Exercise and prevention of correct posture in children

Looking at many celebrities, actresses, ballerinas and royals, we often notice how good their posture is, how they know how to behave, at the same time regal and natural.

Unfortunately, the correct posture, like that of ballerinas or dancers, is not common. Most people have postural problems. How to achieve the correct posture for yourself and your children, without long exhausting activities? In general, it is not easy to achieve good posture without fitness, because correct posture directly depends on exercise and physical activity, which form developed muscles that help to keep your posture easy and relaxed.

Ballerina, photo outside the theater

Other exercises for correct posture on video

Ballerina, photo outside the theater

But it is not fitness alone that you can achieve correct posture, there are other exercises for correct posture, one of which I will share with you.

This posture shaping exercise is more suitable for children, but it is also applicable for adults.

Exercise and prevention of correct posture in children

Since childhood, I grew up as a very beautiful girl, and already in kindergarten, at all matinees, I was assigned the role of a princess, sometimes a fairy. Princesses wear crowns, they put a crown on me too, but I didn't move very well, and during the matinee the crown fell off my head. The jumping boys trampled on my crown! It was a tragedy for me.

Mom, to comfort me, bought an expensive wedding crown decorated with natural pearls and Swarovski crystals... This crown was incomparably better than the one trampled in kindergarten, I fell in love with it at first sight!

The crown as an exercise for correct posture in children

Since that day, I have worn the crown every day, often going to the mirror. Naturally, this all happened at home, and in kindergarten I put on the crown only for the next matinee, then again and again ... More crown from me did not fall.

This personal story is not told for the sake of a catchphrase, but as a personal experience. After I began to wear the crown, my posture changed a lot, because I have to hold on with dignity so that the crown does not fall! Many years later, looking at real monarchs, I understood why they have such a regal posture. The crown really helps, disciplines and at the same time elevates.

My example is a little funny, but all is fair in the fight for good posture. If your daughter is slouching and you take her to special classes to improve the children's posture, there is no guarantee that she will do it with full dedication. But she will wear and will wear a beautiful crown with pleasure.

The crown as an exercise for correct posture in children
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