer necessary to convince fans of the value of tsavorite, it has moved far ahead of many gems. Its price is the result of the advertising campaign.

Earrings with green stones
Earrings with green stones

Small tsavorite stones in the necklace rings create a green background
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