Fluorite jewelry and stone properties
Fluorite from the Latin "fluo" means fluid. This stone was named Fluorite by Georgi Agricola (real name Georg Bauer), a German scientist of the Renaissance. He studied mineralogy, medicine, philosophy, achieved outstanding achievements in history and metrology.
This mineral was often used in the smelting of ore, as an additive, since it gave the slag fluidity, so that the slag is easily separated from the metal. Therefore, fluorite was simply called fluorspar.
From the history of the Fluorite stone
If today in jewelry fluorite is just beginning to gain popularity, then in earlier times it was popular even before its "discovery". The ancient Romans made vessels and vases from it. They were called murine vases, the cost of which was comparable to that of gold. And jewelry more than a thousand years old (bracelets and necklaces) made of fluorite were discovered in the Czech Republic.
antique era the fashion for fluorite has passed. Then the incredible began, or rather what was to be expected, given its similarity with many precious gems. Further, the manufacture of counterfeit jewelry began. Green crystals became "emeralds", red - "rubies", orange - "topaz", blue - "sapphires", and purple - "amethysts".
This can be confirmed by the vases and bowls in museums, which were originally considered amethyst, but in fact turned out to be fluorite.
When fluorite interacts with sulfuric acid, hydrogen fluoride, a poisonous gas, is released. This is one of the reasons that in the Middle Ages he earned an unflattering characterization. After all, medieval alchemists, who were in search of the philosopher's stone, managed to experience the impact of such a reaction with dire consequences - poisoning, hair loss, destruction of teeth and nails. The glow of the stone also caused a lot of judgments about its witchcraft "nature".
Deposits of stone
The main deposits of fluorite are China, Mongolia, Spain, Mexico, South Africa. Fluorites are found in Italy, Germany, France, Greenland, Norway, Great Britain, USA, Canada, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and many other countries. In Russia, fluorite is mined in the Chita region and Primorye. Fluorites are found together with smoky quartz and amethyst near the White Sea.
Fluorite crystals are usually cubic in shape, their length is within 5 cm, but sometimes there are specimens 20 cm or more in length.
Physicochemical properties of fluorite
Chemical formula - CaF2.Crystals color - colorless, pink, yellow, blue, green of all shades, violet. The color is often uneven; specimens are spotted and banded. Impurities of chlorine, iron, as well as thorium, uranium and other rare earth elements give fluorite beautiful shades.
Hardness - 4 on the Mohs scale.
Density - 3.2 g / cm3.
The fracture is stepwise.
The luster of the stone is glassy. It can be transparent or translucent.
The stone has a unique property - its crystals glow in the dark ...Bright, transparent and multi-colored fluorites can sometimes be confused with other crystals, especially fluorites in purple hues, which are similar to amethyst. Depending on the color, fluorite is similar to topaz and even to ruby or sapphire. But it will not be difficult to distinguish it from other minerals, since fluorite can easily be scratched by glass.
The varieties of fluorite are determined depending on the chemical composition and color of the stone:
1. Antozonite (rich and deep purple color)
2. Chlorophan (emerald),
3. Ratovkit (almost lilac or pinkish)
4. Yttrofluorite (yellow shades)
The stone is often polychrome (multicolored).
One of the unique properties of fluorite is luminescence. It was thanks to this stone that this phenomenon was identified and studied. Imagine your earrings, rings and beads glowing in the dark. By the way, to glow in the dark after exposure to heat or ultraviolet radiation is another property by which fluorite can be distinguished from other stones.
Processing and use
Fluorite does not always end up on the jeweler's table. It is used unprocessed in fluorspar for the production of hydrofluoric acid used in the aluminum industry. Feldspar is also needed to obtain hydrogen fluoride. Lenses for night vision devices are made from fluorite.
But today, the fashion for decorative crafts and
Jewelry from fluorite returns. Beads, bracelets, inserts into rings and earrings, pendants, various souvenirs appear on store shelves. After all, you know that designers, striving for uniqueness, today use fabrics that shimmer with different color shades, including shangjans, photochromic fabrics, as well as a variety of reflective and luminous elements that adorn the outfits of fashionistas.
Gradient in fabrics and, accordingly, in clothes is another fashion trend. And if so, then the gem should take its rightful place in your outfits and in the jewelry box. The price of fluorite will allow you to do this. The stone is often processed in the form of cabochons.
Healing and magical properties
Since ancient times, magicians have used fluorite balls for meditation or spiritualistic sessions. In India, fluorite is especially revered, believing that this stone has the most powerful magical properties. Even Indian magicians treat fluorite with caution, believing that the stone awakens the strongest energy in a person.
Little of,
in Indian philosophy fluorite is defined as a teacher of other stones, and it helps a person to improve. And they even note the influence of the stone on the intellectual abilities of its owner, increasing concentration and strengthening memory. That is why the stone is called “the stone of geniuses”.
Fluorite is a stone that does not obey negative thoughts, protects against electromagnetic effects on the human psyche, so it is needed for those who work for a long time at a computer and other similar devices. Bioenergetics also claim the positive potential of fluorite. For example, they believe that this stone is capable of blocking geopathogenic zones. In other words, many of us can benefit from fluorite products. Not only magicians say this, but also bioenergetic specialists, as well as lithotherapists.
Ancient healers used the stone to relieve stress, and recommended wearing it as amulets for those who were in a depressed or agitated state. Therefore, in earlier times, many people wore fluorite bracelets and beads.
Lithotherapists claim that fluorite can really relieve stress and relieve depression and even anger. Modern lithotherapists use fluorite in the treatment of colds, claim that it is able to cure chronic rhinitis, normalize the circulatory system, relieve the effects of stress, normalize sleep, and relieve nightmares. This can be checked, but without stopping the treatment that your doctor has prescribed for you. You just need to remember that the stone is not an ambulance, but most likely a little helper.
Lithotherapists use fluorite balls to massage the face and body. As you can see, at different levels, fluorite is viewed as a stone with unusual abilities. In nature, everything is interconnected, and man and stone are only parts of it.
What benefits can a stone bring to a person? Besides the fact that fluorite is widely used in modern science and industry, can it bring peace of mind? Finding harmony in your soul and with the world around you is not so easy.However, if you can find the spiritual world in yourself, then the world around you will become more understandable, and then in it you will find what your soul needs.
In the world, each of us has many difficulties and disappointments, and there are also serious situations when someone is at a dead end. How can a stone help? He will only warm us with his beauty. In such situations, all peoples and religions from the ancient world turned only to God.
If you remain true to the beliefs of ancient healers, then you should listen to astrologers who advise this stone to Gemini, Aquarius and Virgo.
Fluorite storage and care
Fluorite has many benefits. And it seems that the strength in him is great. But only you can protect it. Fluorite jewelry must be handled with care to avoid scratching or abrasion on the edges. They must be protected from the proximity of harder minerals, metals and glasses, as well as from impacts.
It may crack if dropped. It is better to store it separately from other jewelry and in a soft case. The stone is sensitive to temperature fluctuations; temperatures below five degrees and above forty Celsius are contraindicated for it.
To clean a product with fluorite, simply wipe it with a damp cloth or rinse it under running water. You cannot use various cleaning agents when cleaning, since fluorite is a very active stone and can enter into a chemical reaction with them.