
Heliodor stone: properties of the sun stone and decoration

Heliodor stone or sun stone, translated from Greek means the gift of the sun. Heliodor is golden beryl. Its crystals conjure up the imagination of sparkling rays of the sun. Ancient doctors and priests used the stone in medicine and in the practice of cult rituals dedicated to the sun.

Heliodor stone
Heliodor stone

The composition of the stone is characterized by the formula - Be3Al2Si6O18. Sometimes the mineral contains Fe3 + impurities, so its color varies from golden yellow to yellow-green and even orange-yellow.

The stone is transparent, translucent.
Cleavage is absent.
Fracture - uneven, conchoidal
Luster - matte, glassy
Hardness: 7.5-8
Density in g / cm3 - 2.67-2.69
Heliodor is characterized by increased hardness and resistance to acids.
The crystal, heated to 400 ° C, is painted in a deep color.

Heliodor stone

Deposits in nature

The largest gems locality is located in Namibia, it was discovered in 1910. Heliodopes are obtained at the island of Sri Lanka and Madagakar, here they bring in a huge part of the docks. Reserves of quality gemstones are found in Brazil, Argentina, in the USA (state of Northern Capolina). In Russia, heliodors are found in Transbaikalia and in the Urals.

Among the rarest and most unusual crystals can be called a large (its height is 20 cm), completely transparent crystal of a heliodopa with an emerald shade, found in the Urals. It is kept in the exposition of the St. Petersburg City University. Heliodor 2054 karta, found in Brazil, is on display at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington.

Heliodor stone: properties of the sun stone and decoration

The dangers of heliodor

Naturally occurring heliodopes are often large in size. But in jewelry production, such crystals are used with great care, since some of them include radioactive uranium... Such stones are extraordinarily beautiful, brightly colored, they are stored in appropriate conditions, with great precautions.

Therefore, heliodors are best purchased in trusted stores. If the purchase of the crystal is done differently, then it is imperative, with the help of the dosimeter, to be convinced of its radioactive safety. In any case, try to wear jewelry with heliodor further away from the thyroid gland, lymph nodes and skin neoplasms.

Ring with heliodor
Ring with heliodor


Despite the high density, the heliodopes are perfectly polished, and they can also be cut and cut.

The main application of heliodor is in jewelry production, as well as as a collection stone. It is due to their beauty and brilliance that heliodor crystals are used to make a variety of jewelry. In jewelry stores you can see rings, unique brooches, bracelets, pendants, pendants, earrings.

The most valuable are transparent crystals. They are the highest collector's item.

Heliodor is called golden beryl, because its color delights precisely by the similarity of the brilliance of gold and the sun's rays. The gem has a large number of shades, among which there are greenish-yellow, lemon, almost green, orange, reddish. The most valuable are the transparent heliodors.

Bracelet with heliodor and diamonds
Stone beads

The cost of opaque crystals is much lower; they are most often used to make beads and bracelets. And the most rare are gemstones, in which the color is a combination of several color shades. These are the most expensive heliodors, their price is comparable to diamonds, they look simply awesome when decorated.

Heliodor, thanks to its golden, sparkling shades, harmonizes with all precious metals: gold, silver and platinum. It will suit well for jewelry making.Often, jewelers use a stepped or diamond cut for it. Earring inserts look exquisite in the form of "drop", "briolette" or "shap".

Heliodop is perfectly combined with rubies, almandines, diamonds.

How to distinguish from a garment?

Sun gems are used by jewelers to create gorgeous jewelry. But the golden crystal of heliodor bears similarities to some types of quartz, such as citrine. This is the reason that instead of heliodor you can get a less expensive citrine stone from vendors with a dubious reputation. Such sellers can also offer artificial crystals that look very natural outside.

And the likelihood of buying stained glass instead of heliodor. Therefore, if the low cost of a product made of "heliodor" confuses you, this is not a heliodor. Heliodor is an expensive stone. It is best to use the services of a gemologist or jeweler when buying.

Pendant and ring

How to independently conduct an examination of the naturalness of a stone?

You can look at it by light, inside the natural one there will most likely be some inclusions, while the fake has an absolutely homogeneous structure. Another option - heliodor has a high degree of hardness, and if you run a stone over the glass surface, you can make a scratch with it. Crafted crystals and pads will not cause damage. And most importantly, the seller, when selling, must initially give a document on the origin of the stone, which will indicate all the information.

For your information - artificial stones, grown in laboratory conditions, do not differ from the outside from natural gem flowers, they are much cheaper, but, as you know, all artificial stones do not repeat the magic and healing properties of their natural counterparts.

Caring for jewelry with heliodor

The heliodop crystals should be protected from falling from height. Although the hardness of the stone is high, possible microcracks in the event of a fall can damage the crystal. The heliodop can be washed with warm soapy solution with the addition of 2-Z drops of alcohol. After washing, the stone must be rinsed with running water and lightly wiped with a soft cotton cloth.

It is better not to put a sun gem under the influence of direct solar rays, it can irrevocably fade.

Sun stone
Sun stone

To whom does the heliodor suit according to the zodiac sign?

According to astrologers, the heliodor can be worn in jewelry by the presenters of any zodiac stars. However, Gemini and Leo are ideally compatible with this gem. Heliodor especially protects these signs, and transfers all its best properties and abilities to Leo and Gemini. The positive energy of the solar stone will fill in all the missing of these signs.

Healing properties

Stones are, first of all, compounds of various chemical elements, so they can be used as prophylaxis or additional help during illness. It all depends on the disease. For example, the stone has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, brings relief to people suffering from liver and pancreas diseases.

For more than one hundred years, lithotherapists have been using gold crystals to treat certain gastrointestinal diseases. Heliodor can improve the work of the heart, relieve vasospasm, normalize metabolism in the body, prevent some gynecological diseases. However, the gem should not be worn near the thyroid gland or near skin lesions.

Earrings and ring

Magical properties

Amulets and talismans with heliodor were widespread in antiquity. It was believed that they provided the owner with protection from evil intentions on the part of people. Heliodor, as the ancient healers assured, helps to find harmony with oneself and peace of mind. The gem itself has the ability to accumulate positive energy in itself and share it with its owner.

They knew about the existence of a beautiful gem in ancient Russia, it was called a golden emerald and was credited with the ability to deliver those who suffer from night fears. In China, the stone was revered among the emperors, it was considered a symbol of wealth.

In our days, heliodor is equally popular among jewelers and extravagancies.

What do psychics say? They say that the stone has a unique ability to attract happiness and love to its owner. Heliodor helps people who are notorious and shy to gain confidence and look at the world with different eyes. And in order to find the right way out of a difficult situation, the owner of the stone just needs to find a decoration with him.

Necklace with heliodor

There are those who advise using the help of a stone in difficult issues. As for phobias and depression, which many in the modern world suffer from, healers claim that the stone can help in this. However, are not too many abilities attributed to the stone, because it is just a stone, and the power that can help in mental illness, and in everyday problems, is completely different. Only you need to find it by looking at the sky and at yourself.

Heliodor stone
Heliodor stone

Earrings with heliodor
Rings with heliodor
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