Honey in cosmetics - benefits and contraindications
Skin is an indicator of a person's health and age. Beautiful and healthy skin improves self-image and gives confidence. To achieve such results, it is not at all necessary to rush to plastic surgery. Initially, you should think about a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and, of course, daily skin care.
Among the huge variety of cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing products available from the cosmetics industry, one should not forget about natural products. It is about one of them that will be discussed. In winter, we can most often see this remedy on our table, or rather, at tea drinking. This is honey.
Honey has long been known to man. In all countries, he was among the first among the medicines that nature gives us in a natural form.
The composition of honey and its beneficial properties
Bee honey is a complex mixture. It contains sugars, dextrin, proteins, nitrogen substances, enzymes, organic acids,
minerals, vitamins, water.
The chemical composition of natural bee honey depends on melliferous plants and the soil of their growth, therefore it is subject to significant fluctuations. Most of the dry honey is carbohydrates.
The micro and macro elements present in different types of honey may differ. In general, it is not so easy to list their content in honey. Honey can contain about 60 different substances. 100 g of honey provides the body with 335 calories of energy.
The enzymes that make up honey significantly accelerate metabolic reactions in the body. Honey has a number of organic acids, among which malic, grape, citric, lactic, oxalic acids are often found.
Honey contains vitamins B2, PP, C, B6, H (biotin), E, K, pantothenic acid, folic acid.
Due to the presence of ascorbic and folic acids in honey, honey has antibacterial properties. And this is one of its main properties, which has been known since antiquity in all countries.
Honey in cosmetics for face, hair and body
Sugar, like hyaluronic acid, is able to absorb and retain water, even from the air, and therefore saturates the skin cells with moisture. It helps to improve the condition of dry and aging skin.
With its many elements and vitamins, honey has an antioxidant effect on the skin. After honey masks, the skin looks refreshed and elastic.
Almost every Korean brand has products that contain honey. Among them there are also fabric masks with honey. From this it follows that having honey at home for tea drinking, we have every opportunity to carry out cosmetic procedures at home.
Cosmetics with honey restores the beauty and health of the skin!
The content of honey masks can be changed by adding different ingredients to them, depending on the type of skin. There is only one thing to consider - are you allergic to honey? It all depends on the honey plants. If your skin responds with redness to one type of honey, try a different type. But, before starting experiments, you should know exactly your reaction to honey, or consult your doctor.
How can honey benefit the skin?
It will help dry and aging skin by moisturizing and softening it, and slowing down the aging process. It will heal damaged skin areas, accelerate the healing process and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Soothes problem skin, tone aging skin. Cleanses the skin and pores from impurities.
Based on all of the above, honey is often included in various soothing and protective creams, lip balms.These products are effective and protect from the effects of wind, sunlight and frost, cleanse hair and skin from impurities, fight dryness and microdamage.
Honey is often used in anti-aging cosmetics. It accelerates cell regeneration, increases elasticity, restores firmness to the skin and slows down the aging process. Many of the products containing honey have
lifting effect... Honey is suitable for all skin types. Using products containing honey can help get rid of acne and blackheads. You can also treat your hair with honey. Such shampoos, balms, conditioners will restore the hair structure, give a healthy shine and shine, softness and strength.
Cosmetic masks based on honey
1. Moisturizing mask
Cottage cheese, cream and melted honey are the ingredients you need for this mask. The entire composition is thoroughly mixed to a thick sour cream and applied to the skin of the face and neck for 20-30 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
2. Anti-aging mask
Let's use coffee and honey. These ingredients, in combination with each other, will relieve swelling, increase firmness and elasticity. You will see your refreshed face in the mirror. The coffee grounds are mixed with melted honey. The resulting mass is applied to the face and neck for 20-30 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
3. Mask with lifting effect
The mask contains - one teaspoon of honey, one egg yolk, one tablespoon of oatmeal. Beat the egg yolk, then add honey and oatmeal to it, grind until smooth. Apply the mask to the face and neck for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
4. Mask for dry skin
The mask includes honey, oatmeal ground in flour, flax oil, olives, and milk. All components can be in equal quantities. Stir well and apply on face and neck for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
5. Smoothing mask
This is a carrot-honey mask, it is used to smooth the face. Boil the carrots, make the carrot puree. Mix together one teaspoon of carrot puree, butter and honey. Apply the resulting mass for 10 minutes, then rinse.
6. Anti-aging mask
Oatmeal and honey - one tablespoon each, strong green tea and warm water - two tablespoon each. Mix all the ingredients, warm the mixture a little and apply on face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
7. Mask for face skin and eye contour
The mask is used on two ingredients: honey and coffee grounds in a ratio of 3: 2. Brew coffee in a little water. Put the coffee grounds in a container for preparing the mass, add honey and a little water in which the coffee was brewed, stir to get a homogeneous mass.
Clean all make-up or impurities from the face and eye area, and apply the mixture to the face and contour around the eyes, avoiding contact with them. If you do get in your eyes, rinse them thoroughly with water.
The mask lasts 20 minutes. Gently remove the mask around the eyes, then rinse off the remaining mixture with warm water.
This mask will help to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, giving freshness, elasticity and firmness to the skin. In the eye area, it is better to use this mask twice a week, then you can switch to once. Of course, do not forget one condition - if sleep is inadequate or there are other disturbances in the daily routine and nutrition, then the mask will not help.
It is good to make your homemade scrubs with honey, for which honey can be mixed with coffee grounds, with finely ground ginger, mint, citrus zest, cinnamon and other products.
In all cases, it is important to remember whether there is a doctor's recommendation for the use of honey. Especially sensitive skin may not perceive the formulations of masks or products in which honey is present. In any case, test the skin: apply a small amount of honey to the crook of the elbow or wrist, and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
If honey is still good for you, apply masks to cleansed skin.
And a little information about the work of the bee.“One bee colony in a modern hive can collect up to 150 kg of honey during the honey harvesting season.To collect one kilogram of honey, a bee must make 120,000 to 150,000 flights for nectar. If the flowers from which it collects nectar are at a distance of 1.5 km, then in order to collect the nectar and bring it to the hive, the bee must fly 3 km. Collecting nectar at such a distance, a bee must fly from 360 thousand to 460 thousand kilometers to get 1 kg of honey. This distance is more than 11 times the circumference of the earth at the equator. " (Honey and medical treatment. S. Mladenov).