The Russian-language media often talk about problems inside Russia, and they write mostly good things about the UK, but in fact, problems are observed everywhere. British clothing stores are closing more and more often in the first six months of 2024
Many girls complain that the handmade bags and belts from the Craftsmen's Fair and are overpriced and not worth the money a craftsman requires. Sometimes this is actually the case, but today wants to talk about things overrated yet
According to the media, it seems that most people live paycheck to paycheck and have no way to save money. But there is another life when you don't know what else to buy! How to live when everything has already been bought and at the same time not
Smartphones give you the ability to surf the Internet, watch news, chat on social networks and shop anytime, anywhere. But recently, the number of returns of fashionable clothes and accessories has increased in online stores. Now
Recently, the decrease in purchases by buyers for their boutiques has decreased by up to 40 percent, this has affected almost all segments of fashion goods! At the last Fashion Week in Moscow, 15 percent fewer collections were presented and
Nothing goes missing in China, including cat fur. It is difficult to calculate how many cats are consumed. According to some estimates, cat fur products are supplied to Russia and the United States alone, which took about 2,000,000 cats to sew.
Most girls, long before the wedding, begin to sort out all kinds of wedding dress models in their heads. But if, as a rule, there are no problems with a variety of models, then with the question - where to buy a wedding dress?
According to the latest polls, more and more Russians are trying to save money and buy clothes with discounts. But not always shops and sellers want to give us a discount, hoping to sell as high as possible. will share its own experience
In times of crisis, people strive to save money in every way. Buying clothes in second-hand stores is one of the savings options. Just before you go to the store for used clothes, you need to understand a few simple rules ...
Today we will not recall the history of Pavlovo Posad shawls or talk about what a profitable investment is to buy a scarf from Hermes. Instead, let's compare the price and quality of a wide variety of products, from the most elite to handkerchiefs with
Recently, many media outlets periodically scare the consumer with the introduction of various duties and fees for purchases in foreign online stores. Many are actually saddened by such news, because they are used to buying ...
The pace of modern life sometimes does not allow us to feel comfortable at work, in transport, on the street and in the store. When we come home after a hard day at work, sometimes the only thing we have to think about is to give
During the third quarter of 2024, no new shopping centers were opened in Moscow.This information upsets and worries many, supposedly this is a clear indicator of a deep crisis. But not only the crisis is to blame, let's think - to whom
Fashion websites, analytical magazines and trade publications are constantly reporting more and more information about store closings, brand depletion and empty space in shopping centers. Let's try to consider the reasons ...
In recent years, more and more people have been preaching to us the superiority of impressions and various experiences over material goods. Many creative media regularly write stories of “successful people” who have changed their life values and advise us
You are going shopping, and on this wonderful day nothing should distract you from shopping. You must definitely take with you: the planned amount of money, a bottle of water in case of an emergency and ...
I was able to do some shopping recently at very competitive prices, but I will not keep it secret. wishes to share its own experience. I warn you right away, these are not discount services and various coupons, everything is much more interesting and profitable.
Recently, people read less and less books, and some predict in the near future the disappearance of printed books and bookstores, because everything is on the Internet and can be uploaded to e-books if desired. I believe and hope that